Megalithic Cities Of Siberia. Ancient Settlements And First Cities - Alternative View

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Megalithic Cities Of Siberia. Ancient Settlements And First Cities - Alternative View
Megalithic Cities Of Siberia. Ancient Settlements And First Cities - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Cities Of Siberia. Ancient Settlements And First Cities - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Cities Of Siberia. Ancient Settlements And First Cities - Alternative View
Video: Artifacts and ancient cities of Siberia, which are not in the history textbook 2024, September

Siberia, from the Urals to Primorye, is full of ancient cities and their ruins. Some are already open, others are still waiting to be discovered. There are cities during the Trojan War, the times of nonexistence of Egypt and Sumer. Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov discovered for us the megalithic cities of Siberia, which go back more than 10 thousand years ago. His expedition found material confirmation of the theory that Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all mankind; nowhere in the world are there megaliths equal to Siberia. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls were discovered lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more!

In Siberia, there are now many permanent settlements and first cities like Arkaim and not only.

This is done by specialists who study the history of the ancient cities of Siberia, one of them is a resident of Yekaterinburg V. A. Borzunov. Based on the work of E. M. Bers of the 50-60s, he managed to establish “a new, northernmost on the globe distribution area of fortified dwellings, which covered the forest regions of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia between 56 and 64 degrees N latitude. and 60 and 76 east longitude. Probably, this area was wider and included the Tomsk-Narym Ob region with the adjacent taiga territories. Its constituent monuments (more than 70) date back to within the last five and a half thousand years. Some buildings consisted of a powerful log one - or two-storey residential building, ranging from 60 to 600 (average about 270) sq. m.

Among the monuments of this type V. A. Borzunov identified the settlement of Amnya I (found on the left tributary of the Kazym River, which in turn flows into the Ob River on the right), which functioned in the last third of the 4th - first third of the 3rd millennia BC. e … The settlement of Amnya I, - he writes, - is an example of "the oldest monument of the first variant, which is the northernmost Neolithic settlement in the world." In addition, the author claims that such a specific type of settlement in the Ural-Siberian region and in general in Siberia originated completely independently of the outside world and that “for the first time in world practice, societies with appropriating branches of the economy became the creators of defensive structures”. In his other work V. A. Borzunov correctly characterizes the inhabitants of specially fortified dwellings as “sedentary forest hunters”. Therefore, we can conclude thatthat the aboriginal population of even taiga Siberia, even in the Neolithic era, progressed incomparably faster than the population of Eastern Europe.

Thousands of years ago, life was in full swing in Siberian cities.

For example, the brightest culture of the developed Bronze Age was the Samus culture, named after the village. Samus' of the Tomsk region, where in 1954 V. I. Matyushchenko opened a settlement, which later became world famous.


The time of the existence of the Samus culture is 17-13 centuries BC. e. What is this culture famous for? Firstly, it is a large bronze casting center. So at the settlement of Samus IV, fragments of more than 40 casting molds were found. They were used to cast bronze spears, Celts, knives, awls, punctures and other equipment.

Promotional video:

Secondly, the culture is famous for interesting religious vessels. Some of them are decorated with animal heads along the edge of the vessel, others with images of a person. On the bottoms of such vessels, sun signs are often applied in the form of squares, crosses or circles.

The burials of the Samus casters, marked by the presence of a large number of bronze artistic castings, are identical to the burials of the Turbino culture (Urals, Kama River, Velikaya Perm). In the Kama region, mining and bronze foundry production was at the same stage of development. The Samus and Turbinsky bronze objects are strikingly similar to items from the Borodino hoard (Odessa region), the Seima burial ground (Nizhnyaya Oka) and many other monuments. This amazing fact testifies to the existence already in the Bronze Age of a single Samus-turbino-Seima community on the vast territory of Eastern Europe and Western Siberia - throughout the entire Eurosiberia.

The materials of the unique archaeological monument, the Samus IV settlement, are of great historical and cultural value. The collection is impressive not only for its volume (6,300 storage units), but also for the originality of the finds.


I would like to note the significance of the finds found in Seversk (near Tomsk, Parusinka). In a cluster of mammoth tusks, one of them depicted a mammoth, a two-humped camel, a red deer, and people. In addition, images of solar symbols (swastikas) were also applied here. Finds dating back to the 20th millennium BC, made in a “diverse” style, are very rare in world practice; they are present on the territory of the Tomsk region. These monuments are of global importance.

