How The Russian Vedic Culture Was Turned Into A Booth - Alternative View

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How The Russian Vedic Culture Was Turned Into A Booth - Alternative View
How The Russian Vedic Culture Was Turned Into A Booth - Alternative View

Video: How The Russian Vedic Culture Was Turned Into A Booth - Alternative View

Video: How The Russian Vedic Culture Was Turned Into A Booth - Alternative View
Video: Vedic Russia revived in ecovillages of Kin's domains 2024, September

Russian Vedic culture for me is a magical world that has come down to us in the images of Russian folk tales. Rejuvenating apples grew in everyone in the garden, an invisible hat - the ability to avert eyes, walking boots - the ability to enter a special state for fast movement, a plate with a blue border - the ability to see events at a distance, a guiding ball - the ability to understand your path on earth, an airplane carpet is a charmed object that allows the hero to fly to the right places. I got a self-sawing saw from my great-grandfather, which saws with minimal human effort, so I personally felt the power of spells. The hero of the fairy tale establishes friendships with wild animals, birds and fish, which allow him to achieve goals in a magical way. Moreover, people live in full material and spiritual abundance, a life full of adventure. In the Vedic culture, a person is engaged in improving his Family, increasing natural beauty and developing his magical abilities.

Each family in the Vedic culture has its own Terem, Garden, Garden with magical herbs, Forest, Pond - Family Estate. Magic herbs (terlich-grass, overpower-grass, sleep-grass, etc.) are used to activate the miraculous abilities of a person. Now everyone called it a rude word - drugs to cut off a whole layer of the natural culture of life. The Garden and the Forest provide a person with food for perennial plants (fruits, nuts, berries, mushrooms), providing divine thinking directed for centuries and millennia to come. The head of the family sows a cedar or apple tree from a seed, and he thinks about the nutrition of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And who is now thinking for centuries and millennia ahead? Varna (caste) system of building society, a wheel for moving "values",mining of "minerals" is absent as unnecessary - all this is necessary to build a society to serve the stupid needs of the Serpent Civilization. Vedic culture is the prehistoric era of human life.

The lulling of the carriers of the Vedic culture began with the onset of the Night of Svarog. At this time, the Serpent Gorynych somehow made his way to us with three heads: the first is the agriculture of annual plants, the second is alcohol plus meat, and the third is a set of religions for different peoples. The purpose of these three main directions for the degradation of mankind is the extraction of GOLD and its export from our planet in huge quantities. Gold is a unique complex for accumulating the pure energy of the sun, which in technocratic civilizations is used as fuel for spaceships, as well as for keeping biological life in the bodies of the descendants of Adam and Eve, created to serve the Serpent Gods. The necessity of wearing gold on the body for the Semitic peoples is very well described by the head of the Old Believers, Father Alexander. To maintain the biological part of the life of the Purest people of the Earth,created in the image and likeness of God - white, yellow, red and black peoples have enough energy from fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts and greens.

For the first time, the agriculture of annuals on our planet appeared at the equator and subequator, where food in the form of fruits is abundant. The snakes hit a weak spot - they landed on the island of Sri Lanka (number 7 on the map), from where, through the black and yellow peoples, they began to spread throughout the Earth. The snake-like movements of dancing Indian women, hung with gold, sexuality, as the main value of life, are their gifts. Their descendants say so about themselves - we are blue blood and white bone. Human blood has a red color due to the presence of hemoglobin, in the center of which there is an iron atom, the blood of the Serpent People is built on the basis of copper in the composition of myoglobin, therefore the blood has a bluish tint. The bones of people buried in the ground after decades have a gray color, their bones buried in the ground after a long time have a white color.

