The Only One In The World: The Boy Was Born With A Kidney In A Leg - Alternative View

The Only One In The World: The Boy Was Born With A Kidney In A Leg - Alternative View
The Only One In The World: The Boy Was Born With A Kidney In A Leg - Alternative View

Video: The Only One In The World: The Boy Was Born With A Kidney In A Leg - Alternative View

Video: The Only One In The World: The Boy Was Born With A Kidney In A Leg - Alternative View
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10-year-old Hamish Robinson was born with the absence of chromosome 7p22.1, and with a kidney that is located in his thigh.

According to doctors, Hamish is currently the only person in the world with a similar anomaly and it was even named after him "Hamish Syndrome".

The boy is quite educational, but he has problems with hearing and back, he also suffers from frequent asthma attacks, and still cannot speak and uses a computer to communicate.

In total, there are about 900 people in the world who have one or two kidneys located in places of the body where they should not be. And Hamish is the only one with a kidney that sank into the thigh.

Due to its complex condition, this kidney cannot be removed, since even being in the thigh, it is fully functional, and its removal can adversely affect the health of the child.

The boy's mother, Kay Robinson, doesn't know. how long her son was destined to live. The doctors immediately after giving birth told her that his life could be interrupted at any moment.


Hamish was born 5 and a half weeks ahead of schedule on May 29, 2008 and weighed only 900 grams. But after three weeks he was discharged from the hospital, as he had no intention of dying.

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However, soon pediatricians noticed a whole range of complications in him, and at 17 months his mother brought him to the hospital for a check with a geneticist. It was then that it became clear that the boy was missing a very important chromosome.


Hamish was almost three years old when he barely pronounced the word "Mom", and then he did not say anything at all for six years.

Now the abnormal location of the kidney in the boy's thigh does not threaten his health. But doctors fear that his condition will worsen with age.


Hamish's mother began her own investigation when she was told that her son was missing chromosome 7p22.1. She found information about people with a similar anomaly and learned that they most often have a whole set of congenital malformations of the heart, kidneys and upper palate, but these defects are not fatal.

Also, geneticists discovered that Hamish had a serious predisposition to bowel cancer, and this news further upset the mother of the child. At the moment, geneticists continue to study the unique boy.