UFO Phenomenon As A Manifestation Of Reason In Space - Alternative View

UFO Phenomenon As A Manifestation Of Reason In Space - Alternative View
UFO Phenomenon As A Manifestation Of Reason In Space - Alternative View

Video: UFO Phenomenon As A Manifestation Of Reason In Space - Alternative View

Video: UFO Phenomenon As A Manifestation Of Reason In Space - Alternative View
Video: CityStream: UFOs: Do you believe? 2024, September

In our opinion, it is no longer necessary to prove the reality of UFOs and the rationality of their actions in the presence of thousands and thousands of testimonies, photographs, films and video recordings, radar serifs of flights of mysterious vehicles, fixing traces at their landing sites. The UFO phenomenon has a rich bibliography, among which there are many purely scientific works and monographs devoted to the analysis of certain characteristics of unknown aircraft (AC). A classification of UFO types has been compiled, including more than fifty aircraft configurations. One of the first such classification was made by the American researcher James McCampbell 102. He divided UFOs into a number of classes:

The probes are in the form of spheres and disks with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.9 m, which, apparently, are remotely controlled research vehicles. UFOs of this purpose have been observed in the process of separating them from large spacecraft.

Small UFOs. They are of three types:

a) ovoid, 1.8-2.5 m long, flying with a vertical orientation of the major axis;

b) an elongated cylindrical shape without any external superstructures and assemblies, with a major axis oriented in the direction of flight;

c) spherical objects with a diameter of about 4.5 m.

Standard UFOs. This group has a disc-like shape with various variations. Most often, their sizes are in the range from 7.5 to 12 m, and their thickness is about 10 times less than the diameter.

Large UFOs. Several different types have been observed. Most often, eyewitnesses reported about discs about 35 m in diameter. However, there were large specimens, several stories high and 75 to 90 m in diameter.

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Triangular craft, or "three stars", because in the night flight on the hull are marked three sources of light like headlights. The size of the side of the triangle is from 7.5 to 80 m.

Cigar-shaped apparatus. As a rule, sizes are up to 100 meters or more in length.

Carriers. They were observed at very high altitudes. These are giant cigar-shaped apparatus. The approximate dimensions are up to 1.5 km in length. A large number of small UFOs were observed to separate from them.

In addition to the named shapes, the following are also found: sphere, bell, oval, saturn-shaped, egg, cone, saucer-shaped, mushroom, top, parachute, lampshade, parallelepiped, cube, ring, torus, sickle, dumbbell-shaped, double point, lamp-shaped, headlight, jellyfish, spoked wheel, etc. 103.

Along with many of the physical characteristics of UFOs concerning color, speed, light emission, smell, etc., it has been established that UFOs in flight or hovering mode above the earth's surface are a point source of electromagnetic energy. In one case, the radiation parameters were even measured: frequency - 1000-3000 MHz, pulse width - 2 μs, pulse repetition rate - 2-600 Hz, radiation power - 1.5 MW, in acceleration mode - 1.8 MW. These values were obtained using an on-board measuring system from an American B-47 aircraft 104.

Confirmation that the first ground-based radars detected the movements of unknown vehicles in space back in the 50s, when there were no satellites in orbits, was voiced in the report of RF Avramenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, radar developer, in 1994, at the Siegele Readings in Moscow 105. He said that by turning on the first power

ny locator and looking at what is happening around the Earth, they discovered unknown aircraft. Those were at a distance of several hundred to thousands of kilometers, and they could be observed for several minutes on different days. Each flight was recorded, the parameters of these objects were determined. For example, one of them flew at an altitude of 300 km at a speed of 20 km / sec and had a diameter of about 300 meters. Based on the results of the observations, a scientific report was drawn up, but after reading it, the head of the work, Academician A. L. Mints, refused to approve it, citing the extremely negative attitude of the Central Committee of the CPSU to such reports.

Much later it became known about similar results obtained in the course of the secret Canadian project "Magnet", begun in the 50s under the leadership of Wilbor Smith, who had first-class equipment in the field of radar tracking and radio monitoring of the air. Through the observatories of Canada, W. Smith carried out radar monitoring of UFOs at extremely high altitudes and in near space. They also confirmed the detection of unknown spacecraft near the Earth 106.

But the main thing that all eyewitnesses and researchers of UFOs noted as an indisputable fact is the reasonable behavior of most unknown aircraft. This UFO was fundamentally different from any other natural and technological phenomena, be it ball lightning, comets, fireballs, meteorites, missile and satellite launches, etc., which are usually referred to by the opponents of UFOs, arguing their rejection of the hypothesis of unidentified flying objects as vehicles other intelligent civilizations.

Let us dwell on the presence of elements of conscious behavior in UFO actions based on the materials of eyewitnesses who observed these phenomena in various regions of the Lower Volga region:

Engineer Yu. Kutasevich (Volzhsky, August 20, 1981, 22 hours 30 minutes).

In the east, I saw a bright star rising high into the sky, which froze, remained motionless for a while, and then split into four light sources, forming a rhombus: two white lights, two red ones. The reds flashed haphazardly. Then there is

there were strange movements. The lights moved autonomously, died away, overtook each other. It lasted about ten minutes, and some of the relatives and neighbors on the balcony observed this phenomenon.

V. I. Evdokimov, head of the electrical installation section (on the night of October 5-6, 1989, the Akhtuba river near the village of Tsarev).

At midnight, together with Alexei Khabarov, they saw a luminous object at a low height, a little more than a tennis ball. The speed is like a small plane. Finding itself at a distance of a kilometer from us, the object began to make something like aerobatics in the sky. For example, he moved quickly and stopped instantly. The maneuvers are unsystematic, chaotic with hovering and a quick take-off up to half a kilometer. Everything is silent. During the maneuvers, a beam directed to the ground was lit several times. Then an amazing thing happened: a red dot appeared from the motionlessly light body, as if a bubble had blown out. She separated from the main body and continued some types of maneuvers, as if she were doing something else. There are no military installations or large structures in that area, only field roads.

Vladimir Pavlov (resident of the town of Kotelnikovo, Volgograd region, time - July 1990, 21-22 hours).

Attention was drawn to an incomprehensible but clearly audible human conversation from somewhere above. Raising his head, he saw a round object, slightly larger than a tennis ball, flying at a low height. It was half milky white, half crimson, and moved slightly faster than its companion. The most amazing thing is that the incomprehensible dialogue came from him! Audibility faded as the object moved away.

Artist-engraver A. V. Melnikov (August 25, 1989, at about 11 pm, Volga-Akhtubinskaya floodplain).

There were two families of us. Before going to sleep in the tents, we noticed that something bright was flying across the sky at a speed greater than that of the satellite. Having reached the horizon, the body stopped and after ten minutes it began to return at an altitude of about 200 meters. The object hovered over the road to Kapustin Yar, while blinking from it, like on special vehicles, but there was no sound. After moving and descending, the object hovered over Akhtuba at an altitude of about 50 meters, pulsed light hit the water, even the crests of the waves were visible. Body size - about a soccer ball. Suddenly, from the side of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, from the west, a red dot with a pulsating signal began to approach the ball.

genius. She came close to the ball, and both light sources moved away towards the city of Akhtubinsk.

Major of the Internal Troops E. V. Suetin (Astrakhan Region, December 1990).

Objects have appeared more than once, and with the same transformation algorithm.

First, a bright star appeared in the sky. Then a five-beam flash followed, and a luminous ball floated out of this radiance. The ball sank, changed color and could turn into a "plate". It looks like a hemisphere with four portholes. When the object took off, the transformations occurred in the reverse order. This was observed by a large number of witnesses. Interestingly, mercury was often found in four conical holes at UFO landing sites.

Irina M.

(Danilovka village, Volgograd region, end of May 1991)

My husband, me and my brother Mikhail were fishing on the Medveditsa River. At about ten o'clock in the evening, in the sky above the farm, the Beavers saw a red egg-shaped object facing downward with a sharp cone. He approached us, increasing in size, and appeared above us at an altitude of about a kilometer. Pale green oblique rays emanated from him, directed towards Danilovka. Then the object "went out", became invisible, but soon appeared slightly to the side. When the headlights blinked at him, the object disappeared for a long time. As soon as he appeared, the headlights blinked at him again. The UFO reacted again: the ball faded, but did not disappear completely.

This was repeated several times. The UFO reacted in its own way to the approach of the car: it was moving away or gaining altitude. A series of exchanges of light signals followed again - and again the ball disappeared. This went on until one in the morning.

We believed that the apparatus was controlled by intelligent beings: so intelligent were its actions.

Alevtina Petrovna Makarova, 40 years old (outskirts of the Volzhsky town, the area of the Bolshoi estuary, the Makarov family of machine operators).

Several times in August 1990, we observed a dull reddish ball of impressive size above the openwork mast of a high-voltage line. Around the circumference of the ball, forming a triangle, lights burned: red, green, yellow. They flashed alternately, as if in a circle. Inside the ball was another, smaller triangle of stationary lights. It felt like the ball was being powered by energy from a high voltage line.

Pensioner I. A. Slavgorodsky (the Don river near the Vertyachy farm in the Volgograd region, late September 1990)

Late in the evening in the night sky we saw something like an airship above us: a large dark silhouette with four clearly flickering portholes. The portholes would sometimes go out, then they would light up again. Meanwhile, a loaded self-propelled barge appeared on the Don. Bypassing the river island, she illuminated the fairway with a searchlight. And at the same moment from above, from the side of the UFO, a powerful beam of light hit it. The searchlight immediately went out, all the lights on her also went out, and then she went on without any light at all, although the section was very difficult. It looks like all the electric power equipment burned out from the impact of an electromagnetic pulse from the object on the barge.

Meanwhile, the skyship stopped illuminating the barge and lifted the beam vertically above it. And then the contours of exactly the same object appeared in it, but suspended in the air much higher.

The objects blinked at each other in flashes of light. Then the top one began completely silently leaving the field of view. And a couple of minutes later, another UFO swam away just as noiselessly.

The city of Tatishchevo, Saratov region (23 June 1978, cloudless).

25 minutes after sunset, a weakly luminous object of pale yellow color in the shape of a hemisphere appeared in the sky at an altitude of 1.5-2 km. He hovered motionless over the terrain. The nearby military unit turned on powerful searchlights and illuminated the object. After 6-10 seconds, the searchlights were disabled and extinguished, and the UFO withdrew in a westerly direction at the speed of a jet plane. The next day, when inspecting the searchlight, stripes 20-30 cm deep, 30 mm wide and 1.5 to 2 meters long were found in the military unit. The stripes were even with melted edges 107.

Finally, the last thing that I would like to cite from our materials in favor of the meaningfulness of UFO actions is a well-documented record of the negotiations between Saratov's air traffic controllers and the crew of Yak-40 # 87517.

This happened on October 28, 1980 during the flight No. 5819-5820 en route Saratov - Stavropol - Tbilisi - Saratov while descending in the air zone of Saratov. The Yak-40 crew was headed by commander Boris Nikolaevich Bushaev, co-pilot Vladimir Nikolaevich Bogdanets, flight mechanic Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kryukov. At 2 hours 50 minutes of the night, the plane descended from a height of 7,800 meters, passing the Kama-

tires. At an altitude of 3600 meters, the commander saw a UFO following a parallel course. Here are fragments of a tape recording of the pilots' conversations with each other and with air traffic controllers.

Second pilot. Commander, going down, time pressure.

Commander. You can't go down, you have to wait, there is an unidentified object below us.

Flight mechanic. See see! He is ahead, to the left. It looks like a carriage, without wings and with round illuminated windows.

Second pilot. Now I see it too. He overtook us. I confirm that what is overtaking us looks like a railway carriage, only with round windows.

A strangely shaped UFO, violating all aerodynamic laws, with a speed almost twice as fast as Yak, was moving away towards the Saratov airfield.

First pilot (Bushaev). Saratov, and what has passed me overboard?

Dispatcher. I am Saratov. There is no one in the zone.

First pilot. Ask your neighbors. Maybe they see him?

Dispatcher. A minute …

“Saratov, I am on board 87832, I ask for a reduction and confirm: the object in the form of a carriage overtook us in the Volgograd region and now we see it in the glare of the city lights” - this was the response of the crew of the Yak-40 aircraft en route from Yerevan to Saratov.

The object hovered over the airfield at an altitude of 600 meters.

Dispatcher. Board 87517, take 600, "hike."

Bushaev. Got it, I'm borrowing 600.

Surprisingly, the object seemed to have heard the negotiations and began to slowly shift from the course of the aircraft, which was going to land, by 30-40 degrees. And then the pilots saw how in the Pristannoye area, six kilometers from Saratov, the object hovered, turned in one place, substituting the side with portholes, then turned on two searchlights. The crew did not observe such a glow in nature. The rays illuminated an area with a diameter of about 30 kilometers. You could see everything at a glance.

Voice recording:

Flight mechanic. That's great!

Bushaev. I am on board 87517, making the second turn. The object is located above Pristanny, turned on two searchlights, powerful beams

directed to the west, the distance is 80 kilometers. Hills, forest are clearly visible …

“I am on board 87832. I observe the object and the searchlights. I confirm the message of the board 87517 "- I connected to the dialogue with the dispatcher" Yerevanian ".

Another confirmation: “I am Tupolev. I walk 9,000 meters, I can clearly see the spotlights”108.

The strange thing about the flight accident was that the dispatchers of Saratov did not observe the car-like object either visually or on the radars. Further: UFO clearly read information on the air, freeing the train, when Yak went to land, illuminated the area with searchlights, as if demonstrating its capabilities. He moved easily and quickly in the sky. A demonstration of his capabilities can be attributed to the fact that he did not get on the screens of locators, as if avoiding detection by means of electronic tracking, and most importantly, being perfectly able to do this.

It should be noted that it was not possible to find a clue to the unusual flight incident. The object has remained unidentified.

Concluding the review of some of the materials we have accumulated about some of the features and actions of UFOs, it should be emphasized that it is more permissible to attribute them to the manifestations of unknown intelligent forces than to some unknown natural phenomena. Another point of view is much less logical and can only confuse the question of solving anomalous phenomena. Thus, a priori it can be argued that another Intelligence is capable of manifesting itself in actions related to the functions of UFOs, which, in our opinion, perform the role of researchers or scouts in relation to our civilization. Although, however, these objects can carry more complex functions of an expeditionary, research, environmental, ideological, genetic, etc. character.

From the book: "The manifestation of other worlds in earthly phenomena." Belimov G. S.