Blood Of The Gods - Alternative View

Blood Of The Gods - Alternative View
Blood Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Blood Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Blood Of The Gods - Alternative View
Video: GWAR - The Blood of Gods (FULL ALBUM) 2024, September

There are four main blood groups in humans. These are A, B, AB, and O. This classification arose from antigens in blood cells - proteins on the surface of these cells that are needed to resist bacteria and viruses. These proteins are present in most people in the population and are called Rh positive. It is believed that around 85% of whites, 90% of blacks and 98% of Asians are Rh positive in the world.

But there is a small percentage of the world's population that does not possess the appropriate antigens, and belongs to a completely different category - Rh negative people.

Why the blood of one small group of people is so different is still a deeply controversial subject.

Among others, an amazing hypothesis was put forward that in the distant past aliens who visited Earth subjected primitive, primitive man to genetic and cellular modifications; apparently to bring out the slave race. Thus, they gave birth to people with a negative Rh factor.

To see how significantly Rh-negative people differ from the rest of the population, it is enough to consider a condition such as pregnancy. For a Rh negative woman, pregnancy is fraught with serious risks.

If a woman with a negative Rh factor becomes pregnant from a man who is also Rh negative, there are no problems, and there is nothing to worry about: both people are completely compatible with each other, and the fetus will develop into a healthy child with Rh negative blood.


However, if the father has a positive Rh factor, and the mother is negative, then troubles begin that can lead to a mass of various, including tragic, consequences, since the child will have Rh-positive blood. This is where the root of the problem lies.

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While it sounds unbelievable, a pregnant woman's Rh negative blood may be completely incompatible with the Rh positive blood of the baby she is carrying.

Very often, under such circumstances, the mother's body begins to attack the fetus, producing antibodies that kill him.

In other words, the Rh-positive baby is viewed by the mother's immune system as something hostile, which should not be in her body. The unborn child is in all respects regarded as something alien and alien, from which it is necessary to get rid of as soon as possible.

Moreover, with each new pregnancy, these antibodies in the woman's blood become more powerful and deadly. That is, the mother's body is looking for more powerful, faster and more effective ways to kill the fetus.

It looks like something very ancient and non-human is deeply embedded in our DNA, which makes Rh-positive and Rh-negative organisms think of each other as very heterogeneous, and never intended to merge.

But if we are a product of extraterrestrial genetic technology, then who were those who played god with our distant wild ancestors? Why did they need to create a new, radically different kind of man? Where did they come from? Are they still here?


These questions lead us to the legendary creatures known as the Anunnaki, in the heart of the cultures of Ancient Sumer, in what is today called southern Iraq. Historians and archaeologists believe that the first human settlements arose there between 5500 and 4000 BC.

According to Sumerian legends, more than 400 thousand years before, a huge flood devastated the Earth, destroying uncounted millions of people. Then the Anunnaki, a legendary race of powerful people, returned to our planet from the heights of heaven.

They introduced a certain stability and social order in the tribes of primitive people; some of them eventually developed into Cro-Magnons.

However, the actual original plan of the Annunaki was different.

The main goal of the "taming" of primitive people by the Annunaki and genetic manipulation of them, apparently, was that the aliens needed to breed a species of strong and strong creatures, in fact, nothing more than a race of slaves who had to work for them for Earth - including on the extraction of the precious gold that the Anunnaki desperately need.

When the Anunnaki eventually left Earth, they left behind a bewildering legacy - a new species of people radically different from the rest - people with Rh negative blood. Such people live to this day.

The Rh-negative lineage also runs through the British royal family, which has already sparked rumors that the members of the Royal family are not exactly who they say they are. There is a whole section of conspiracy theories dedicated to the fact that the British monarchs are direct descendants of the ancient order of humanoid aliens, and are the true, secret rulers of our planet.

Is there really something in the genetic code of Rh negative people that allows them to be strong figures, born leaders, very much like the legendary heroes of the past or the "glorious people" described in the Bible (almost certainly also Rh negative)?


Or are people with Rh-negative blood actually constituting an underground army of hybrids that are lovingly but secretly raised for unknown, but certainly sinister, goals?

If one day it is proved that a certain small percentage of the human population is actually not entirely human, will the persecution of people with Rh negative blood begin to persecute? Will there be a witch hunt? Calls to isolate Rh-negative people from society?

Could the fear that some Rh-negative people are pursuing sinister alien designs cause some kind of "extraterrestrial racism" to emerge and spread widely and rampant? Will we not see the construction of countless concentration camps for "aliens"?

Including such inflammatory questions, the secret of the negative Rh factor keeps in itself.

Space agencies, astronomers, and ufology researchers have spent countless years scrutinizing the skies for evidence that aliens are somewhere nearby.

But the convoluted saga of the negative Rh factor, on the contrary, openly hints that it may not be among the stars that we need to look for evidence of the existence of aliens. And among us, the species is "reasonable man."

Is it really, in such a bizarre, fantastic and even mocking way, that we - or at least some of us with Rh negative blood - are the very aliens we have been looking for so long without success?..

Based on materials from World-Mysteries