Vedas Of The Slavs And Their Meaning, History - Alternative View

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Vedas Of The Slavs And Their Meaning, History - Alternative View
Vedas Of The Slavs And Their Meaning, History - Alternative View

Video: Vedas Of The Slavs And Their Meaning, History - Alternative View

Video: Vedas Of The Slavs And Their Meaning, History - Alternative View
Video: The Ancient Slavic Calendar - Over 7000 Years Of History Lost 2024, September

The Vedas of the ancient Slavs and their significance have attracted the attention of researchers for many centuries. The fact that the Russian language was used to encode the Vedas was established for a long time, but the secrets of the language themselves have not yet been revealed to this day. In earlier times, for the interpretation of symbols, they resorted to the help of Vestals, Christians baptized as witches. The Vedas are a word derived from the word "I know", which reflects the deep content of the worldview.

general information

The history of the Slavic Vedas is much deeper than the exotic Indian traditions that have taken root in modern society. Vedism is a deep history of our people, reflecting the peculiarities of its spirituality. Vedism is considered to be the very ancient teaching about the coming of which Wanga spoke to people.

There is no science that could explain how the amulets, the Vedas, were born; the meaning of this worldview also defies logical scientific perception and systematization. This worldview included the idea of the presence of some higher divine essence, as well as the existence of a hierarchy among the gods. Revealing the higher essence, significance for the Slavic peoples, the importance of this object for the formation of spirituality at the level of the people - all this has repeatedly become the object of research by prominent philosophers and scientists. In the eighteenth century, the history of Russia and the Veda were in the focus of attention of Lomonosov, Popov, a century later - Tolstoy and Zamaleev. In the nineteenth century, works dedicated to the Slavic divine pantheon were written by Sudov, Osipov, and other prominent figures of the era, but it was during that period that the understanding of the highest god was violated.


Past and present

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The Vedas reflecting the history of the Slavs before the baptism of Rus are a tradition that interprets the divine essence as a kind of absolute. At present, it is interrupted, and much has been lost and forgotten. Since knowledge was leaving people gradually, over the centuries, discussions became more and more extensive, dedicated to what are the correct names, what functions lie on the gods. In the Vedas, the gods were not supposed to have a personal name, but luminosity was inherent in all of them. The first place in the hierarchy was occupied by the fire of the cosmos, a fiery light that manifested itself in thousands of faces.

Any person is faced with darkness and light. Among people, it is customary to distinguish light, dark. The first is characterized by light brown hair - it is they who are called Russian. They were supposed to carry the light, they were called the Aryans - hence the term "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Aryan means nobility. The word that has come to us from Sanskrit has recently been forgotten, more likely to recall the titles common in the old days associated with light - "lordship". Initially, they reflected a person's belonging to the best. An Aryan is a noble person who brings light and gives his world a blessing. The light person is the opposite of the dark, opposing evil.

Secret and overt

Many books can be found in our days about the Slavic-Aryan Vedas - this topic is of interest to an increasing number of people. Many of our compatriots would like to return to their roots, and are looking for ways to learn, obtain information. The Vedas are one of the most ancient scriptures on our entire planet. In ancient times, people strove to preserve messages for the future that would help future generations. They conveyed their knowledge through these messages, shared their understanding of virtue, pointed out how to keep the spirit clean. The Vedas, created by the priests at the time of the birth of the doctrine, were drawn out very carefully, thoughtfully, accurately. Messages carved on a metal plane have survived to this day. They were created so as not to suffer from rust, not deteriorate over the years and centuries. In these messages hidden thousand-year wisdom, great knowledge,not intended for the general public.


Closely related to the history of ancient Russia before baptism, the Slavic Vedas are secret divine instructions passed on to humanity, striving for light and righteousness. They were intended to preserve the spirituality of the people, striving for a harmonious existence with the surrounding world. The Vedic teaching required each person to realize the level of responsibility for actions. And today, the Vedic teaching allows you to realize the connection between consequences and causes, to get to know the ancient wisdom, to touch the pure truth, which was not influenced by the bloody dictatorships that so much changed the human world in recent centuries.

Do I need this?