There is a lot of copper in cereal grains - wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats. For mammals of terrestrial origin, grain is an unfavorable product. Horses, when fed on one grain, begin to limp after two months until they are given grasses. Pigs on grain begin to overgrow with fat, that is, they begin to get very sick, being obese. In Europe, scientists have already recognized the imbalance in cereals, and therefore bread is fortified with iron. Science has proven that one of the healthiest foods for humans is apples, which are rich in iron. We were artificially transferred from feeding on fruits, berries and nuts of perennial plants, to feeding on annual cereals and nightshades (tomato, potatoes, tobacco, bell peppers and eggplant) crops. How could this be done ??? With fire and sword! The fact is that the agriculture of annual crops,it was widely introduced with violence along with religion, alcohol and meat-eating. Religions were imposed on the Slavs, Hindus, Egyptians, Tibetans, Chinese, Indians, Sumerians, where “God” needs donations in the form of grain products, alcohol, stone artificial temples and GOLD! For example, in Orthodox Christianity, a priest on behalf of Christ offers bread and wine, saying "This is my flesh and blood, eat and drink." Here are cereals, and alcohol, and cannibalism and ritual drinking of blood, on which, by the way, Coca-Cola is made.saying "This is my flesh and blood, eat and drink." Here are cereals, and alcohol, and cannibalism and ritual drinking of blood, on which, by the way, Coca-Cola is made.saying "This is my flesh and blood, eat and drink." Here are cereals, and alcohol, and cannibalism and ritual drinking of blood, on which, by the way, Coca-Cola is made.

Even monkeys living now in the wild use about 150 species of plants, mostly perennials. Why are white, yellow, red and black peoples today transferred mainly to 10 plant species from the family of cereals and nightshades? Serpent people need cereals for good nutrition, and nightshades are necessary for stupefying PureFor people.

Cereals and Solanaceae narrow the spectrum of perception of natural and divine reality in the direction necessary for the Serpent Gods. Such foodstuffs are the forge of slaves. The serpent people write to us in their main message: "In the sweat of your brow you will earn your bread." Having driven man out of the Garden and the Forest into a grain field, the snakes turned life into exhausting labor. Indeed, growing wheat, preserving crops, grinding flour, getting salt and baking bread is much harder than growing an apple or walnut and eating them raw, and collecting a couple of bags lightly and saving for the winter. The yield of modern wheat varieties in intensive agriculture is 50 centners per hectare, the apple yield is 200 centners per hectare, in ecological agriculture we will reduce the figures by three to five times. Hunger on our planet is an artificial phenomenon associated with the transfer of people to eating meat, milk,eggs and annuals. "Bread is the head of everything" - the serpent gods assert, and we say: "Bread is the head of the headless." Bread is the main cause of hunger, disease, and the sleeping spiritual state of a person. Notice meat, milk and eggs are now grain-based.

Apples, nuts and berries are tasty in their raw natural form, grain is not very tasty. Therefore, the serpentine messenger Prometheus brought people cooking on fire - baking. For this perversion, the Heavenly Eagle pecked out his liver - the hottest organ of the human body. Grain becomes delicious when you make flour, add salt and bake bread. As folk wisdom says: "God invented food, and the devil invented a cook." That is, for the first time, thermal processing of food and the use of salt in human nutrition appeared with the advent of baking. Paul Bragg and A. Shemshuk vividly talk about the dangers of salt. You can learn about the harmful effects of thermally processed food if you smell your sweat and breath in the morning, healthy people smell like spring, and boiled-eaters smell like rot. Food drugs - bread, pizza with cheese and tomatoes, fried potatoes, sour cream, cheese, butter,omelets are delicious for most people and are usually life-long addictive and premature death.

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Here's what one of the few healthy eating researchers, Norman F. Childers, Ph. D., founder and chairman of the Center for the Study of Arthritis and Nightshades, found out: “Nightshade exposure is subtle, and heart problems, blood circulation problems, or even cancer can occur suddenly. Tobacco is known to cause cancer, and tomatoes have enjoyed a similar reputation in the past, but unlike tobacco, it's hard to tell if other nightshades can cause cancer, since everyone eats them. No comparative analysis possible. All nightshades contain narcotic and drug-like chemicals. All nightshades are more or less addictive.

Summing up, I can say: we found out that a complete rejection of all nightshades can completely or partially eliminate many serious diseases. This conclusion is based on our experience. Based on 45 years of experience healing tens of thousands of people, we propose that nightshades and tobacco are the number one problem these days. Researchers should pay closer attention to these plants, the effect of which is clearly underestimated.”Interestingly, in potatoes and tomatoes, all parts of the plant except tubers and red fruits are highly toxic to humans.

