What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View

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What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View
What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View

Video: What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View

Video: What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View
Video: A brief history of America and Cuba 2024, September

Wonderful things are happening in the world, sometimes you don't immediately understand what and where it comes from … There is a sovereign country Cuba, which for 57 years has been demanding the return of its territory from the United States. In response - zero emotion.

History of the issue

History does not teach people anything: Yankee aid to sovereign countries ALWAYS ends for these countries with large losses, sometimes up to the loss of statehood.

Guantanamo Bay is the largest bay on the southeastern tip of Cuba, surrounded by steep mountains - ideal for a naval base.

Until 1898, it was the base of colonial Spain. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain was expelled, but the Cubans did not feel any relief from this. Cuba has essentially become an American colony. Under the agreement of 1903, the base was transferred to the Yankees "for a period of time that would be required", free of charge (practically indefinitely, as, for example, Ukraine and Georgia - to the Russian Empire).

The area is 118 square kilometers, which corresponds to a rectangle measuring 9 × 13 km
The area is 118 square kilometers, which corresponds to a rectangle measuring 9 × 13 km

The area is 118 square kilometers, which corresponds to a rectangle measuring 9 × 13 km.

The current status of the base is governed by a treaty of 1934, concluded after a series of coups d'etat in Cuba in the early 1930s. As a result, the fee for using the base was raised to a mocking $ 3,400. For similar bases in Taiwan and the Philippines in the 1950s and 1970s, the United States paid 120 and 140 million dollars a year, respectively.

Promotional video:

In 1959, the revolutionaries overthrew the puppet Batista and withdrew from the lease agreement with the Americans, demanding its liquidation.

Behind Cuba

The confrontation lasted until 1962, when, as a result of the Cuban missile crisis, our world was nearly incinerated in an atomic war. Realizing and feeling all the consequences, the two superpowers, ignoring the others (including the Cubans), agreed not to mutually aggravate the issue and not to use Guantanamo against each other.

Shoeing his boots after the UN rostrum, Khrushchev made a compromise
Shoeing his boots after the UN rostrum, Khrushchev made a compromise

Shoeing his boots after the UN rostrum, Khrushchev made a compromise.

NEVER since then neither the USSR nor Russia raised the issue of using this base by the Americans and did not criticize them for it! What an amazing strength of the political word! In our time!

In fact, the United States exercises its state sovereignty in this territory unconditionally and in full, while Cuba's jurisdiction is purely formal, as recognized by the US Supreme Court. “From a practical point of view, Guantanamo is not a foreign country,” the judges said. And they speak to us for the Crimea ?!

To whom are we silent?

The Guantanamo naval base has played a significant role in the US Navy's operations in Grenada, Panama and Haiti. And until now, thanks to her, the United States quite comfortably controls the entire adjacent region.

And also, the Yankees, bringing the situation to complete absurdity, set up an illegal, secret prison there.


The motives of the Americans are at least understandable, but the silence of our leaders is shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. In the 70s, representatives of China, North Korea and Albania sharply criticized the representatives of the USSR in the UN for their lack of support in this matter.

Since then, the world has changed beyond recognition, and the secret of our silence about the illegality of the US presence in Cuba still remains unsolved. What is this super important deal for Russia that Khrushchev made?


The word is silver and silence is gold. Maybe our politicians live and work by this principle? No, every now and then they enter into polemics on a variety of moronic reasons (sometimes created by themselves).

Try to answer these questions yourself. We can hardly wait from them. This is not a matter of the people's mind …