SOS Signals Are Periodically Received From The Titanic - Alternative View

SOS Signals Are Periodically Received From The Titanic - Alternative View
SOS Signals Are Periodically Received From The Titanic - Alternative View

Video: SOS Signals Are Periodically Received From The Titanic - Alternative View

Video: SOS Signals Are Periodically Received From The Titanic - Alternative View
Video: Пространственно временная аномалия: Спустя столетие: мы все еще получаем сигналы SOS с "Титаника"? 2024, September

Many mystical stories are associated with sunken ships. Some ships appear centuries later and are usually called ghost ships, other ships are capable of sending various signals, which are also mysterious manifestations that are not always possible to explain from a logical point of view. Is it someone's joke or are there forces in the world that are capable of such manifestations?

Around the sunken Titanic, there are quite a few different legends, rumors and conjectures, and researchers to this day continue to explore the ship, which managed to become legendary, although it made only one voyage, which became fatal for it. The Titanic sank in 1912, and sixty years later an SOS signal was received from the ship. The radio operator who received the radiogram did not believe what was happening and decided to tell his boss about the case, but he just twisted his finger at his temple and asked him not to report such information, which makes no sense.

However, the radio operator did not calm down and began to study information about the Titanic. He managed to find out that the signal is received in different countries with a time interval of six years. The signal always contained the phrase "SOS", which means asking for help from anyone who can catch its frequency.

The last time the signal was detected was in 1996 and there is no more official data about this, but this does not mean at all that the signals have stopped. There is a possibility that people simply do not report the mystical signal from the Titanic, because this is contrary to common sense. Who needed to send a distress signal from a sunken ship and why?