Human Footprint 290 Million Years Old - Alternative View

Human Footprint 290 Million Years Old - Alternative View
Human Footprint 290 Million Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Human Footprint 290 Million Years Old - Alternative View

Video: Human Footprint 290 Million Years Old - Alternative View
Video: BU researchers use new software to uncover ancient footprints at Laetoli 2024, September

Is that strange idea that the history of mankind, known to us from school, is not dated correctly? Isn't that what a unique artifact, a 290 million-year-old human footprint, speaks of?

Is it possible that the dates given by traditional science regarding humanity are wrong? Is it possible to admit the idea of the appearance of people on Earth much earlier than the date, as science declares it?

With all the discoveries and findings up to the present day, with all the known artifacts, the idea of an older age of intelligent life on the planet has the right to be taken very seriously. No one makes claims to rewrite the historical book of mankind, but the origin of a person may undergo an adjustment in the date of appearance.

At first glance, the fossil footprint may not reveal much, and it is likely that the same can be found anywhere on Earth. But this is no ordinary trail. Obviously, the anatomy of the print resembles a modern human foot.

The intrigue of the imprint is that according to the researchers, this footprint has been petrified about 290 million years. This is a gigantic period of time for the origin of the artifact, which, if proven and accepted, is capable of changing a lot in the accepted history.

The discovery of the oldest trace of a bare human foot was made in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry MacDonald in 1987. True, in the vicinity of this mysterious imprint of modern man, fossils of birds and other animals were also present.

The impression of the find puzzled not only the author, but also everyone who saw and studied the ancient artifact. No one was really able to clarify how the trace could appear in the Permian layers, since, according to science, this period is from 290 to 248 million years.

Indeed, this era was long before humans or even birds and dinosaurs existed on this planet, of course, according to accepted scientific thinking.

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Should we look at things differently, as we think today, based on the opinion postulated by science? Or, we have to take the thought that there is no way that this 290 million year old human footprint could have arisen.

Artifacts are a strange part of the story, providing a topic for heated debate between people. Some are firmly convinced that the history of mankind has developed in a different way than the accepted teaching asserts. Others consider all such artifacts to be ridiculous forgeries, having nothing to do with real history.

An ancient human footprint dating back to 290 million years has been classified by paleontologists as problematic. It is completely incomprehensible how the imprint ended up there, and even better it sounds - who left it there? But in addition, the researchers discovered numerous unexplained things that may be connected by a common thread with the fingerprint found in New Mexico.

A fossilized footprint of a person millions of years old
A fossilized footprint of a person millions of years old

A fossilized footprint of a person millions of years old.

In this image, we see a footprint dating back millions of years, the only difference is that this giant footprint is located in Africa.

Researchers have mixed feelings about the strange footprint, and there seems to be no controversy over the authenticity of the print. In the opinion of some of the researchers accompanying the explanation on this issue: "It just looks like a human footprint!"

One of the main arguments for the impossibility of the existence of a fingerprint of a person millions of years old is given by science - there has not been a person yet, the point is in this matter. Meanwhile, such archaeological finds are extremely striking. We see in this not a game of fantasy, but a confirmation of the deeper history of mankind.