Characteristics Of Empaths - Alternative View

Characteristics Of Empaths - Alternative View
Characteristics Of Empaths - Alternative View

Video: Characteristics Of Empaths - Alternative View

Video: Characteristics Of Empaths - Alternative View
Video: 7 Weird Things Empaths Do that Only Genuine Empaths Will Understand 2024, September

To be an empath means to feel the energy of other people, to have the innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive them. Your life on a subconscious level is influenced by the desires, thoughts and whims of others. Being an empath means much more than just having a heightened perception, and it is not limited to just emotions. Empaths can sense the physical and mental state of others, as well as simply understand their intentions and what drives them. Many empaths experience chronic fatigue and unexplained pain. In fact, you go through life with all the accumulated karma, emotions and energy of others.

Empaths tend to openly feel everything that is in their environment, putting it at the expense of their inner feelings. This trait of empaths makes them ignore their own needs and desires. In general, empaths are pacific, non-aggressive, and peace-seeking. In any place where disharmony reigns, empaths feel out of place. If they find themselves drawn into confrontation, they will try to settle the situation as quickly as possible.

The flip side is the tendency of empaths to bottle up their feelings and emotions and build high barriers so that no one from the outside world can find out about them. This secretiveness can be a direct consequence of traumatic childhood experiences. Without a doubt, this can affect health, and the stronger, the longer a person keeps everything in himself. Unrealized thoughts and emotions can eventually become explosive and lead to personal destruction and mental and emotional instability, as well as physical ailments and illness.

Empaths are particularly receptive to TV, news, movies and TV shows. Violence and emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children, or animals can easily bring an empath to tears. They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see. Whether working with humans or animals, they devote themselves to the business with passion and dedication. Many volunteers push their own needs into the background and rush to help others, not thinking about any benefit or social recognition.

In addition, empaths can be great storytellers because of their limitless imagination and inquisitive mind. They can be inveterate romantics at heart and very affectionate. They can preserve and pass on hereditary knowledge and family history with special trepidation, making it possible to trace their ancestry quite deeply.

Empaths have very wide musical preferences that can satisfy their expressive temperament, from which others may sometimes wonder how you can listen to a certain style of music for a while and immediately switch to a completely different one, and then to some third style. Sometimes lyrics can be quite powerful, especially if it correlates with recent experiences. At times like these, empaths are best served to listen to music without words in order to avoid chaos in their emotions.

In body language, they are as expressive as in words or feelings. Their creative impulses are often expressed through dancing or active gestures. Empaths can just get lost in music; reaching a state of a kind of trance, in dance they become one with the music, and everything else around them seems to freeze.

People of all classes, as well as animals, subconsciously gravitate towards empaths, being attracted by their sincere warmth and genuine compassion. Regardless of whether or not they realize that they are an empath, they are literally attracted like metal objects to a magnet. Even complete strangers can easily start a conversation about a variety of things, and before they can understand it, open their hearts and souls. At the same time, empaths can unconsciously take the positive or negative attitude of other people on any issue for their own. However, this can be surmountable.

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Here are 30 of the most common empathic traits.

- Knowledge. Empaths just know without words. This knowledge goes far beyond intuition or instinctive sensations.

- Being in public places can be overwhelming. In places like shopping malls, supermarkets, or stadiums where there are large numbers of people at the same time, empaths can become overwhelmed by negative emotions coming from others.

- They perceive the feelings and emotions of others as their own. Some empaths feel at a short distance from themselves, while others can feel the experiences of other people many kilometers away.

- To watch violence and cruelty on TV is unbearable for empaths, their mood immediately deteriorates. Thus, they are ultimately forced to stop watching TV and reading news papers altogether.

- Empaths know when their interlocutor is dishonest with him or tries to evade an answer. In relation to loved ones, this can be painful.

- Out of great empathy for the ailments and symptoms of other people's illnesses, empaths can adopt their physical symptoms for themselves (colds, body aches, various infections).

- Indigestion and lower back problems. The solar plexus chakra is located in the abdomen and is known to be the center of emotions. Excessive influx of other people's emotions can significantly weaken the chakra and provoke certain ailments associated, for example, with digestion.

- Empaths are always on the lookout for an outsider. Sufferers with emotional pain attract the attention and compassion of empaths.

- Other people will want to shift their problems onto the shoulders of empaths, even if they are not familiar. Empaths can quickly become a dumping ground for other people's questions and concerns, especially if they accept them as their own.

- Constant fatigue. Empaths often experience energy draining, both from energy vampires and from the fact that they take on too many other people's problems, as a result of which even sleep cannot help. Many are diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome).

- The emergence of bad habits. Alcohol, sex, drugs are just some of the addictions that empaths can be exposed to in their attempts to block the flow of other people's emotions and energies. This is a form of self-defense.

- Although many empaths would like to heal people, they nevertheless refuse to do it after study and preparation (even if they have an innate ability to do so). The reason is that they try to cover everything at once and heap too much on themselves.

- Empaths are extremely creative individuals and strive to express their emotions through dancing, singing or painting.

- Empaths have a great love for nature and animals.

- The need for loneliness. If empaths don't set aside some free time for themselves, they can go crazy.

- Empaths can quickly get bored or distracted if there is no incentive. Work, school, home life should be interesting and fulfilling, otherwise the empath can easily daydream about something.

- Empaths find it unacceptable to do what they don't like. Feels like this life is seen by them as false. The empath should not be forced to do something through feelings of guilt or responsibility. This will only make them more unhappy, but it will not lead to results. The empath needs to be motivated to work. It is for this reason that many empaths have been labeled as lazy people, not understanding the essence of what drives them.

- Constant pursuit of truth and justice.

- Constant search for answers and knowledge. Not finding answers to a question of interest, empaths can become very upset. If they already have any information, they seek to find confirmation of it. The flip side is information surplus.

- Love for adventure, freedom and travel - they are free souls.

- Empaths dislike clutter and feel trapped in it.

- Empaths love to dream, look into space for many hours, plunge into their inner world and be immensely happy from this.

- Empaths see established order, rules or control as a kind of prison for the soul. Anything that limits their freedom of thought and movement is very depressing.

- Empaths tend to gain excess weight without overeating. This is a kind of protection from negative external influences.

- Empaths are great listeners. They don't talk much about themselves, yet they love to learn, know about others, and really help and empathize with them.

- Empaths are intolerant of other people's narcissism. Being quite tolerant, empaths don't like being around self-centered narcissists who don't even consider it necessary to listen to points of view other than their own.

- Empaths are able to sense the days of the week. They capture the collective mood and can sense when the weekend is ahead (Friday), and when the working days are tough (Sunday evenings, Monday and Tuesday).

- Empaths do not make the decision to buy antique second-hand items, as they carry the energy of the previous owners. Empaths will choose to buy a brand new car or a newly built house that doesn't yet have residual energy.

- Empaths are able to sense the energy of food. Many empaths may not like eating meat or poultry because they pick up on the vibrations of the animal (especially if it is badly hurt), even if they like the taste.

- Empaths can come across as headstrong, shy, away from other people. Depending on how empaths feel, they will show the world a particular face. They can be susceptible to mood swings and, if they have absorbed too much negative energy the day before, they will seem quiet and uncommunicative, even unhappy. Empaths hate feigning happiness and putting a fake smile on their faces when they're sad. Such a duty (for example, working in a service sector) only adds to their suffering and makes them want to hide from everyone behind the nearest stone.

If you answered most of them in the affirmative after reading these points, then you are definitely an empath."