Why were we introduced to bird eggs, milk and meat as food? Snakes and reptiles hatch from eggs - this is their native environment. Snakes love to stick to the udder of cows and suck milk. In nature, no mammalian animal drinks milk after infancy, no animal drinks milk of another kind. Domestic animals raised in a perverted human community have also greatly degenerated compared to their wild relatives, because their gustatory habits are vicious. Compare the resilience of the domestic pig and the wild boar, the domestic cow and the wild tour, and you will see the difference between a divine creature and an artificially bred wild boar.

Just analyze this table to understand the "benefits" of milk.

Protein, mg Calcium, mg Weight gain by half, day.
Person 1,2 27 120
Horse 2.4 89 60
Cow 3.3 120 47
Goat 3 143 no data

The legends of all peoples preserved indications of the need for bloody and human sacrifices to snakes, dragons, tsmoks, and reptiles. Look closely at the emblem of one of the most famous brands in the world - Alfa Romeo (by the way, they flew in from Alpha Centauri). They are very fond of meat, and their humanized descendants also cannot live without meat. I suppose most of us have genes from man and serpent, but we can choose which program to serve - natural-divine or bloodthirsty-technocratic. The greatest signs of the presence of snake genes in humans are burrs, a male voice in women, and a female voice in men, the designation of the third century, early baldness, the need for male circumcision, in women - low small breasts and shoulders wider than the pelvis (a typical Western fashion model, which is presented to us as the ideal of beauty),raking lower lip (strongly protruding), abnormal sexual orientation - that is, unstable sexual characteristics, like remnants of hermaphroditism. Snake authorities say about a beautiful woman: "Her legs grow from her head (like a compliment about long beautiful legs)", but legs grow from her head in a snake !?

Our Pure Vedic Rus also remained - they monitor the situation and help us as soon as they are ready. The snakes are constantly introducing their agents to us, and they are trying to kill ours.

A. S. Pushkin describes the appearance of Volkh Vseslavievich (the great Russian hero?)

A young princess walked and walked

Martha Vseslavievna, She jumped with a stone onto the dire serpent;

Is entwined by a fierce serpent

… He hits the white quilting with his trunk

And the princess suffered diarrhea in vapors, And she suffered diarrhea and gave birth to a child.

And in the sky the moon is bright, And a mighty hero was born in Kiev …

This hero knew how to turn into a gray wolf, a tur and a bird, he loved to fight with other kingdoms (… chop old and malov, do not leave in the kingdom for seeds … (his bloodthirstiness is striking) and divide gold. At the same time, as noted in V.: “The epic about the Volkh is the highest zenith, the extreme apogee, to which folk poetry only reaches.” Who writes such criticism? The snake, as you know, killed the Prophetic Oleg and our other Heroes.

It turns out that not only the Slavs, but also the Negroes lived in complete harmony with nature. The famous Zulu shaman and elder Credo Mutwa (80 years old) says about the past: “The world was densely covered with large forests, great jungles, and the people of the Earth at that time lived peacefully. People lived happily. A man could call his wife by thinking of her, imagining the image of her face, the smell of her body, the feeling of her hair as a woman. Then there was no violence of man against nature. Man asked Nature for food. He would come to a tree and think about fruit, and the tree would let a few fruits fall to the ground, and the man would take them."

“The Zulu claim that many, many years ago, a race of people arrived here from beyond the sky, who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will. And the people who gave their daughters to the "walking" (extraterrestrial) produced a strong race of Kings and Chiefs of the tribes. There are thousands of fairy tales in which a lizard woman takes the form of a human princess and takes her place and marries the Zulu Prince.

Every student in South Africa knows the story of Princess Hombekansini. Hombekansini was to marry a handsome Prince named Kakaka, a name that means "enlightened."

Once, when Hombekansini was gathering wood for a fire in the thicket, she met a creature called Imbulu. And this Imbulu was a lizard that had a body and limbs like a man, but with a long tail. And this lizard said to Princess Hombekansini “Oh, girl, how beautiful you are, I would like to be like you. I would like to look like you. May I come closer to you? the lizard woman Imbulu asked the princess.

And the princess said “Yes, you can” (the excessive credulity of Purely Gentiles who did not know the meanness of the Serpentine deception, who always acted on the sly).

And when the lizard, which had a tail, came closer, she spat in the princess's eyes and began to change.

So, the lizard suddenly began to change into a human form, and began to look more and more, and more and more like a girl, but with a long, pointed tail sticking out. And then, after a sudden outbreak of violence, the lizard woman tied up the princess and took off all her jewelry and all her beads and her wedding skirt. Here the lizard became a princess (ritual use of violence).