In the history of mankind, the Vedas are an important, but undeservedly forgotten step in the development of civilization. As in the old days, the Vedic teaching can give a modern person food for thought, a large amount of fundamentally new information, the pondering of which helps to transform, become better, turn his life towards the light. In ancient times, the Slavic Vedas hid from the uninitiated, and then the level of secrecy became even greater - both the keepers of ancient wisdom and the rulers of countries tried to hide the doctrine of light. The first tried in this way to keep it intact, the second - to prevent the life of subordinates from changing for the better.

It is believed that through simple books the Vedas of the Slavs do not lend themselves to knowledge and awareness. This is one of the reasons for such a secretive storage of ancient wisdom for many centuries. It was believed that ordinary people are not yet ready to gain light, are not able to cognize divine instructions, until the right time has come. Even the Vedas available today are full of gaps, much still remains to be deciphered - mysterious symbols and signs leave room for imagination and speculation.

Own and neighborly

The Vedas of the Slavs and Aryans that came from the history of Ancient Russia are known. Besides them, there are Indian Vedas. The Slavic-Aryan teaching compares favorably with an understandable style and syllable. Those people who wrote down the Vedas centuries ago strove to express the meaning, eliminating the possibility of misreading, therefore they did not use florid wording. Some Vedas were available to everyone and everyone, and they were written so that even a small child could understand the information encrypted by symbols. Through the Vedas, children were taught to be aware of good and bad, to distinguish the content of their actions. A modern person can also get acquainted with such publicly available Vedas, thereby becoming one of the people with ancient knowledge. Do not underestimate the Vedic teachings, the roots of which are in the Slavic origins.

The Vedas, closely related to the history of Russia, are now available to everyone who is interested in them. It is enough just to put the Vedic teachings into your life, thereby becoming closer to the Slavs. It is believed that this will allow attracting good luck, knowing happiness and finding harmony in everyday life - and all this is so lacking for the common man in our time, in the frantic pace of life, filled with difficulties and problems. Vedic books simplify the upbringing of children, since the information in them is presented in such a way that even a small child can realize what is right and what is completely wrong.

For everyone and for everyone

They say that the Russian Vedas made a significant contribution to the history of mankind. If modern people open their lives to the Vedic teachings, perhaps this will be the path of the revival of the nation, the state. Some believe that it is through the Vedas that one can return strength to the Russian people, raising the national spirit. The Vedas allow you to look at the familiar and understandable from a new point of view, and even the obvious things turn out to be not so commonplace.

The Vedas of the Slavs are a way to improve their own morality. A person following such a teaching can be an example to follow and an object of pride for future generations. The Slavic Vedas are associated with national identity, pride, forgotten and lost by many in the vicissitudes of recent centuries. Some say: the Vedic book should be present in any home, in every family, and then gradually everything in life will fall into place, ideals will return, and other people's idols will be rejected.


Communication and culture

Do the Slavic-Aryan Vedas differ from the Indian ones, how great are these differences and what teaching should be introduced into your life? These issues have recently become more and more relevant, and knowledgeable people publish articles, books, and impressive works to cover them. It's no secret: there are really many similarities between these two teachings, and this is largely due to the common language base. Among other Indo-European, the two closest languages, as linguists say - Russian, Sanskrit, that is, the language spoken in Ancient India. A study of the Slavic religion shows its similarities with Hinduism. In both of these currents, books filled with the highest knowledge were called Vedas. It is worth noting: in the alphabet of our ancestors, the third letter was "vedi". There are some similarities at the present time, for example, the name of the currency: rupees and rubles.

A rather surprising similarity follows from the Indian and Slavic-Aryan Vedas, which reflected the structure of the world. For a long time it was believed that there is a mysterious Hyperborea in the far north, and Nostradamus spoke of the Russians as a Hyperborean people who came from the northern lands. In the "Book of Veles", which has come down to our days, there is information about the transition made by the Slavs twenty thousand years before the beginning of our era due to the coming of the cold. However, modern excavations of fossils also confirm: earlier in the far north the climate was different. This is evidenced by the research of Lomonosov. Pliny the Elder wrote about the Hyperboreans who lived near the Arctic Circle. He also spoke about the connection between these people and the Hellenes.

