"Doomsday" Is A Book About Contact With Aliens. - Alternative View

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"Doomsday" Is A Book About Contact With Aliens. - Alternative View
"Doomsday" Is A Book About Contact With Aliens. - Alternative View

Video: "Doomsday" Is A Book About Contact With Aliens. - Alternative View

Video: Suspicious0bservers is a Pseudoscientific Doomsday Cult 2024, September

“Doomsday” is the name of the book published by Barnaul resident Vladimir Martov, which tells about the long-term experience of communication between an earthly person and extraterrestrial intelligence

In the preface, the author claims that he wrote it from the words of a certain Viktor Maisky, an authoritative person who graduated from three classical universities, about whom the late writer Vladimir Svintsov spoke of as a person not inclined to verbiage and fantasizing and distinguished by a powerful foresight. Here are a few short stories from this book.

Geometry in the sky

The first contact with UFOs at Mr. Maisky happened in 1971 in the Yubileiny park. While having fun in a student company, he noticed an incomprehensible spherical object surrounded by a glowing haze. After the haze began to melt, and everyone saw a disk, on the lower part of which … geometric shapes began to appear.

Contact on the bank of Chumysh

“Four years later,” says the author in the first person, “after graduating from the institute, I ended up in a village on the banks of the Chumysh”.

This time Maisky, already a young teacher, saw a UFO with his pupils from the boarding school:

“The beginning of February 1976 turned out to be good, calm, with a light frost. One of the guys whispered: “Airship?” I looked at my old acquaintance with surprise. Now the UFO was two or three hundred meters lower than then in the summer of 1971. And suddenly, exactly in the center of the lower part of the disk, something flared up, and from there a bright luminous column with clear, sharp boundaries slowly began to stretch out. Having passed about half the distance to the ground, he, as if alive, began to bend smoothly and in a minute rested on the opposite shore. About five minutes later, the bright pillar began to move in our direction … I saw clear, as if made of matte crystal, outlines of a luminous, slightly pulsating cylinder. Thousands of needles pierced my body at once, suddenly felt a sharp and rapid rise."

Our hero found himself in a light spherical room and felt that they were watching him and seeing every bone, every cell in his body. At that moment he heard the phrase: "Calm down, we will not do anything bad to you." And then Victor's feet felt the ground again.

“If the second part was only my perception,” the contactee reflects, “then the first and third parts were extended to several dozen people. All this led me to the firm conviction that there was no optical illusion, mass hallucination or other delusion."

Promotional video:

According to the narrator, he was always afraid to mention his experiences because one of his colleagues was fired for telling that he saw a UFO while fishing.

Amazing adventure in the country

Maysky's third contact with UFOs was in the second half of the 80s at a dacha near the village of Konyukhi. After catching crayfish, a bathhouse with brooms and intimate conversations with a neighbor with cold beer and the squeak of mosquitoes, he went outside at night and, sitting on a bench, admired the sky. Somewhere in the direction of the river a large bright star was floating. At first I thought - a satellite. But the star, floating out from behind the hill, seemed to turn on the reverse speed. When the ball disappeared, the observer went home and fell fast asleep. Then the events are described as follows: “I woke up, opened my eyes and froze in surprise. The wall glowed dull, and after it began to melt, blur, and a pulsating cylinder began to draw into the room. " Our hero was again dragged somewhere, and he saw THEM with horror. The author writes about the creatures he met with deep reverence, exclusively with a capital letter. Their appearance is described in the book in different ways. Scary at first:large heads, huge unblinking elongated eyes, which "seemed bottomless, and at the same time, they seemed to be streaming with an incommensurably larger, than human, mind." The skin is dark gray in color with well-defined wrinkles and folds, like a baby elephant. The author describes how Maisky was hanging in a cubic chamber, and on the screen he was shown first a star, then cyclopean structures in the form of cubes and balls. Then THEY said that they are next to us on the planet created by the Creator of the cosmos in order to generate billions of incorporeal thinking substances capable of evolving in the conditions of the immaterial world. The author describes how Maisky was hanging in a cubic chamber, and on the screen he was shown first a star, then cyclopean structures in the form of cubes and balls. Then THEY said that they are next to us on the planet created by the Creator of the cosmos in order to generate billions of incorporeal thinking substances capable of evolving in the conditions of the immaterial world. The author describes how Maisky was hanging in a cubic chamber, and on the screen he was shown first a star, then cyclopean structures in the form of cubes and balls. Then THEY said that they are next to us on the planet created by the Creator of the cosmos in order to generate billions of incorporeal thinking substances capable of evolving in the conditions of the immaterial world.

“The cosmos always needs your essence,” they said. After that, the earthly man was promised that he would become better and more capable.

As proof that all this happened to him in reality, the narrator offers a note from the regional newspaper, which speaks of a flying object that proceeded towards Belmesevo. "Everything coincided," he writes, "the day, the clock, the direction of movement, the shape of the UFO."

One more contact

After a summer cottage meeting with UFO pilots, Mr. Maisky began to catch himself on the fact that changes began to occur in the psyche:

“I began to fall into dream-like states, in which I received brief but objective information that would help me to make the right decision in difficult situations. Relatives began to say that these are prophetic dreams and there is nothing special about it, but I somehow began to understand that someone began to 'lead' me through life."

The next time our hero found himself in a UFO sphere a kilometer from the Pavlovsky tract … Now he saw other aliens: two tall men and a woman, dressed in suits of light gray. Men had small curly beards and the same hair. The woman had a shock of beautifully styled hair. Now the author was shown another unknown planet. They said that it is in the same orbit with the earth, but earthlings never see it, because the sun always closes it from us. They also explained that due to the limited path of human civilization, earthlings will never be able to understand the nature of space, the laws of the universe.

"The immensity of space, its dense population, the presence of a huge number of material and thin-wave worlds, your essence begins to understand only after leaving your physical body," remarked the aliens, adding: not every entity is given the right to its further development"

People in light clothes made it clear to the earthling that our planet has been controlled for a million years, but according to the laws of space, no one can interfere in the development process until earthlings become a real threat to space itself. We noticed that while the development of earthlings is on the way towards self-destruction.

“Your material principle suppressed the thin-wave essence received by the material body from the Creator,” the aliens chided, “you have degraded in your spiritual development to the last point - you began to deny the very existence of the Creator and the Supreme Mind. As a result of this, the planet has come to the threshold of self-purification."

“I came to the conclusion that there is no past or future for THEM.” The contactee reflects. “They control every rational human individual only according to their known laws and only to their given capabilities. They know about everything from birth to the moment of physical death of the material body. They know about everything that has happened to each of us and will happen in the future."

After another contact, Maisky began to foresee future events and, to the surprise of his loved ones, warn them of misfortunes. He explained the gift of clairvoyance simply: "It's all THEY."