Ceramic vessel, Seversk:


Bronze plaque_g. Seversk:


Horse harness details_g. Seversk:


Sculpture, Samus, Seversk:


You can visit the Archaeological Collection of the Seversk Museum, which has more than 90,000 items and is one of the three best collections of archaeological antiquities in the Tomsk Region.

Also discovered are the monuments of the so-called Petrovsko-Sintashta culture (XVII-XVI centuries BC), studied since the late 60s in the interfluve of Tobol and Ishim. This culture is associated with the emergence of real first cities, surrounded by a closed line of fortifications made of clay ramparts, with wooden palisades and ditches, passing between the outer and inner ramparts. The depth of the ditches is from 1.5 to 2.5 m with a width of up to 3.5 m. Most often, the system of ramparts and ditches forms a rectangular fortress, inside which the main living area is located. The second type is fortified settlements on naturally fortified river headlands. But the cape towns were also covered with straight or slightly curved sections of ramparts and ditches. Their living area ranged from 10 to 30 thousand square meters. m. In construction, ancient bricks were used, for example, small furnaces with a hemispherical vault,made from perfectly fired bricks. In other cases, the shape of the early bricks is not worked out - mostly four-sided, but there are three and five-sided bricks.


The chariot was invented here (the earliest finds are in Krivoy Ozero, in the Chelyabinsk region and on Upper Tobol - 2000 BC). Using this formidable weapon, part of the Aryans left here to the south - to conquer Persia, India and other countries. The same part that remained in the Eurasian steppes was later absorbed by the Turkic-Mongol tribes who came from the territories of modern Mongolia and Northern China.

It is also known that the appearance on the territory of India of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 about 4000 years ago was accompanied by the death of a developed local civilization, which archaeologists at the site of the first excavations called Harappan. Before their disappearance, this people, who had cities in the Indus and Ganges valleys populous at that time, began to build defensive fortifications, which they had never done before. However, the fortifications apparently did not help and the Harappan period of Indian history was replaced by the Aryan one, and its inhabitants began to speak the Pro-Russian language, known to us today as Sanskrit.

In the third quarter of the turbulent 2nd millennium BC. e. almost simultaneously (by archaeological standards) with the campaigns of warriors-foundry workers to the west, a massive movement of the Caucasian population begins in the east. It occurs somewhat to the south - along the open steppe and forest-steppe spaces of Siberia - and is associated with the appearance of the Andronov culture on the historical arena of cattle-breeding tribes. They received this name from the location of the monuments they left on this territory - near the village of Andronovo, Uzhursky District, Achinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

Like the previous Samus culture, the Andronovo community had a vast territory of distribution; the borders of the Andronov empire were located from the Yenisei, Altai in the east to the Southern Volga region and the Urals in the west, from the taiga border (at that time north of the Vasyugan River) in the north to the Tien Shan, Pamir and Amu Darya in the south.


The Andronovites, who were a union of numerous kindred Caucasian tribes, can be defined as a cultural and historical community. They knew how to breed thoroughbred white-footed sheep, draft bulls and beautiful horses - swift and hardy. The newcomers are usually associated with the ancient Aryans, some of whom invaded India and laid the foundations of a new civilization there. The Vedas recorded their ancient hymns and conspiracies.


Here, the ancient Aryans also built wells, cellars, and sewage storm drains.

The Sintashta temple complex, which includes one large and many small mounds, was studied in detail during the Soviet period. On this basis, archaeologists have written several books, many articles. The average age of the complex is 4000 years. The generally accepted scientific opinion is that it was precisely the temple religious complex of the Aryan tribes, a kind of cultural capital. Considering that the age of both the settlements and the mounds exceeds the Arkaim finds, we can conclude that the temple complex appeared here, perhaps 100-200 years before the construction of Arkaim. The size of the Sintashta settlement is half the size of Arkaim. Presumably, the city and the temple complex of Sintashta lived all the time of the "Country of Cities" period, which means at least 300 years.


At present, thanks to the discoveries of the Yekaterinburg archaeologist V. T. Kovaleva (Yurovskaya) found that the ancient Siberians at the turn of the III-II millennium BC. used in the construction of their first fortresses and another, more rational type of architectural and construction and planning solutions. It turned out that the early first cities of Siberia were rounded fortifications enclosed by ground wooden “residential walls”.