Now in the thickets there were two identical women, a changed lizard woman and a real woman (the ability of the Snakemen to change shape).

And the lizard said to the real one - “Now you are my slave. Now you will help me get married. I will be you, and you will be my slave, let's go! She took a stick and began to beat the poor princess. And then she appeared in the company of other girls, bridesmaids according to Zulu customs, and arrived in the groom's village. But before arriving in the village, the lizard woman did something with her tail to hide it. So, she made the princess weave a net of fibers, and tied the tail tightly to her. She now looked like a Zulu woman with attractive, very large buttocks when viewed from the side.

And then, when she arrived and became the prince's wife, strange things began to happen in the village. All the milk began to disappear because every night the fake princess used her tail to suck the collected milk through the hole at the tip of the tail. And then the mother-in-law said: “What is this? Why does the milk go missing? " Then she said "No, I see Imbulu among us."

The mother-in-law, a clever old woman, said, "A hole must be dug in front of the village and filled with milk." And so it was done. And then all the girls who came with the fake princess were told to jump over the pit. One by one they jumped. And when the shape-shifter was forced to jump under the spearheads, her tail broke out of the net and began to absorb milk from the pit, and the warriors killed the shape-shifter. And then the real princess Hombekansini became the wife of the king - King Kakaka. " The strong attachment of the Serpent-Men to milk is evident here.

Mutwa continues: “It is said that these creatures feed on people, that they once rebelled against God, declared war on God himself, wanting to gain complete control over the universe. And God (George the Victorious) gave them a terrible battle, and he defeated them, wounded them and forced them to hide in underground cities.

They hid in deep caves underground, so they always feel cold. In these caves, we say, there are large lights that are supported by slaves, humans, slaves, like zombies. And it goes on to say that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you want to call them, cannot eat solid food. They rather eat human blood, or they eat their energy, the energy that is generated when people on the surface of the Earth fight and kill each other in large quantities. Therefore, any war is beneficial to the Serpentmen.

Let us examine the snake methods of introduction into humanity. In an open battle, they always lost to us, so they always acted with meanness and deception. At first, they were bisexual - hermaphrodites. In their main book, the genealogy is written as follows: Abram gave birth to Isaac, Isaac gave birth to Jacob, and so on. Because their gender changed depending on the phases of the moon. They brought in all the perversions. Snakes love to get into all the holes. The Kamasutra, as presented by modern glossy books, is their favorite brainchild. She appeared not far from their landing site - in India (Sri Lanka is an island near India). A kiss with tongues is also fun, look at the snakes. Also, their hermaphroditism is manifested in their abnormal sexual orientation. A cigarette is the penis of the Snake God with all the symbols, so whoever smokes sucks the penis of the Tobacco Snake right behind the head. Their manic pursuit of pleasure is now rooted in rampant sexual activity that is promoted as part of normal human life. But in the Vedic culture, the genitals are used only for the prolongation of the Family, and not for pleasure (the Will of Uda - the penis). Also, the mouth is used for speech, kissing and eating, and not for serpentine perversions. Due to sexual hyperactivity and the use of thermally processed food (mainly bread) and alcohol, human life expectancy has dropped from 1000 to 70 years. But Academician Pavlov said that he considers life less than 150 years violent. In addition to the decline in life expectancy, its quality also deteriorated - people began to get sick and fight for gold.which is promoted as part of normal human life. But in the Vedic culture, the genitals are used only for the prolongation of the Family, and not for pleasure (the Will of Uda - the penis). Also, the mouth is used for speech, kissing and eating, and not for serpentine perversions. Due to sexual hyperactivity and the use of thermally processed food (mainly bread) and alcohol, human life expectancy has dropped from 1000 to 70 years. But Academician Pavlov said that he considers life less than 150 years violent. In addition to the decline in life expectancy, its quality also deteriorated - people began to get sick and fight for gold.which is promoted as part of normal human life. But in the Vedic culture, the genitals are used only for the prolongation of the Family, and not for pleasure (the Will of Uda - the penis). Also, the mouth is used for speech, kissing and eating, and not for serpentine perversions. Due to sexual hyperactivity and the use of thermally processed food (mainly bread) and alcohol, human life expectancy has dropped from 1000 to 70 years. But Academician Pavlov said that he considers life less than 150 years violent. In addition to the decline in life expectancy, its quality also deteriorated - people began to get sick and fight for gold.kissing and eating, not for serpentine perversions. Due to sexual hyperactivity and the use of thermally processed food (mainly bread) and alcohol, human life expectancy has dropped from 1000 to 70 years. But Academician Pavlov said that he considers life less than 150 years violent. In addition to the decline in life expectancy, its quality also deteriorated - people began to get sick and fight for gold.kissing and eating, not for serpentine perversions. Due to sexual hyperactivity and the use of thermally processed food (mainly bread) and alcohol, human life expectancy has dropped from 1000 to 70 years. But Academician Pavlov said that he considers life less than 150 years violent. In addition to the decline in life expectancy, its quality also deteriorated - people began to get sick and fight for gold.

