Egyptian Power - Alternative View

Egyptian Power - Alternative View
Egyptian Power - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Power - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Power - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Mystic Obelisks in Egypt (Season 9) | History 2024, September

Hello, friends. Recently I was digging in the library and found such an album.

The sight of him fascinated, so I decided to climb, and generally did not regret it. Many respected and authoritative authors have already written about Egypt of not quite ancient times. Many versions were laid out about the history of Egypt, and even the most fantastic ones, for example, as a place where the inhabitants of Atlantis were evacuated after the Flood, whose descendants built all the palaces and pyramids there. This cannot be confirmed or refuted with acceptable accuracy, so let's turn to the original source of 1874, when the Ottoman (Ottoman) Empire was in Egypt, and Ismail Pasha ruled in it. As they say, he was an educated person and in many ways reformed the country to the European model. And what did the country look like under his rule, for example, at least in Cairo?


Quite a civilized one. How did Cairo turn out? A very interesting version on the Wiki about this. It turns out that this name was known even in Russia in the 15th century, and the whole country was called that. It is very strange, if we take into account the conclusions of some historians, that the Dardanelles Strait did not exist at that time and there was no direct waterway to Egypt from Russia at that time. Or maybe Russia was then much further south?


Looking at this house without windows or doors, you might think that it was simply abandoned by someone several decades ago. And the house is quite European in style. The chaotically scattered earth heaps with stones indicate that they are being cleaned, and not the organization of the planning of the territory.


It's the same here. Obviously, this is the old part of Cairo in the area of modern Tahrir Square (there are many photos of the outskirts in the album, but there are absolutely nothing to see in the shacks).

Promotional video:


This is the same place, and there are huge piles of earth and stones around. The tree, oddly enough, grows from a hole. Why would you? Maybe it was just recently?


And this is a view already well known to us from the middle lane. The windows on the first floor are covered by about half. There is already so much evidence that this is not an architect's plan that there is no point in discussing it. Obviously, some element, which took a good walk in the north, reached Egypt. And it was quite recently, no more than 100 years from the moment of shooting.


This is the same place, only from the side. It can be seen to what height this place was skidded by the earth.


Everywhere the same thing - chaotically scattered soil masses, slightly smoothed by builders. Looking at the architecture of this building, one might think that this is some kind of house from Bakhchisarai. History from the school course taught us that before the Turks, Egypt was owned by the Arabs, who went along the entire coast of North Africa right up to Spain. Were they Arabs? And somehow strange, without transitional military processes, for some reason the Turks suddenly come to these lands (I painted over contour maps in my childhood, I remember how I noticed this oddity).


And this is some kind of restored house (no one ever does it on the scaffolding under construction in front). It has nothing to do with Arab or other oriental architecture. And what kind of concrete mixer is on the right? More like a press. Why are they being pressed? Are the stones for the front surface, which in the history of the type were cut by stone cutters? Probably not, too bold.


And this is an ordinary viaduct that has survived through the years. As everyone remembers, there are a lot of them all over Europe, from Russia to Spain. If a Soviet historian looked, he would say that this is the legacy of the ancient Romans. It is not excluded. It is only now that the Mamluks have begun to emerge in history. What kind of nationality it is, no one really knows. But the very ending with "yuk" for some reason immediately associates with the beloved former fraternal people, no one else has such endings in the names. And it turns out that they lived there since the 9th century AD, and the Turks killed them only at the beginning of the 19th century, namely in 1811 (does the year remind you of anything?)


Well, this is already the result of the activities of Ismail Pasha's subjects. A completely refined area of Cairo. But there is a very wonderful lantern on the left. Stop. Although, we will probably look at it a little later.


Well, actually here is the answer to all these riddles. Looking at the fountain in the center, notice how it is covered with soil. The paths, apparently, had time to be dug, but they were only in order to bring them to the same level as the buildings. The conclusion here is quite simple - in 1811 (maybe, plus or minus a year), a huge element brought Tartaria, Europe and other lands of the northern hemisphere into the earth, and she did not spare Egypt either. And after that, a total redistribution of the world began, when some peoples, who had survived more, went to free the lands from those who had less survived. So the Turks massacred the Mamluks, who were one of the Tartar-Slavic tribes. Well, to erase the memory, they were made Arabs. As you can see, more than one generation of artists, writers, "historians" and other masters of the genre have worked here. The task was to remove these peoples from African lands, with which they successfully coped. There was such a trend around the world at that time (and it is still going on, by the way). So who Napoleon fought with in 1798 in Egypt is a very interesting question. And I completely agree with those historians who hypothesize that Slavic tribes lived in Constantinople, and in Egypt, and on all lands in this direction from north to south. The element has walked well through these places, drowning most of the territory in the Aegean Sea. Well, the rest was completed by wild tribes and "historians". God be with them.drowning most of the territory in the Aegean Sea. Well, the rest was completed by wild tribes and "historians". God be with them.drowning most of the territory in the Aegean Sea. Well, the rest was completed by wild tribes and "historians". God be with them.