Linguists, Geographers and Historians: Working Together

Studying the Vedas of the Slavs, one cannot but pay attention to the amazing similarity of some names, including geographical designations. Thus, the Arctic is a word derived from the Sanskrit "Arka", which meant our main luminary.

Recently organized studies have confirmed that about four millennia ago, a Mediterranean climate reigned in the territory of modern Scotland. In the Arctic, as shown by the work of Russian paleontologists, about 30 thousand years ago it was quite warm. Treshnikov argued that the Arctic Ocean about 15 thousand years ago was a zone of a temperate climatic zone.

The Vedas of the Slavs attract particular interest against the background of geographical research and analysis of works not only modern, but also written centuries ago. Thus, Mercator in 1569 depicted Hyperborea as a continent formed by four insular parts with a mountain in the center. Such a mountain is mentioned in the epic of the Hellenes and Indians. The reliability of Mercator's work is confirmed by the strait on the map, officially opened only in 1648, and in 1728 named after Bering. Probably, Mercator formed kata, focusing on ancient sources.

A number of Russian scientists are convinced that a mountain is indeed hidden in the waters of the northernmost ocean of our planet, the top of which almost reaches the layer of ice. Perhaps, along with the Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges, it sank not so long ago.

If we pay attention to the map of Phineus compiled in 1531, Hyperborea is also present there. It is also present on the world map created in Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. This work is kept to this day in the National Library of Madrid.


Geography and country

Linguists who studied the Vedas of the Slavs, Russian and Sanskrit, suggested that the Russian word "mir" has the same roots as the Sanskrit name Meru - mountains, the central point of Hyperborea. Peace is harmony, civilization, and the universe in which we live, and in Indian cosmology, the metaphysical Meru permeates the planetary poles, representing the axis of our world. The human world revolves around her, despite the absence of physical manifestation.

Conducting a cross-cultural analysis, it is difficult to deny the presence of a developed northern civilization in the past. However, this does not allow to clarify the circumstances under which she disappeared, the reasons for what happened. But we can say with confidence: people lived in Hyperborea who glorified the hierarchy of the universe through divinity, that is why they were called Slavs. The Vedas of the ancient Slavs suggest that people considered themselves divine solar descendants, Yaroslavs. How “Aryan” as a term came to the Slavs has not yet been established, perhaps Yara and Aryus are one and the same word, modified in different cultures over the centuries.


Book of Veles

From this book, which gives a fairly complete picture of the Vedas of the ancient Slavs, it is known that a strong cold snap was the reason for Yar to take the survivors to the southern regions. So from the north, people moved to the Ural region, from where they eventually moved to Penji - the Indian state, today called Punjab. Then, under the leadership of Yarun, they moved to the eastern European regions. However, in ancient Indian sources this story is recorded with slightly different names, for example, Yaruna is named Arjuna, which means “silver” and is close to the sound of the Latin name for silver. Some associate the term "white man" with Yara, Aria.

The Vedas of the Slavs, the history of the ancient people show how important the manifestation of divinity was for them. People knew that they were dependent on some great external force. Both in India and in Russia, these forces were personified as deities. The rituals practiced by the Slavs were designed to connect a person and the power that lives in the cosmic distance. The power of the entities was such that they could hear the request of any person and respond favorably to it. It is worth noting: the names of the personified forces among the Slavs and Indians had a lot in common.

Everything is interconnected

The Vedas and the history of the Slavs clearly show: for the Russian person, the life-giving sun face has always meant a lot, and therefore was deified. It is the study of the Sun in ancient culture that helps to understand many features of the Vedic traditions, including the sacred name. Yar, Yarilo - it is this name that is encoded in a huge number of words used today: faith, measure. Even the "fool", the same Ivanushka from fairy tales, is closely connected with this Vedic tradition - the sacred meaning of this name is due to the specific life path that the epic hero is forced to go through in all his stories. Philosophers, linguists, who analyzed Slavic epics and legends, proved that Vedism is a complex system of worldview that united the entire society of the ancient Slavs. From it followed the priorities of the tribe, the rules of conduct,spiritual attitudes and features of the activity of each individual participant in society.

No less significant was the word "rule", also reflected in the name of the religion - Orthodoxy. Rule is closely related to reality, navu. The sages of earlier times knew: being is illusory, multifaceted, and the truth is only in the divine commandments. The most significant of these was considered the law, reflecting the consequences and causes: you reap what was sown. This idea is extremely close to the karma spread through the teachings of the brahmins in India.