Serpentines cannot interbreed directly with humans. They used the telegony effect to breed with the people of the earth.… One of the oldest traditions of mankind - Ramayana (India), says that Ravana, the multi-headed leader of demons, who settled on the island of Sri Lanka, kidnapped Sita, the wife of Rama. Then Rama, together with Hanuman, takes Sita away from him, but the girl who has lost her virginity with Ravana is already carrying the snake program. In our fairy tales, the Serpent Gorynych kidnaps the red maiden, and then the good fellow defeats the Serpent and returns her home and marries her. In England, the dragon kidnaps the princess, and George the Victorious frees her. Saint George is the patron saint of the British Isles, Moscow and Russia. In the depths of our people, the image of the Serpent Fighter George is especially revered, but he appeared from the image of Yarila, who rides on a white horse and hits the Serpent with a golden arrow. Of course, the Victory strategy of our people begins with the taming of the Green Serpent, which everyone must do personally.

Notice how the Serpentine Rites are embedded in modern weddings. In Vedic culture, the bride crowns the groom with her own hand, putting a flower wreath on her beloved's head with the blessing of her parents. For the wedding, the newlyweds are planted a garden and build a house. Guests come to the wedding feast with their Living Plant Food and natural gifts, without icons, idols, bread and salt, and other snake attributes. Everything is easy and simple!

At a modern wedding, newlyweds are crowned by a stranger (registry office worker, priest), at a meeting of the newlyweds in a restaurant, parents bless them with bread and salt (first head), a Christian icon (second head), and champagne (third head). Instead of a flower crown on their heads, the newlyweds wear gold crowns (in church) and gold rings (in the registry office) on their fingers - a symbol of the finiteness of life and serpentine superiority. Human hands transform material reality, and when there is gold on the fingers, the serpentine program of materializing life is set. They give dead flowers and money with the image of the Serpent's Eye. Guests gorge themselves on meat, eat bread, salads with sour cream, stuffed chicken eggs and revel in alcohol (a full snake's set) - this is the most significant holiday in a person's life. Also at weddings they play up the symbolic abduction of the bride by the Serpent Gorynych, when drunken guests steal the bride and demand a ransom from the groom.

At the wedding of Rodnovers, the newlyweds are crowned by the "magician", at the feast you will also be offered dishes made of grain, mead and religious objects depicting Slavic gods - the essence of what is happening does not change much, only the form changes.

So, we come to the main topic of the article - how the Vedic culture was turned into an organization of mummers' magi. Before the advent of Christianity in Russia, the Serpents established a dense paganism with a varna system, which is now being taught by ancient Russian culture. They slipped us heroes like Volkh Vseslavievich. In the cultivation of cereal fields, weights are needed, which, in hard "righteous" labor, grow grain and make bread, graze cows. We are told that the value of the Vedic culture is determined by the amount of grain and dairy cows, therefore knights and princes are needed to guard and "manage" all this, and merchants to distribute and collect gold, this is how cities appeared - parasites on the living body of the Earth. The "Magi" engaged in thinking and created "correct" ceremonies and rituals with grain and surya (the first alcohol). This is how a system was built for obtaining gold and extracting minerals from the Earth and pumping them out of the planet.

Imagine when people live in ancestral estates - without gold, cereals, alcohol, religion, they have nothing to take in the event of a war. It is possible to pick up something valuable for the Serpent-people or their assistants only from the townspeople, princes, gentry, kings, etc.