This was discovered by the excavations of V. T. Kovaleva at the settlement of Tashkovo II on the river. Iset, a left tributary of the Tobol in 1984-1986. The monument dates back to the very beginning of the Bronze Age. The date of its existence, obtained by the method of radiocarbon analysis, is 1830 BC. It soon became clear that a whole Tashkovo culture with similar wooden fortresses with a concentric layout was located in the Tobol valley. Three of them are located on the left bank and one on the right bank of the Tobol.

Settlement Tashkovo:


Obviously, the early Siberian first cities with a layout similar to the classic village of Tashkovo II had their own temples of Fire, personifying the Solar and Lunar deities.

As we can see, both 2 thousand and 5 thousand years ago, life in Siberia was in full swing, people were building villages and cities.

Monuments of the Neolithic of the Tomsk region are the Samusky burial ground, materials of excavations in the upper reaches of the Keti, Narymsky Ob region. Let me emphasize that this was also the time of nonexistence of Sumer and Egypt.

Do not believe me, then we move on to those times about which it is customary to speak: "prehistoric" or "antediluvian".

Siberian prehistoric first cities left a long historical memory. It is impossible not to mention this here at least briefly.

During the reign of Caliph al-Wasik (842-847), the ruined ancient cities were seen by the Arab Sallam at-Tarjuman traveling across Siberia. He reports that he walked from the capital of the Khazars (apparently, from the city of Itil in the Volga delta) for 26 days. “Then, he writes, we came to the cities lying in ruins, and walked through these places with a caravan for another 20 days. We asked about the reason for such a state of the cities and we were notified that these are the cities where yajuj and majuj once penetrated and destroyed them."

Ruins of ancient cities of Siberia, from the Urals to Primorye


The territory with the remains of monumental structures, called by modern archaeologists "Country of cities", meticulous Arab merchants and scouts who followed Tarjuman's footsteps across Siberia in the 9th-14th centuries knew well, and they called it "Bilad al-Kharab" - "Desolate Land" … This very land with the remains of ancient cities was described in their books not only by the famous geographer Ibn Khordadbeh, but also by Ibn Rust, al-Mukaddasi, al-Garnati, Zakariya al-Qazwini, Ibn al-Vardi, Yakut, al-Nuwayri and others. According to al-Idrisi (XII century), “Bilad al-Kharab” with traces of destroyed cities was located in his time to the west of the Kipchak region (ie, from Ishim and Tobol). Ibn Khaldun repeated the same in the XIV century. Thus, the ancient "Country of Cities" studied by modern archaeologists was discovered and described by Arab travelers eleven centuries ago.but we will learn the details about it only now thanks to the work of a large team of Russian scientists.


In this regard, it is interesting to compare the information of Salam with the data of Rashid ad-Din, the Iranian encyclopedist at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. According to him, many cities and villages were located in the regions along the upper and middle reaches of the Yenisei. The northernmost of the cities belonging to the Kirghiz was located on the Yenisei, at the mouth of the right tributary, and was called Kikas. It is possible that this was the lower Tunguska, since it was only three days to walk from Kikas to the wall, and Alexander the Great built the wall from the peoples of Gog and Magog in the Arctic. (More on this in other parts).


If this guess is correct, then we can reasonably say that Salam crossed the entire Western Siberia from the Southern Urals, somewhere at the latitude of Itil on the Volga, to the mouth of the Lower Tunguska on the Yenisei. It was on this path that he saw the country of ruined cities. It is not difficult to understand that his path also ran through the present territory of the Tomsk region.


Let's make a small digression

When the Cossacks at the beginning of the 17th century. came to Siberia, they no longer saw big cities, only ruins remained of them. But small serfs, called small towns, met the Cossacks in Siberia in great numbers. So, according to the Ambassadorial order, only in the Ob region at the end of the 17th century. fur yasak was imposed on 94 cities. Accounting for Siberian cities was laid back in pre-Ermak times. In 1552 Ivan the Terrible ordered to draw up the "Big Drawing" of the Russian land. Soon such a map was drawn up, but during the Time of Troubles it disappeared, and the description of the lands was preserved. In 1627, in the Discharge Order by clerks F. Likhachev and M. Danilov, the “Book of the Big Drawing” was partially restored and completed, in which more than 90 cities are mentioned in the north-west of Siberia alone.


It is no accident that in such "permanent settlements" a powerful cultural layer is revealed (in Ton-Tura on the Omi River and in Isker - up to 2 meters). “On a number of settlements, not only wooden log dwellings and semi-dugouts with adobe stoves, but also stone and brick buildings with mica windows, iron plowshares from plows, sickles, pink salmon scythes and stone hand millstones were cleared” (Kyzlasov L. R. news about the ancient cities of Siberia. Special course. - M., Moscow State University, 1992, p. 133).

What ethnic group does the brick culture of Siberia belong to? It is unlikely that the Ob hunters and fishermen created it. It is equally unlikely that it belonged to the nomads of the steppe. Judging by the discovered plowshares, sickles, scythes and grain mills, this culture belonged to an agricultural people, and this people, as you know, were the Slavs, because the Ufin-Ugric people were engaged in gathering. These are mushrooms, berries, hunting, etc., among the steppe inhabitants - cattle, which must be driven from place to place in search of pastures. Historians often have a question, but who ruled these peoples and they are most often inclined to believe that they were nomadic steppe people, and the Slavs were subordinate to them, like a settled people, a farmer. This is also reflected in the Romanov German historians that the Slavs received the label for reign from the Mongol-Tatars. Even Alexander Dugin, philosopher, political scientist, is inclined towards this.a sociologist and he relies on the works of Ludwig Gumplowicz, Franz Oppenheimer, and his book "The State". Here are the words of A. Dugin: “The Slavs are Indo-European, Aryan people, related in language to Iranians, Scythians and Sarmatians, that is, Indo-European. But a feature of the Eastern Slavs from the point of view of sociology was sedentary agriculture, and therefore in the Turanian empires of the nomadic type, the Slavs took the place of the lower strata. This is connected with the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Oppenheimer's concept, the nobility and the elite were formed by the nomads, and the sedentary peoples - by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufin-Ugrians occupy a step even lower, as those engaged in gathering. "“The Slavs are an Indo-European, Aryan people, related in language to the Iranians, Scythians and Sarmatians, that is, Indo-European. But a feature of the Eastern Slavs from the point of view of sociology was sedentary agriculture, and therefore in the Turanian empires of the nomadic type, the Slavs took the place of the lower strata. This is connected with the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Oppenheimer's concept, the nobility and the elite were formed by the nomads, and the sedentary peoples - by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufin-Ugrians occupy a step even lower, as those engaged in gathering. "“The Slavs are an Indo-European, Aryan people, related in language to the Iranians, Scythians and Sarmatians, that is, Indo-European. But a feature of the Eastern Slavs from the point of view of sociology was sedentary agriculture, and therefore in the Turanian empires of the nomadic type, the Slavs took the place of the lower strata. This is connected with the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Oppenheimer's concept, the nobility and the elite were formed by the nomads, and the sedentary peoples - by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufin-Ugrians occupy a step even lower, as those engaged in gathering. "the Slavs took the place of the lower strata. This is connected with the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Oppenheimer's concept, the nobility and the elite were formed by the nomads, and the sedentary peoples - by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufin-Ugrians occupy a step even lower, as those engaged in gathering. "the Slavs took the place of the lower strata. This is connected with the complete absence of the Slavic nobility, because according to Oppenheimer's concept, the nobility and the elite were formed by the nomads, and the sedentary peoples - by the masses. Priests and warriors belong to the elite of nomads, below are sedentary peoples, and the Ufin-Ugrians occupy a step even lower, as those engaged in gathering."

But we know what kind of history foreigners write to us, and Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others, this is their elite, we do not need it. And no one wants to take into account that the priests were the leaders of the Slavic-Aryans, and even in the official history they try to hide who the "Prophetic Oleg" really was. Among the Jews, priests-high priests still exist, and our priests, magicians, sorcerers, the military elite were persecuted, killed, tried to behead the entire administrative elite, and the peoples deprived of their priests were pitted against each other. So gradually the borders of the possessions of the Great Power shrank to their present state, and the Soviet Union already seems to be something distant and elusive. Dugin adheres to the opinion of the Polish historian, sociologist and thinker L. Gumplowicz (his main thesis is the racial struggle) that the elite of any state is alien, the people cannot rule themselves,and therefore the management elite must be foreigners. Does this remind you of anything? Today's events in Ukraine vividly show us how the management elite of foreigners is running the country there. They simply kill the indigenous, civilian population, people are shot from tanks, cannons, aircraft, this is genocide. But we are once again given to understand by historical standards that we are worthless, unable to govern our state and at the same time are proud that the Romans had their own “Roman right” and forget that the Slavs had more of these rights. Let me remind you that this is the patrimonial, communal, mop, veche and weight law. Orthodoxy is the usual worship of the gods given by our ancestors. Orthodoxy is the usual veneration of the code of governance of communities, given our rights, given by our ancestors. Those who do not respect the rights of horses are "under the law", hence the imposition of the word "law" on us,but in the sense of "lawlessness."

