Haplogroup "R1a1" - Alternative View

Haplogroup "R1a1" - Alternative View
Haplogroup "R1a1" - Alternative View

Video: Haplogroup "R1a1" - Alternative View

Video: Haplogroup
Video: Фальсификация истории. Часть 1. Анализ гаплогруппы R1a1 2024, September

The scientific sensation of recent months has radically changed the idea of the history and development of human civilization. In the course of a joint study of the Americans and the British, a paradoxical conclusion was obtained - the genetics of the indigenous peoples of Siberia diverges from the genetics of the rest of the world's population. Does this mean that the northern peoples, whose ancestral roots known to anthropologists stretch back to the first indigenous Siberian inhabitants, the Samoyed tribes, are direct descendants of the mysterious country of Hyperborea that once existed in distant antiquity? And where did this most ancient civilization on Earth first originate?

According to old Buddhist legends and Slavic traditions, the Far North was originally inhabited by the race of White gods (Swargs or, in other words, Aryans) several tens of thousands of years ago. It was from the blue-eyed Aryans, according to the Indian Vedas (the oldest collections of scriptures in Sanskrit), that civilization came to the Middle East, Persia and India. The smartest Aryans possessed incredible knowledge for that time in the field of technology, urban planning, pottery, astronomy, the highest military art and agriculture, and actively passed them on to the eastern inhabitants, as if performing some kind of mission entrusted to the Aryan tribe.

The latest sensational discoveries of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of anthropology literally overturn the entire historical picture of the world known from school years. The study of the contents of core wells drilled on the Lomonosov ridge, research on continental areas - all this confirmed the hypothesis of scientists. It turns out that earlier instead of the Arctic Ocean, a tropical forest grew. The forest of the tropics stayed under the burning sun all year round, there was no snow or frost at all.

A scientist from India Bal Gangadhar Tilak studied all astronomical events described in the Indian Vedas and came to the conclusion that the only place on the entire planet corresponds in description only to the Russian Arctic, where the natural phenomena indicated in the chronicles of the Aryans could only be observed. In particular, the Indian scientist mentioned a bright star that stood motionless in the sky all year round. In 1903, Bal Tilak released his revolutionary theory about the Arctic origin of the Aryans and all Indo-Europeans.

The same conclusion was reached by the Russian scientist Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Elachich, who published in 1910 the book "The Far North, as the homeland of mankind", based on research materials of that time in the field of natural history and philological sciences. In his published fundamental work, Jelacic suggested that in the 2nd or 3rd millennium BC, not the constellation Ursa Major, but the constellation of the Dragon with the bright star Alpha, stood above the North Pole.

Hence the origin of the worship of the northern Aryans to the ancient god in the form of the Dragon, the eastern peoples - to the deity Prajapati, and among the Slavic tribes - in the form of the monstrous divine serpents Triglav and Semigla. According to the legend, each of their heads had a cosmic connection with the ecumene. By worshiping this deity, the Aryans and Aryan Brahmans practically established a connection with certain galactic centers. This is how animism, Buddhism and shamanism, widespread religions among the indigenous peoples of Siberia: Tuvans, Altai, Khanty, Chukchi, Shors, Koryaks, Itelmen, and many other small Siberian tribes arose.

The languages of speech of peoples speak scientifically about the connection of the Aryans with the Slavs. The closest thing to the Aryan Sanskrit is the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. The very first letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet "Az" means "I", that is, one unit within the Ases people. Due to the common Aryan root, many topological names, for example, the Sea of Azov, the ancient city of Arkaim, the city of Askarp, the Aria River (now the Volga), are associated with the Ases living in ancient times on their territory - the most ancient representatives of the Aryans.

The most ancient Aryan names that have come down to us were recorded on clay tablets. Outstanding Indian Sanskrit scholar Rahul Sankrityan worked at Leningrad University in the 1950s and investigated the issue of common ancient Indian and Slavic roots. Based on philological science, the scientist managed to establish that their common ancestor is the highly developed civilization of the Aryans.

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With the help of modern science of genetics, it was possible to discover that the majority of Slavs belong to the genetic haplogroup "R1a1". The migration of the R1a1 gene from the Eurasian steppes to the Balkans took place about 7000 years ago. Studying the DNA of Mesolithic burials in the Karelia region on South Oleniy Island, Paleolithic times at the Afontova Gora site and the Late Paleolithic Siberian site of Malta, scientists came to the conclusion that the most likely place of origin of the haplogroup "R1a1" is in Siberia.

Traces of the migration of the Aryans from the Far North of Russia through Siberia to the south can be found practically throughout Central and Central Asia, the Middle East. For example, in Pakistan, the Kalash people live, which is the carrier of the Slavic gene "R1a1", which has striking external differences from the main Pakistani population - dark-skinned dark-haired brown-eyed Pashtuns. The representatives of the Kalash have amazingly blue eyes and light brown hair.

In Tajikistan, for example, there is a very small Pamir people with their own special way of life, architecture of houses, language and culture that stands out sharply among the Tajik people around them. The Pamirians build their houses in a special way in the form of an amphitheater with three-level tiers inside and a roof resembling a hipped-roof dome, consisting of four squares inscribed into each other, personifying the elements of fire, earth, water, air. The appearance of the Pamiris is characterized by the predominance of expressive green eyes and light red hair. They are also carriers of the "R1a1" haplogroup gene.

Modern genetics serves as a powerful tool for determining a person's past without leaving any doubt. Humanity has always sought to learn the secrets of its past in order to more accurately determine its future. In ancient times, the migration of the Aryans radically changed the history of world civilization. Perhaps, in the future, scientists will also scrupulously investigate the colossal consequences of modern migration in the world.
