Absolute Evil: The Mystery Of The Ether - Alternative View

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Absolute Evil: The Mystery Of The Ether - Alternative View
Absolute Evil: The Mystery Of The Ether - Alternative View

Video: Absolute Evil: The Mystery Of The Ether - Alternative View

Video: Absolute Evil: The Mystery Of The Ether - Alternative View
Video: MacDeath - Absolute Evil [Exclusive] 2024, September

The first about some invisible substance, ether, filling the whole world and transmitting vibrations at a speed many times higher than the speed of light, was declared in the 19th century by the great Nikola Tesla

Every millimeter of substance, according to Tesla, is filled with unlimited power with energy that can be used. For the scientist, this fact was so obvious that he did not even begin to prove it, but simply applied it in his numerous experiments.

In the middle of the 20th century, a series of experiments was carried out at the Novosibirsk Institute of Experimental Medicine under the leadership of the world famous academician Vlail Kaznacheev, which may well form the basis of the theory of the possibility of the existence of absolute evil at the energy level. Moreover, ineradicable evil. Scientists took 50 vessels and filled them with a homogeneous mixture from the same container. Potassium cyanide was added to the outermost vessel. As a result, the cell culture contained in the mixture died in all vessels.

And this despite the fact that the vessels were not communicating and were at some distance from each other. The scientists came to the conclusion about the existence of a certain field (universal) form of life, in which there is an ongoing process of mutual exchange of positive and negative charges of energy.

Twin deaths

Then the scientists divided two colonies of the same type of cells with an impenetrable quartz partition and began to “bomb” one of the colonies with various deadly bacteria and radiation. The experiment gave an incredible result: in a related colony, in an adjacent compartment, which no one touched, the same symptoms of defeat developed as in the first. At the same time, it became clear that cells of the same type are able to exchange information through any obstacle.

How is it?

The same genius Tesla proved that all living and nonliving around us (including ourselves) vibrates at a certain frequency. And if you manage to tune in to this frequency, then it is quite possible to influence the vibrating body, both in a positive and in a negative way.

Of course, both the works of Kaznacheev and the works of Tesla have enough critics, but life itself confirms the correctness of these scientists. It is enough to pay attention to the daily news: famous personalities never leave the other world one by one. Recent examples: Trakhtenberg - Dynamite, Barykin - Gurchenko … This chain can be continued as long as you like - people tuned in to the same wavelength transmit a terrible impulse to each other. Naturally, it is perceived by the one whose immunity (defense) is most weakened. And this applies not only to celebrities. Let us paraphrase the well-known saying: "Death never comes alone."

Moral coordinate system

Several years ago, during the preparation of material about the maniac Lobanov, who raped and killed girls, the author of these lines was surprised to hear an amazing version of the onset of manic states in humans. This version was put forward by a scientist, through whose hands all the Perm maniacs have passed over the past at least two decades. For obvious reasons, he did not want to "shine" his surname, but this is what he told, based on all the same discoveries and conclusions of Tesla and Kaznacheev:

- The human body vibrates at a certain frequency, attracting to itself either positive or negative charges of energy, moreover, constantly exchanging information with the surrounding space. In a normal person, this attraction occurs more or less harmoniously, the energetic pluses and minuses are balanced. However, in some cases, the number of attracted negative charges far exceeds the number of positive ones. This happens due to the weakening of the immune system, intrauterine, birth trauma, trauma received in childhood, and so on. And here in a person, despite the fact that he is completely adequate, there is a shift in the so-called system of moral coordinates.

Last drop effect

Gradually, such an individual forgets what joy is, everything around and in him irritates him, he sinks into depression, which is inevitably replaced by aggression. He is overwhelmed with negative energy. He drowns in her. He urgently needs to reset it. This condition is aggravated by the fact that it quickly goes to the somatic level. Joint aches, headaches, pain in the eyes. Sometimes the most insignificant reason (a rude word, mockery) is enough to make such a person explode and cause trouble.

Interestingly, investigators dealing with particularly serious crimes against the person, similarly describe the "impulse to kill", or "the last drop effect." Negativity accumulates for a long time, sometimes for years, while the bearer of evil may look like a perfect "gray mouse", which no one will reckon with.

And suddenly some trifle, a trifle - and the person not only kills, but disfigures the victim, trying to inflict as much "damage" as possible, dismembers. Then there is a discharge. If at this time the killer is caught at the scene of the crime, then our eyes will see an amorphous creature, devoid of will, apathetic, sleepy. The ejection has occurred and the moral coordinate system is returning to its place. A person is acutely worried about what happened, sometimes he tries to commit suicide, vows never to do anything like this again. But time passes and everything starts all over again.

We are all from space

In religion, such an accumulation of negative energy with its subsequent release into the outside world is called obsession. What does science think about it? Official science, represented by a psychiatrist of the highest category, Galina Beleva, treats arguments about absolute evil in a neutral manner, avoiding direct comments.

The doctor smiles when talking about evil spirits. Meanwhile, in an informal conversation, she agrees that we all walk "under space." And it is recognized that she believes in God precisely at the level of the cosmos. He believes in the materiality of thought, and therefore simply drives away all bad thoughts and some life troubles associated with them. And there is no doubt that people with strong energy can transmit thought at a distance.

Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that some things were hidden deep in the ground and that we shouldn't have climbed there and taken what was not supposed to (this is about uranium and similar elements. -Author's note). As you know, radioactive radiation is deadly for the human body. But not only that.

You can't execute, pardon

Beleva recalls her recent speech on the radio about the fact that people, especially children, should not be at the computer for more than 15 minutes. Its radiation is detrimental to the organism as a whole. Destroys the physical body, not to mention the biofield. Already weakened human immunity is not always able to cope with such a load.

So, experts, regardless of which version of the emergence of evil they support, agree on one thing - everything in our world is interconnected and sooner or later returns. Including the evil thrown into the environment. Isn't this really the reason why the death penalty has been abolished in many countries? Say, if evil has penetrated into the substance, let it sit there.

… Before the collapse of the USSR, in the closed laboratories of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, geniuses in uniform, according to some of the known signs, calculated - when and in what region on the territory of the country the next maniac would appear. And this is not a myth, but information from reliable sources. As well as the fact that there are people in the world who are able to control the mysterious energy that engenders suicide, outbursts of aggression and mood swings. The best (it's the only) means of protection against such people is to drive away unkind thoughts and memories of bad.


"Secrets of the XX century" № 27 2011