When They Land On Earth - Alternative View

When They Land On Earth - Alternative View
When They Land On Earth - Alternative View

Video: When They Land On Earth - Alternative View

Video: When They Land On Earth - Alternative View
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Please sit down. - Tags on the ground. - How the whirligig was sitting over Mzha. - "Angel hair" or jelly? - What have you done with my watch? I'm a ufologist! - They can also turn off the phone. Do you have a Beeline?

Cases of UFOs landing are known, although this does not happen often. Aliens are in danger of being caught off guard and adding to the gloomy Angara 18 collection at Wright-Patterson. Landing statistics are not very reliable, as they are usually carried out in secluded places. So far, 5000 UFO landings have been recorded in 65 countries of the world. They usually prefer to sit down at night. When approaching the ground, the rods and supports are released. Apparently, just such a case was fortunate enough to observe the Roman cardiologist, which was already discussed in the book. Planting does not last long, usually about five minutes. UFOs are noticed by the beams with which they illuminate the landing site. But usually these places are discovered later, when the "plates" fly away. Parking lots tend to change the local magnetic field. Scientists,ufologists are trying to record the characteristics of the influence of these plantings on the soil, the degree of radiation, the presence of any anomalous phenomena. Including those that change a person's well-being.

Each planting leaves, of course, a mark on the soil. Traces of landing on the snow are especially noticeable, then after departure there is a black circle of thawed earth. The size of the circle indicates the size of the UFO. Discovered circles ranged from 8 to 60 meters or more in diameter. There were cases when UFOs landed in pairs, apparently for safety reasons.

Usually there are traces from the supports (from three to six or from one more, central). The supports go 5–6 cm deep into the soil. The approximate weight of the ship can be calculated from the depth of the holes. Sometimes deep enough wells remain, as, for example, in the village of Vladimirovka, Kuibyshevsk (Samara) region, 60 meters deep (!), And without any remnants of excavated soil. The borehole diameter was 60 centimeters. It is believed that such holes leave behind devices that produce antimatter.

In the summer of 1989, on the Taman Peninsula near the village of Gladkovskaya, G. Kolchin notes in his book, a round area with a diameter of 12 meters was found. There were five holes under it, shaped like overturned buckets. Their walls are melted at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees. In the soil, the content of strontium, titanium and rare earths is much higher than usual. The soil was so dry that it didn't sink in water.

A similar site in Delphos, Canada, discovered in 1972, was dehydrated 35 centimeters deep, and glowed for several nights. The zinc content at the site was 200 times higher than the norm. There are 35 such cases of soil dehydration.

One of the favorite sites for UFO landings is considered an anomalous place in the north of Queensland, Australia. UFOs began to visit here immediately after World War II, but in the 60s these visits became frequent. On May 23, 1965, the owner of a hotel in Eaton Range, Jim Teels, near the town of McKie, noticed a small glowing ball that descended right in front of the hotel, leaving numerous marks on the grass and tree tops. Six months later, from January 14 to 19, 1966, in the town of Juramo, a local resident M. Hyde, as well as several police officers with their families, every evening watched the "big object" in the sky and 75-centimeter transparent balls, which flew a meter in windless weather from the road "at the speed of a pedestrian." They resembled eggs in shape, which is why this area was dubbed in the Australian press "UFO nests."Isolated cases were repeated in the following decades.

Landings on ice have been known. On the lakes of Sweden, for example, as a result, thawed patches of up to 500 sq. meters. In January 1990 in Merefa (Ukraine) A. Vorontsov saw a UFO resembling a whirligig. With a diameter of 25 meters, a height of 10 meters, with a blue stripe around the circumference, it hung over the frozen river Mzha, melting a circle with a diameter of 22 meters. The molten ice went down, and then floated up and again froze into the ice, forming a circle with a roller of ice.

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In summer, scorched grass is observed at the landing site; often, when a UFO approaches, the so-called "angel hair" falls out of it - fibers that later turn into a gelatinous mass. Studies have shown it is high in boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium.

In the Moscow region, in places such as Sharapova Okhota, Levkova Gora, near New Jerusalem, no microorganisms remained in the soil at the site of UFO landings - they were destroyed by radiation. In principle, however, anomalous phenomena occurring in the places of known UFO routes, including changes in the geomagnetic field, persist for a long time. The oldest known site of anomalous phenomena is Robozero, above which brightly glowing objects were recorded in the annals of the monastery in 1663. We will touch upon this case in more detail when we turn to paleocontacts, but for now we will only note that the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences E. S. Gorshkov discovered violations of the magnetic field near Robozer in our time. They have not disappeared anywhere, but they are more than three hundred years old!

There is another phenomenon - circles and crop patterns, which are considered the product of alien activities. They were observed in ancient times in a number of European countries, and now they are observed in large numbers in England, Sweden, the USA, in a number of regions of Russia. This phenomenon is extremely curious, and we will dwell on it in more detail in a separate chapter.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski
