Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View

Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View
Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View

Video: Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View

Video: Legends About The Scythians - Alternative View
Video: Where now it is possible to find Scythians? 2024, September

The Scythians are ancient tribes in the Northern Black Sea region, who lived in the 7th-3rd centuries BC. e. and who managed to create a culture high enough for that time, which was subsequently absorbed by the peoples of Eastern Europe, Western and Central Asia.

In the history of civilization, the Scythians ranked second after the Greeks and Romans, moreover, they were the direct heirs of their cultural traditions. The origin of the Scythians is still unknown. Despite the existence of a huge number of hypotheses, even now it is impossible to say with certainty where this people came from.

Ancient Greek scientist, "father of history" Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., during one of his travels he visited the Northern Black Sea region and got acquainted with the manners and customs of the Scythians. It was he who wrote down two legends about the origin of the Scythians, one of which was told to him by the Scythians themselves, and the other by the Hellenes.


According to the first legend, in the land of the Scythians, which was at that time a deserted desert, a man named Targitai was born to the god Zeus and the daughter of the river Borisfen. The boy grew rapidly and soon turned into a handsome, strong youth. He married a beautiful girl who gave him three sons: Lipoksaya, Artoksaya and Kolaksaya.

Once the brothers were walking across the field, and suddenly 4 gold objects fell from the sky: a plow, a yoke, an ax and a bowl. The elder brother was the first to notice them and wanted to take them. But as soon as he got closer, the gold suddenly ignited. Then the second brother tried to lift the objects, but he also suffered the same fate. When the younger brother approached the things, the burning of gold stopped. Kolaksai picked up the objects and carried them to him. The elder and middle brothers understood the symbolism of this event and ceded to the younger the right to rule the kingdom.

Further, Herodotus tells: “And from Lipoksai those Scythians who bear the name of the Avhat clan came; from the middle brother Artoksai - those who are called katiars and trapias, and from the younger king - those who are called paralats; the common name of all of them - chipped off, after the name of one king; the Greeks called them the Scythians."

The legend of the Hellenes tells about Hercules, who, "chasing the bulls of Geryon," arrived in the country where the Scythians now live, and miraculously disappeared in the pasture. " Quite an interesting disclaimer: Hercules drove the bulls, but his horses disappeared. Who made the mistake - the Greeks or Herodotus - is still unknown.

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According to this legend, in search of bulls (horses), Hercules went around the whole earth and came to Polesie. There, in one of the caves, he found a strange creature - a half-virgin, half-snake. Hercules asked if she had seen his horses, to which the half-maid replied that she had the mares, "but she will not give them to him before he communicates with her."


Hercules agreed to her terms, but the half-virgin, wanting to prolong their relationship, kept dragging on with the return of the animals. They lived together for a long time and made three sons. In the end, she decided to give Hercules the mares, but before that she asked him what to do with her sons when they grow up: keep them or send them to their father.

Hercules replied: “When you see the sons matured, do the best of all this: look, which of them will pull this bow like this and gird himself in my opinion with this belt, and give this land for residence, and which will not be able to fulfill the proposed my tasks, the one left the country. Having said this, Hercules held out to the half-maiden a bow and a belt with a gold bowl at the end of the buckle.

When the sons grew up, the mother subjected them to the test proposed by Hercules. The eldest - Agafirs - and the middle - Gelon - could not repeat their father's feat and were expelled from the country. The youngest son - Scythian - exactly reproduced the movements of his father and became the ancestor of the dynasty of Scythian kings.

Meanwhile, the ancient Greek historian had his own point of view on the problem of the origin of the Scythians. According to his hypothesis, the nomadic Scythians who lived in Asia, tired of repelling the constant raids of the Massagets, retired to the Cimmerian land and after several centuries founded their state there.

Having settled in the new lands, the Scythians established trade relations with the Greeks, as evidenced by the dishes and metal products of Greek origin found by archaeologists. Commodity-money relations in those distant times were not yet developed, therefore, for Greek dishes, gold and bronze jewelry, the Scythian tribes were forced to pay with their own products, mainly bread.


In those distant times, the process of disintegration of clan relations took place among the Scythians, which was reflected in burial rites. The dead were buried in wooden structures on pillars, in pits imitating dwellings, in catacombs and in mounds. Among the grave goods one can find battle axes, swords, shells and helmets of Greek work, various kinds of decorations, mirrors.

The patriarchal nature of relations is evidenced by the fact that free women were buried in the burial mounds for male burials. The burials of young women deserve special attention, in which, in addition to jewelry, weapons were found. Apparently, while the men were making campaigns of conquest, women were forced to defend their homes with weapons in their hands from the raids of nomads.

The Scythians had an institution of slavery. In the early stages of the development of society, prisoners who were captured in military campaigns became slaves. When the master died, his slaves followed him to the grave. The unfortunate people were buried in a bent position with their knees pressed to their stomachs.

The economy of the Scythian state was based on campaigns of conquest against neighboring tribes. Herodotus tells of a campaign against the Medes, which lasted for 28 years. Tired, the Scythians returned to their homes, hoping to find comfort and peace there. However, their hopes were not destined to come true. Returning home, "they met a considerable army that opposed them, because the Scythian women, due to the long absence of their husbands, entered into a relationship with the slaves …"

The youths born as a result of such misalliance decided to oppose the Scythians. They dug a deep moat stretching from the Tauride Mountains to Lake Meotida. Nevertheless, the Scythians managed to overcome this obstacle, after which several battles took place, in which the returning soldiers won. The values brought from the campaign that belonged to the class societies of the Near East had a tremendous impact on the formation of the artistic style of the Scythians.

At the end of the 6th century BC. e. Darius, the king of the powerful Persian state, went to war against the Scythians. In the amount of 700 thousand people, the army of the Persians invaded the territory of Scythia.


Scythian intelligence worked splendidly. The military leaders had an idea not only about the number of the Persian troops, but also about the route of their movement. The Scythians realized that it would not be possible to defeat the Persians in an open battle. Then they invited the kings of neighboring peoples to the council of war - Taurians, Agathirs, Neuros, Androphages, Budins and Savromates.

It should be noted that most of the kings refused to help the Scythians, claiming that "the Scythians were the first to start the war and now the Persians, by the inspiration of the deity, pay them the same." Then the Scythians divided all the available military forces into 3 fronts and began to defend their territory using the methods of partisan warfare.

For a long time, the Scythians managed to hold back the onslaught of the Persians. During this period, they managed to inflict significant damage on the Persian army. Then Darius sent a messenger to them with a proposal either to fight in open battle, or to submit and recognize the Persian king as his master.

In response, the Scythians said that they would fight only when they wanted it, and promised to send gifts to Darius in the near future, but not those that he expects to receive. At the end of the message, the Scythian king Idanfirs allowed himself to make a threat to the Persian king: "For the fact that you called yourself my ruler, you will pay me."

The hostilities continued, and the forces of the Persians continued to melt away. Herodotus says that in the last days of the war, when it was already clear who the victory would be, the Scythian king sent ambassadors to Darius with gifts consisting of a bird, a mouse, a frog and five arrows. No comments were attached to the gifts.

Darius understood the meaning of these gifts this way: the Scythians are given to him with land and water. Arrows, in his opinion, symbolized the refusal of the Scythians to continue military operations. However, another Persian, Gorbia, who was familiar with the morals and customs of the Scythians, interpreted the meaning of these gifts in a different way: “If you, Persians, do not fly away like birds into the heavens, or, like mice, do not hide into the ground, or, like frogs, if you do not jump into the lakes, you will not come back and fall under the blows of these arrows."

After sending the gifts, the Scythians prepared for a decisive battle. Suddenly a hare ran in front of the line and the Scythians rushed to chase him. Upon learning of this incident, Darius said: "These people treat us with great disdain, and it is now clear to me that Gorbia correctly explained to me the meaning of these gifts." On the same day, the Scythians finally defeated the Persians and expelled them from the country.


