Three Modes Of Human Nature - Alternative View

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Three Modes Of Human Nature - Alternative View
Three Modes Of Human Nature - Alternative View

Video: Three Modes Of Human Nature - Alternative View

Video: Three Modes Of Human Nature - Alternative View
Video: RSA ANIMATE: Language as a Window into Human Nature 2024, September

According to the Vedas, our world consists of three gunas, that is, elements, states. These are the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. And everything that we do in this world, we do in one of these gunas. And our health also depends on the gunas in which we are.

The guna of ignorance

The guna of ignorance (tamas) is the most unpleasant. The person in it is in the past. For example, he constantly talks about what was better before, but now everything is bad, and there is only darkness and hopelessness around.

A person in the mode of ignorance does not see anything good around him, sincerely suffers from the imperfection of the world, constantly experiences various negative emotions.

Needless to say, it is the people who are in this guna who are most ill, and they are the constant and dissatisfied patients in hospitals and clinics.

Moreover, a person can be in the mode of ignorance regardless of age - there are young “old people” who constantly complain about life and get sick, and there are vigorous elderly people who run in parks in the morning.

It is most unpleasant to communicate with people living in the mode of ignorance - they constantly whine, complain of illnesses, problems, believe that everyone owes them, and for everything that they did not succeed, others are to blame - parents, government, employers, etc. P.

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Guna of passion

In the mode of passion (rajas), a person lives for the future. He cannot calm down and constantly dreams of how everything will be in many years. For people, a long stay in the mode of passion is fraught with unpleasant consequences. They cannot enjoy what surrounds them at the moment.

The difference in gunas according to the Simpsons
The difference in gunas according to the Simpsons

The difference in gunas according to the Simpsons.

Sometimes people in the mode of passion get carried away with something too much. For example, a housewife may be obsessed with cleanliness and all the time is washing, cleaning, cleaning something, while she will be annoyed by households or guests, because they disturb the order. And at the same time, such women do not feel the pleasure of order, they all the time think that something can be improved.

Or a person is fond of collecting, while completely not feeling satisfaction - it seems to him that it will be good only in the future, when he buys another figurine, but this future is unattainable, since it is always not enough for him.

People who live in the mode of passion can suffer from many diseases. They can forget to eat, they are always running somewhere, their energy is constantly leaving, sometimes on completely meaningless things, and at the same time they do not know how to recover. As a result, such people may suffer from insomnia, heart and nervous diseases, etc.

The guna of goodness

The mode of goodness (sattva) is the most comfortable for a person. In it he lives in a state of the here and now. Goodness is a special state when a person is happy, he is in harmony with himself and the world around him. Moreover, this state is not necessarily due to the fact that you are lying relaxed on the ocean shore, listening to the sound of the surf. In goodness, you can do whatever you want, even do difficult things. The same housewife in the mode of goodness will enjoy cleaning, from the fact that the apartment has become cleaner, feel sincere happiness from the fact that other people are also in this purity.

The balance between the gunas is important in life
The balance between the gunas is important in life

The balance between the gunas is important in life.

How can one be in the mode of goodness? First, at the nutritional level. Foods also belong to the three gunas, and pure water, honey, milk, nuts, fruits and vegetables are considered auspicious. Secondly, the guna of goodness depends on your thoughts - you can calm your mind with good thoughts, meditation, prayers, etc. Beneficial physical activity also works - swimming, walking, yoga, qigong, etc. Communication with benevolent people also contributes to being in this guna, as well as visiting auspicious places - trips to nature, to the countryside, trips to museums, theaters, etc. (it is important to contemplate art created in goodness, and not in ignorance and passion).

That is, a person should be in such an environment, communicate with such people and do such things that make him feel happy here and now, at this very minute.

However, every person needs to sometimes be in the mode of passion and in the mode of ignorance - sometimes it is useful to be sad about the past or to make a leap into the future. But you need to make sure that the mode of goodness still becomes decisive for your life. In the picture above, you can see that your basic state should be blissful, a little more passion and very little ignorance.

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya