The Stone Grave Is One Of The Energy Centers Of The Planet - Alternative View

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The Stone Grave Is One Of The Energy Centers Of The Planet - Alternative View
The Stone Grave Is One Of The Energy Centers Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Stone Grave Is One Of The Energy Centers Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Stone Grave Is One Of The Energy Centers Of The Planet - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: The Hollow Earth Theory (Season 10) | History 2024, September

The stone grave near Melitopol is one of the most powerful energy centers of the planet, scientists say. This is a special place that plays an important role not only on the scale of the planet, but also of the Cosmos.

The Dalai Lama himself came here twice. Today on Earth, perhaps, there is no more ancient cultural monument of the history of human development than the Stone Tomb - it is more than 12 million years old!

Where is this miracle

The stone grave is a unique monument in geological and historical terms. The history of its formation is very simple: it is a remnant of sandstone of the Sarmatian stage of the Tertiary era, which in its original state was a remnant of a sea shallow.

During the melting of the glacier, the border of which reached the area of modern Dnepropetrovsk, the "big water", flowing down to the south, washed out a large stone island, which, due to the deepening of the Molochnaya river channel, appeared on the surface. Under the influence of erosion and weathering, the primary sandstone shield split. The wreckage slid along the sand, forming a kind of stone hill, caves and grottoes.

Now the height of the Stone Tomb reaches 12 meters, and on an area of about three hectares, there are over three thousand slabs.

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From here came a man …

The energy of a sandy outlier as high as a five-story building has attracted people for a long time. It is now there that you can read "Vasya was here", and ten thousand years ago primitive people left their signs and messages here.

When examining the Stone Mist, the first thing that catches your eye is the mysterious inscriptions. These petroglyphs were first sketched at the beginning of 1887 by St. Petersburg professor N. Veselovsky, and the archaeologist Otto Bader sorted them out in 1950. Judging by the images of mammoths, woolly rhinos, cave bears and lions, people visited the Stone Grave 14 thousand years ago!

But Bader also saw in the petroglyphs the touches of the mysterious Sumerian writing! They looked like cuneiform signs from the textbook of the German archaeologist Arno Pebel, "Foundations of Sumerian Grammar" (1923). Only at the very end of his long life, Otto Bader shared with a young researcher of the Sumerian civilization Anatoly Kifishin a guess: the signs of the "Stone Tomb" are nothing more than Sumerian pictograms. Kifishin, deciphering dozens of inscriptions, concluded: the writing language of the "Stone Tomb" is much more ancient than the cuneiform tablets of Babylon and other Sumerian cities! If the first Sumerian texts date back to the 4th millennium BC, then one of the indisputably established dates to which the inscription "Stone Tomb" belongs is 6200 BC. e. If historians have come to terms with this date, the correctness is different - 11582 BC,to which one of the inscriptions of the "Stone Grave" belongs is categorically rejected, because in these antediluvian times there was no written language and could not be!

No, Kifishin is convinced, she was - as she was! Evidence? You are welcome! On the famous Ural scribble - rock carvings near Yekaterinburg, made in the 18th millennium BC - there is a text from "Stone Grave", only in a mirror-inverted form. And the rock paintings from the famous French cave of Lascaux (the specimens of primitive art found in it are considered the most perfect) are nothing more than encrypted inscriptions that almost exactly repeat the texts from the "Stone Grave".

But how could similar texts related to unimaginable antiquity get to different ends of the giant continent, and why are they all written in Sumerian?

Once, according to Kifishin, the "Stone Tomb" was the priestly center of the ancient state of Aratta, stretching across the entire territory of Eurasia. Here, in the main sanctuary, priests from all over the then world came and either brought tablets with canonical texts. or copied them in sacred grottoes.

According to the records on the tablets, Aratga was the first democratic state known in history. Some writings speak of a popular assembly, at the behest of which the ruler could, after thirty years of rule, be sentenced to sacrifice to the gods.

The fascists knew something

It is known that Hitler, intending to conquer the whole world, blessed and supplied hordes of scientists who had to find a magical basis for the power of the Nazis. Therefore, it is no coincidence that during the years of the occupation of Ukraine, SS Reichsfuehrer Himmler, who supervised the Nazi institute "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors"), showed interest in the Stone Tomb. He considered the Stone Tomb as the oldest sacred monument … of the Aryans. That is why, when the Wehrmacht captured Melitopol in the fall of 1941, the experts from Ahnenerbe arrived here, organizing in 1942-43. excavations of the Stone Tomb.

The research results have not yet been published. It is only known that German experts managed to read 40 "proto-Sumerian inscriptions" in the Grotto of the Dog. But what is most interesting in the legends of the Sumerians is that it says that their legendary exodus took place after “the gods descended from heaven in a heavenly chariot to their historical homeland”. They came on a cultural mission in the area of the Stone Grave. And they taught the proto-Sumerians to write, cultivate fields and build.

UFO on slabs

VI millennium BC e. the man-made drawing on slab 37 of the Stone Grave dates from (tourists are shown it) - a cylinder with a rounded top and a pointed bottom, standing on three supports and consisting of several sections, two of which have portholes.

Eight thousand years later, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov painted in 1965 the picture "Ahead is the Moon" with exactly the same cylindrical apparatus rounded from above on three supports landing on the surface of a natural satellite of the Earth. With the same composite sections and portholes!

The similarity is all the more striking because in the picture, the jets of the vehicle's brake motors are scattering the soil to the sides. And on both sides of the "Leonov's tripod" the same tracks are shown as in figure 37! Why such an incredible coincidence?

But how to assess the composition with a UFO of a later time - III millennium BC? e. - from grotto No. 7 of the Stone Grave? A boat is carved here, above which a spindle-shaped object hovers in the sky. And not just some kind of cloud - the ancient carver tried to do the laborious work, shading the background in order to show the real massiveness of the UFO body. And on the case he engraved a curved line as a symbol of movement. As a result, the object resembles a "flying torch".

No less curious is the image on slab 19 of the Stone Grave. Computer processing of the petroglyph by modern scientists has revealed a unique flying machine - a "diskette" with such technical details as modern space monsters would envy. And all the subtleties of the device are drawn in detail!

Forgery, insinuations in this case are completely excluded by international examinations …

"Guests" over the Stone Tomb

On May 23, 2015, the film crew of the KP "Studio Melitopol District" recorded an unidentified flying object. It looked like a shining spot that flew towards two planes and disappeared from view at incredible speed. The UFO got into the frame by accident - while filming a commercial …

Kamennaya Mogila is a Ukrainian Stonehenge that has been haunted by researchers for thousands of years, respected at the genetic level by local residents, and scientists cannot give a sensible explanation of what kind of attraction it is. The facts related to the Kamennaya Mogila nature reserve urge: Explore! The secret is hidden literally under your feet … And this is probably its frightening strength. It has been noticed: when people get too close to intimate knowledge, unknown mechanisms are activated that stop a person at the very threshold of discovery

Now - a nature reserve

The Kamennaya Mogila reserve was founded on February 12, 1986 as a nature conservation and historical territory of republican significance. Its area is 15 hectares.