Earth As A Refueling Station For UFOs - Alternative View

Earth As A Refueling Station For UFOs - Alternative View
Earth As A Refueling Station For UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Earth As A Refueling Station For UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Earth As A Refueling Station For UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Above the nuclear power plant Aaguna Verde, located in the Mexican state of Veracruz, numerous employees of the nuclear power plant on November 5, 2014 saw an unidentified flying object of a very unusual shape. A dark UFO in the shape of a cross hovered over the station for half an hour, and then slowly walked to the side, "blinked flashlights" and literally disappeared into thin air.

Three days later, another object, already in the form of a "plate", was seen above a graphite-water nuclear reactor near the city of Russellville in the US state of Arkansas.

“When I noticed him at about one in the morning, he was 'hanging' in the sky absolutely motionless and glowing with colored lights, - says one of the witnesses, who wished to remain anonymous. “For the next two hours, I watched him almost continuously. At about 3 am the object finally left its "observation post" above the nuclear power plant and began to move.

When the UFO flew over me, I did not hear a single sound, which is not typical for terrestrial aerial technology, but I felt a strange pulsation in my body, as if electromagnetic waves pierced me."

A few weeks earlier, the French energy company Eles-tricite de France (EDF) recorded that strange aircraft of unknown origin were seen over seven of the country's nuclear facilities during October.

The first incident occurred on October 5, the rest were recorded between October 13 and 20 in different parts of France.

“Usually UFOs appeared early in the morning or at night. This did not affect the operation of nuclear facilities,”the company said, categorically rejecting the assumption that helicopters patrolled the nuclear power plant.

The fact is that in France, airplanes and helicopters are not allowed to fly within five kilometers of a nuclear power plant.

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In the ufological environment, there is an opinion that we are too naive about aliens, believing that they can be so interested in human evolution that over the centuries they have sent thousands of ships to Earth and spent huge material resources on studying the life and customs of the population of a distant planet.

Arriving to us, they clearly pursue completely different goals. At the same time, strange objects are regularly observed over power lines, electric and nuclear power plants.

It has been suggested that UFOs are "charged" in this way. What for? According to ufologists, the so-called humanoids are by no means biological creatures, but robots that "feed", in addition to the energy resources of the seas and oceans, electric and atomic energy.

And the aliens do it quite demonstratively, not hiding at all.

A striking incident took place on July 13, 2002 in Azerbaijan, when almost the entire republic plunged into darkness at one moment. A UFO was observed in the Baku area a few minutes before the power outage. Moreover, the light did not go out in one second, but rather pulsed, creating the illusion of a kind of "sucking" of electricity.

An eyewitness to the event, Chingiz Jafarli, chief inspector of the Cinema Directorate, recalls: “At about 10:50 pm, while on the street, I was looking at the stars when I suddenly noticed a moving object that looked like a turtle's shell. Since there was no sound, I realized that this was not an airplane. The object was walking from the side of the sea and stopped at some point.

And suddenly I saw, as it were, a spark, as if lightning flashed like a kind of red stream, and then the light in my dacha slowly began to dim, and then it also slowly became brighter.

The object began to turn in the direction of the Severnaya TPP, and immediately such a hum began from there, as if something was about to explode, but then everything just as suddenly died down. At that moment the light went out completely."

Jafarli's story is supplemented by Nigar Dubina, a physics teacher: “Observing the night stars, I was interested in the behavior of one of them; at first I took it for an airplane, but it moved in jerks from one side to the other. Then I heard a subtle hum and the object flashed with bright light several times. Moreover, each of its light impulses was accompanied by a simultaneous blinking of light in the surrounding houses."

Seven years later, in December 2009, stunned residents of cities and villages across Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Chile saw many objects of various shapes, ranging from so-called mother ships to cigars. Their appearance was often accompanied by sudden power outages in settlements.

So, in the half-million Argentine city of Salta at 2 am in the cloudy sky hundreds of walking eyewitnesses noticed "a huge spiked boat with flashing lights and one fixed beacon", slowly and completely silently sailing south towards the city of El Tunali.

The object was at least 300 meters long. A few minutes after his appearance, the city plunged into complete darkness, telephones stopped working, and even the water in the taps ran out.

Man-made chaos lasted 9 hours. The reasons for it were sorted out by the company Edes, which manages the distribution of electricity in Argentina. However, the engineers did not come to any definite conclusions, they only officially recorded that all the generators at the central city power plant were burned …