After the victory over the Persians, the Scythians lived in peace with their neighbors for a long time. However, the invasion of the Sarmatians forced the Scythians to abandon their homes and move to the Crimea. The new capital of the Scythian state began to be called Scythian Naples.

The last stage in the history of the Scythians is associated with their concentration on the Crimean peninsula. The territory of the Scythian slave state has become much smaller than the previous one, and the number of neighbors has also decreased. In the south, in the Crimean mountains, these are the descendants of the Cimmerians - the Taurus, on the Kerch Peninsula - the Bosporus kingdom and on the western coast - the Greek city of Chersonesos. Sarmatian tribes blocked their exit to the Ukrainian steppes.

During this period, the Scythians developed especially close relations with the Taurus. The latter, apparently, were drawn into the general political life of the Crimea and were no longer such savages as the Greek historians portrayed them. The contact of the Scythians with the Taurus became known after studying the funerary monuments of the steppe Crimea. In particular, in some burial grounds archaeologists have discovered collective burials of ordinary Scythians, typical of the Taurus.


Interestingly, they lacked weapons. Such stone boxes are found mainly in the foothill part of the Crimean Peninsula, that is, next to the territories of the Taurus. At the beginning of our era, a new term appeared - "Tavro Scythians", found on one of the Bosporan inscriptions. Some researchers believe that it may indicate a partial assimilation of the Taurus with the Scythians.

The Crimean Scythian settlements of this period investigated in recent years are mainly of antique character. This can be seen from the system of fortifications and residential buildings. The most indicative in this respect are Scythian Naples - a city that combined barbarian and Greek features; Turkish rampart and moat, bordering the Crimea along the Perekop line.

In the II century BC. e. Olbia, located on the periphery of the state, began to lose its former importance. Chersonesos acquired an increasing role, especially in trade. The Scythian state, despite the fact that it lost a significant part of its territories and weakened economically, continued to pursue a rather active policy in the Crimea. First of all, the Scythians tried to take possession of Chersonesos and subjugate it completely.

But Chersonesos, having enlisted the support of the Pontic king Pharnaces, who promised to protect the city from the barbarians, defeated the army of the Scythians and Taurus. The war ended with the defeat of the Scythian army.


Despite the hard times that came for the Scythian kingdom and the defeat in the Crimea, these events did not lead to the death of the state. Historians testify that the Scythians started most of the wars due to a lack of money in the state. But after they lost their former power, the Scythians decided to improve their position in a different way.

The state decided to transfer its lands to those who wanted to cultivate them, and were content with the agreed payment. With those who refused to pay them, they fought.

During this period, the Scythians could no longer hold Olbia in their permanent power, and in the 1st century BC. e. it was defeated by the warlike Getae tribe. After that, the Scythians partially settled and restored Olbia, but she no longer resembled the once rich and flourishing city. Nevertheless, as a sign of its independence, the city issued coins with the names of the Scythian kings Farzoi and Inismay.

During this period Olbia was under the protectorate of the Scythians, but they did not affect the general political situation, and when in the II century BC. e. the Romans decided to include it in their empire, the Scythian state was unable to resist this.

It should be noted that at this time the Scythian state could not pursue an independent policy on the Black Sea coast, and even more so to resist the Roman intervention. During the II-I centuries BC. e. Between the Bosporus and the Scythians, conflicts regularly occurred, as a result of which the preponderance was constantly on the side of the more powerful Bosporus state.

Thus, the Scythian state by the 1st century BC. e. was no longer viable: its economy was completely undermined, trade relations disintegrated due to the inaccessibility of points through which it constantly traded. In addition, at this time, a massive movement of barbarians began. A large role in this was played by the state of Germanarich, which united many tribes of the Northern Black Sea region, which, together with the Sarmatians, Proto-Slavs and Goths, penetrated into the Crimea.

As a result of their invasion, Naples and many other Scythian cities were destroyed. After this raid, the Scythian state did not have the strength to recover. It is with this event that historians associate the final death of the Scythian state, which existed from the 5th to the 2nd century BC. e.

From the book "Secrets of Ancient Races". O. Dubrovskaya