A Three-year-old Boy Sees Ghosts - Alternative View

A Three-year-old Boy Sees Ghosts - Alternative View
A Three-year-old Boy Sees Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: A Three-year-old Boy Sees Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: A Three-year-old Boy Sees Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Mom spooked after seeing 'ghost baby' in son's crib | ABC7 2024, September

A woman from Rostov-on-Don said that her three-year-old son sees the ghosts of dead people.

- We live near the Northern cemetery, our son is three years old, he loves to look out the window at the churchyard. And he always reports that he sees people there in white robes. At first I did not understand what he meant, and then it dawned on me that he was seeing ghosts. I began to question him and found out that during the day he sees them poorly, and the darker it is outside, the better he can see them, - said the alarmed mother.

The girl noted that the baby does not watch such films, does not read books. The kid all the time asks his mother to go there and take a closer look.

- He gets upset, because these people themselves cannot come to him, only he can come to them, - the mother complains.

Concerned parents thought about the question: is it not worth showing the child to specialists, because this is not normal.

Well, yes, the boy sees ghosts, let's send him to a psychiatrist so that he can be "cured" and he becomes "normal." Parents should know that between the ages of 3 and 5, children are not only able to see ghosts, but also often recall their past lives.

Do not rush to lead your child to the madhouse, just wait. Usually after 5 years this ability disappears by itself and children become "like everyone else."