But let's continue.

Ancient, megalithic cities of Siberia


Georgy Sidorov, the founder and staunch supporter of the alternative history of Siberia, confidently says that nowhere in the world are there megaliths equal in Siberia, discovered in Gornaya Shoria. His expedition found, apparently, material confirmation of the theory that Siberia will soon be recognized as the ancestral home of all mankind. For the first time in the history of Russian science, walls were discovered lined with giant blocks weighing from 2 to 4 thousand tons and even more! Who created them and why? What are these structures? They are not at all like manifestations of the eternal "play of nature", and, judging by the traces that have survived to our time, the structures were destroyed by an explosion of colossal power. It could be a catastrophic earthquake or a cosmic meteorite strike, or an unknown super-powerful weapon may be used.


The great civilization of our ancestors, which marched across the entire Eurasian continent with a march of titans, left traces worthy of its greatness. Unfortunately, half-erased and hushed up, and often deliberately destroyed (let's remember how they tried to flood Arkaim), these traces are better known to us from the ancient megalithic monuments of Europe - carefully protected and generously funded by the West. Such as, for example, the Wiltshire Stonehenge and the Jersey mound of La Hug-Be in England, the Corycan stone circles in Northern Ireland and the Ardgrum megalith in Ireland, the Stennes megaliths in Scotland, the Calden dolmen in Germany, the Cueva de Menga megalithic mound in Spain, megalithic temples Malta, the Karnak stones of France, the stone boat of Scandinavia, etc. I posted about this post: "Refutation of the Stonehenge forgery."

We have found confirmation that the ancient foundations of all cultures known to us, primarily European ones, were laid on the territory of Russia, or rather in Siberia. If the most ancient European antiquities date back to the 4th millennium BC, then some megaliths of Russia are 10 and more thousand years old. Information about this leaked into the world relatively recently, in the late 20th - early 21st centuries.

Here is our respected Tomsk historian Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov stands at the “brick” at the base of the wall. Impressive? And you say Baalbek, Baalbek … Yes, Baalbek is just a dwarf in comparison with what is in front of you in the photo. But science does not notice the elephant at close range!


The history of ancient Siberia is full of secrets and unsolved mysteries. The famous archaeologist Leonid Kyzlasov, who discovered the ruins of an ancient city in Khakassia, comparable in age to the first settlements of Mesopotamia, suggested leaving its excavations to future researchers. World science, remaining in the captivity of Eurocentrism, is not yet ready for such discoveries that will overturn all current ideas about the historical past.

The photographs below show the most ancient megaliths, which owe their origin to the times that are called, following biblical traditions, "antediluvian" or "prehistoric". Recently, the first expedition to Gornaya Shoria took place, where a group of researchers led by the Tomsk historian Georgy Sidorov found unknown megaliths that can cause another revolution in our consciousness, as it was after the discovery of Arkaim in the south of the Urals in the last quarter of the last century.


And where are the expeditions of Sklyarov and why he and others, knowing about these discoveries, bypass this topic, maybe the funded party is not interested in these historical facts?

Valery Uvarov, speaking about the photographs taken during the expedition of Georgy Sidorov, expresses his sincere admiration and reverence for the might of the ancient inhabitants of Siberia. The same feelings are experienced by everyone who sees in front of him the giant blocks in the walls of the temples and pyramids of ancient Egypt, the giant monoliths of Ollantaytambo or Puma Punku in Peru, not to mention the textbook blocks of Baalbek. More recently, they competed in our minds, sparking controversy about ancient technologies and making us feel awe of the power of the ancient giants, the possible ancestors of today's humanity. But now it turns out that the ancient history of Siberia is much older than the Egyptian one, and nothing like this has yet been found on the territory of Russia.