Currently, the Serpent Gods rule from London through the royal family, which controls the Freemasons and bankers (Rothschilds and others). Now the planet Mara (Nibiru) is flying behind them, which will take some of the "chosen" snakes with it. In general, their time ends in 2012, so we need to understand what is happening, and revive the Vedic culture, and not the dense paganism. Let's thank the Serpent for invaluable lessons on accelerating our evolution and let them go in peace !!!

We are offered "Vedic" and native-faith rituals with bread and salt, sacred sheaves of cereal, milk, eggs and bloodless meat, they compare the color of cereals with gold, put wooden idols, instead of planting Sacred Groves, offer thermally processed food (bread, porridge, cabbage soup) instead of natural raw, cooked on the Living Fire of the Sun, they impose the study of the Vedas written on paper (gold, skins of a young calf), instead of learning to read the Living Vedas of the Earth, written by Divine creations (Nature) - that's what I call a booth.

In the primordial Vedic culture, each family has its own family estate with perennial fruit and berry and nut-bearing plants and mushrooms, there is its own space of life and love, where every priest and reaper is playing a game. Holistic people can easily grow their own food or find it in the forest, protect their homeland and make sense of life, inventing their own holidays and rituals. Clothes are made by knitting from nettle and hemp fibers. Beavers cut down trees for the house, bears dig holes, squirrels collect food for the winter for themselves and people, and birds carry news. The biological way of life on Earth and the development of the Universe is quite perfect, complete and interesting.

Let's listen to the opinion of great thinkers on the revival of our people:

L. Tolstoy - interview: “… life outside the city, in the open air, in the fresh air, in the countryside - this is the first condition of earthly happiness. Look, even poetry cannot imagine it otherwise and, drawing a happy arcade, sings idyllic life in the bosom of nature, far from cities …

- What a mass of people live in cities, are attached to them, do not have the opportunity to live in the village, will be born and die without seeing it. So is happiness impossible for them?

- Impossible, I am convinced of this! Look at what these people are doomed: they see objects made by human labor and under artificial light; they hear the sounds of cars, the roar of carriages; smell the smell of alcohol and tobacco smoke; they often eat everything stale and smelly. Nothing allows them to communicate with the earth, plants, animals. It looks like the life of prisoners!

- But aren't cities a natural result of the gradual development of a family, a community?

- Who told you? Where did you get this from? Look into history and you will see that cities were built from the goals of conquest …

- Well, but if so, then all the fruits and successes of civilization, manifested brightly in large centers - all this is useless?

- To nothing! Civilization! But who told you that civilization leads to happiness! Here, they say, civilization will develop, machines will turn, everyone will be happy. Why is that? No, civilization and ours, as those that were before it, will come to an end and perish, because it is nothing but the accumulation of the ugly instincts of humanity. Weren't there civilizations before us? There was Egyptian, then Babylonian, Assyrian, Jewish, Greek, Roman … Where are they? Did they lead to happiness? All died, and ours will go there too! And nature and her children will remain.

Sepp Holzer is the creator of the world's best family estate: “Your task in Creation is to rule, not fight. Nature is perfect. There is nothing to improve in it. If you do decide to do it, it will be self-deception. Nature is perfect, only we - people make mistakes. They instill fear in you. Free yourself from it, because fear is the worst companion in life. You benefit most from respectful treatment of creation and living beings. And being a peasant becomes a wonderful occupation."

Anastasia - Purely Genuine Man : - It is impossible to fulfill God-pleasing, at the same time, created by the Creator, killing living.

- The technocratic world can exist only on condition of elimination of freedom of human thought, its enslavement and absorption of the energy of human thought. A person must work, be engaged in some kind of business, not because he really likes it, but to please the technocratic world, otherwise the person will be deprived of what is vital to him.

- God can be felt by touching His creations and continuing His creations.

Suggestions for hero patriots:

1. Remove cereals, nightshades, milk, eggs and meat from your diet, so that the original human qualities and worldview begin to open up, switch to eating perennial plants (fruits, berries, nuts) and annual herbs (parsley, dandelions, runny).

2. Telling the truth about these food products as means of the Serpentine to support themselves and keep humanity in a narcotic food stupor.

3. Start building your family estate and creating a community for life on earth, ensuring food security and learning to read the Living Vedas of God.

Think, act and dare!

George the Victorious