The Slavs, however, knew the "Karna". Asov speaks about this term in his work. A person who lives by truth makes the world of his dreams real; truth is the path from the divine to the present. At the same time, those who glorify the truth are considered Orthodox. There was also a system in those days that was extremely close to modern yoga, and the word "yogi" itself was actually "goy", which meant the Slavs in the Hebrew language.

History and Religion: Close Relationship and Value

The Slavic Vedas are not only an important source of understanding of life in ancient times, it is also a cultural monument reflecting the thousand-year history of human civilization. It is now known that all the Vedas were recorded on one of three materials: wood, parchment and metal. The choice of material for recording was based on the characteristics of the text. Santias were called plates, minted from expensive metal - most often from gold, which is not afraid of rust. Sacred texts were minted on the plates, then they were fastened together, receiving special metal books. Haratyas were written on high quality parchment, and texts on tablets were called magicians. It is believed that the most ancient surviving ones are the Santians. Dedicated to Perun, they were written over forty millennia ago. It was the Santii who were initially called the Vedas,but the analysis of the text made it possible to see references to other sources, ancient even for the authors of the Perunovsky santia. Today, they have either sunk into oblivion, or are kept in secret places, and will be announced in the distant future.

Santii are called upon to fix a picture of the world, ancient knowledge is recorded in them. Some believe that Santia can correctly be called the archive of the most important knowledge of mankind.

The Haratyas mostly copied the Santii or contained extracts from the original teaching. They were more widespread, used by the priests for their own needs. The oldest surviving haratyas are called the "Book of Wisdom" and date back to 26,731 BC. It was much easier to write them down than to forge santia, therefore, extensive texts, historical information were mainly recorded in this way. In the legends, information has been preserved about the composition "Avesta" written on twelve thousand prepared ox skins, which read about the war between the Aryan peoples and the Chinese with the victory of the former. It is believed that the document was burned by the hands of Alexander the Great.


This is curious

It is believed that in the "Avesta" it was written about the "Creation of the world in the Star Temple." This is the name of the fact of the peace agreement, which became known to ordinary people as the creation of the world. The Star Temple is the designation of the year in which the document was drawn up. It is he who repeats every 144 years in accordance with the ancient calendar.

According to the Vedas, the universal galaxies are formed by ether, foremother, dying as the life cycle ends. The first stars in the Galaxy, as the Vedas said, lit up in the center - and it was here that life was born, gradually spreading through space. It was in those days that civilization was most developed. Our habitat, according to the ancient sorcerers, was part of a system of 27 planets with Yaril in the center, as well as asteroids, of which modern astronomers cannot find prototypes for many. The land was called Midgard. Presumably, for about three hundred thousand years, the climate on our earth was not at all the same as we know it. To record this document, it is assumed that the Runic was used - an ancient rune system of the Aryans.

What to read?

Having wished to become better acquainted with the ancient Vedic teachings, it is worth looking first of all "Vedas of Perun". This most ancient work has been restored and translated into a language understandable to an ordinary person. It is believed that the keepers of the Inglistic Church are those people who are credited with preserving these ancient Santias, created about 40 millennia ago.


You can learn about the idea of the Aryans about the creation of the world from the haratya. A rather curious material is a legend dedicated to the Clear Falcon, which tells about the wonders available to people of the past. Despite the simple form of the narration, close to a fairy tale, this is a multifaceted work that tells about the high level of civilization that existed in previous centuries. From this tale, the philosophers concluded: in the past, the Aryans, the Slavs were capable of controlling aspects of reality with consciousness, thought.

The Source of Life, a book dedicated to legends and traditions of ancient times, is considered curious. Such collections existed in previous centuries, and each ancient genus has its own particle of the world of the past. The “Book of Veles”, mentioned earlier, is no less curious - the text written by the ancient Slavs tells about the worldview system and the historical vicissitudes of the Slavic tribes. For thousands of years, the Magi supplemented and rewrote this book using the writing system that appeared before the Cyrillic alphabet. Written in the divine language, "Veles's Book" was kept on tablets.