The Turks who came to Egypt, this city, and all of Egypt, most likely simply dug up and restored in some places. I read some author, I don't remember which one, who, being in Egypt, heard the opinion of local residents that they are infinitely grateful to Napoleon's army for mixing with the local population and now Egypt has developed a procurement business (in good way) fair-skinned brides. Looking at the above photos, it is very difficult to say who was inseminated there by Napoleon's army, there are only a few people in the photo. But if you remember about the Mamluks, the answer suggests itself - who survived, assimilated with the new peoples, and the cities were simply dug out at that time, and no one lived in them. The element, apparently, was quite recently, at the level of human life expectancy.

Probably enough history, and let's move on to the leading achievements of Ismail Pasha.


The photo shows something that looks like a retort oven. The same as there were quite a few on the Russian railways, which produced gas and charcoal. But sorry, this is Egypt, firewood there is not that little, but very little.


Ismail-Pasha was a good fellow, he introduced the European level of technology in his country. But why? In the background, judging by the chimney, there is a similar oven. And this is in that country, which only began to be dug out of the ground, together with the pyramids and the Sphinx. But if you look closely at the nearby reservoirs, it becomes clear that this is nothing more than a water-lifting building, which is described here.


And this is a more serious thing. Why does Africa need a boiler room? Looking at the photo, you might think that the top of the pipe is smoked with smoke. But I am more inclined to believe that this is either a shadow from a cloud, or retouching, discussed earlier in the same place.


Moreover, in another photo of the same pipe, such soot is not visible on it. A very strange boiler room, especially since it is not serious to heat it with such power with wood, and there was simply no other fuel at that time. Well done Ismail-Pasha, most likely he made some kind of unique industrial facility, which we do not recognize now. Or maybe he just dug it up and rebuilt it.


And this is another riddle of Ismail Pasha. Something similar was also discussed here, and in other articles too.


What are these lights and how do they work? And what does the crescent moon do on top of them? (* - And through what water barrier is this bridge actually and why is it not equipped for people to enter from a dirt road? It must have been dug out too. Estimate the scale of the tragedy caused by the mudflow, at least the length of this bridge and its degree of submersion into the ground).


Actually, nothing new, the remains of something similar can be seen here. The crescent moon is nothing more than a kind of our cross, or rather, even in our old-style crosses, these crescents are present. Then it was an ordinary technical element, but it is canonized only now.


Notice the lights and the strange construction on the left in the background. Everything was burning very simply, and just like in the entire civilized world of that time.


Well, on the right is the same lantern that we talked about at the beginning. Skeptics, try to justify that it uses the combustion of hydrocarbons - a small applied problem for you.


And this is a well-known music kiosk. Only a little bit feldiperst. It is obviously hung with spears for a reason. Such spears were common in many countries and on many continents, for example here.


But for some reason they concentrate on this construction near the center of this kiosk. Apparently, Ismail Pasha was not only a musically gifted person. The poles with balls at the top standing near the kiosk immediately give it away. By the way, for skeptics there is one more applied problem, but more difficult. Take a closer look and try to determine why this structure has curls at the junction of the drum and the sloping roof (the spoiler is not for beauty).


Ismail-Pasha was not even fascinated by music at all. Skeptics, the third and most difficult applied problem for today is why all these structures have a raised basement floor, who will guess the prize.


How many musicians were there in Cairo? Perhaps this was his very strength. And this power lit the chandelier that hangs from the ceiling there.


And this is a more serious structure. It is not entirely clear whether it is an extension of the porch, cafe or conference room. The light bulbs hanging from the ceiling indicate that everything here was grown-up. How did it all work?


The secret, in general, turned out to be simple again. It's all about the dome and pillars that were placed on the roof and which were not in the previous photos. Why such a discrepancy was formed is difficult to say, perhaps they were photographed on different days. It is these pillars that are described here, here and in many other places.

Such is the Egyptian strength.

Until next time.