The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Diaries Of The Dyatlov Group. A Word About Pages Torn Out By Someone - Alternative View
Video: НОЧЬ на ПЕРЕВАЛЕ ДЯТЛОВА! Раскрыли ТАЙНУ? 1 серия из 3 2024, September

The tragedy of 1959 is an important news item today.

I noticed that in some of the diaries (from among the surviving ones) written by members of Igor Dyatlov's team, there are not enough pages. Before me, no one really considered the topic, so I am sure that I will tell you something important and interesting. I know for sure that some pages have been torn out on the scans of Igor Dyatlov's notebook. Torn out very neatly. But there were ink marks on the pages. Most likely, the high humidity is to blame. The ink left a mark. The trail is clearly visible as a result of simple manipulations in the Photo Studio program. From what I was able to make out on the torn out page, apparently, there was a list of a couple of surnames with an indication of some locality. Maybe even in the north of the Sverdlovsk region. The page has been removed very carefully, most likely torn out with a sharp knife. Most amazing of allthat such artifacts are only on the pages of Igor Dyatlov's notebook. Several other pages also have ink marks on the outside. But this is a "mirror" image of the test written on other pages. There is nothing interesting about it. Whereas, on a page torn from a notebook, there was as if there was some incomprehensible list. It is no longer possible to establish who the page was torn by. Maybe by Igor Dyatlov himself, or maybe those who dealt with him. In any case, any forensic specialist can now conduct research. A matter of hours. There would be only desire and financial capabilities. The title page of Igor Dyatlov's notebook is also interesting. There are traces of arterial blood on it. It's not much, but it's there. As far as I understood, the leader of the group had no traces of bleeding at the time of the examination of the body in the morgue of Ivdel. They saythat he just froze "in the fetal position." It is all the more incomprehensible how the notebook could preserve traces of his blood. I suspect the page contains the handprints of his killer. It's just that no one has ever taken these prints from this notebook. The investigation proceeded with gross violations, which led to the emergence of a secret for as much as 60 years in a row. Note. Some of the entries in the book refer to the 1957 campaign. But the book itself was found under Dyatlov during the search work in 1959. Since now my research is being severely criticized by the sect of "woodpeckers", I have to add this: In the pockets of Dyatlov's storm jacket and storm trousers, I. found: horn-rimmed glasses in a gray case, a notebook in the name of Dyatlov with a photograph of Z Kolmogorova, penknife with a carabiner on a string, cloves of garlic, compass, mask, strings,wire, elastic for skis.

Still, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova were in a certain connection. And the blood on the notebook remained, for sure, from the events of 1959. And it may belong to Dyatlov's killer.

The title page of Igor Dyatlov's notebook with traces of blood.

The original page of Dyatlov's book with the sheets torn out
The original page of Dyatlov's book with the sheets torn out

The original page of Dyatlov's book with the sheets torn out.

This notebook is missing one page. It can be seen that it was neatly torn out of it
This notebook is missing one page. It can be seen that it was neatly torn out of it

This notebook is missing one page. It can be seen that it was neatly torn out of it.

Traces of some list have been preserved on the surviving page in the form of ink traces
Traces of some list have been preserved on the surviving page in the form of ink traces

Traces of some list have been preserved on the surviving page in the form of ink traces.

In this diary, someone also ripped out a page. Her traces remained on paper
In this diary, someone also ripped out a page. Her traces remained on paper

In this diary, someone also ripped out a page. Her traces remained on paper.

Promotional video:

This page contains reverse side mirror prints. Nothing interesting.

Valentin Degterev. Internet journalist. Specialization in the genre of searching for various artifacts