Mandala - Drawing Of The Universe - Alternative View

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Mandala - Drawing Of The Universe - Alternative View
Mandala - Drawing Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Mandala - Drawing Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Mandala - Drawing Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: *EASIEST MANDALA* that Everyone Can Draw/ /Beginners Art / / 2024, September

Mandala is perhaps the most mysterious symbol in the history of mankind. To understand and decipher it, one definition is not enough: a whole bunch of different meanings and meanings are concentrated here, contained in a complex geometric structure.

There is no unequivocal opinion about the origin of the mandala today. Some researchers trace a connection with the layout of megalithic architectural structures, others - with shamanic tambourines and maps of the world applied to them, in structure resembling a mandala pattern. But, despite the diversity of cultural and historical interpretations and the subtlety of semantic shades, this complex construction is by no means just a collection of geometric shapes.

The first, outer, circle is a miniature of the universe, the second, inner, is the sphere of deities, buddhas and bodhisattvas, and the square between them is oriented to the cardinal points. Thus, the mandala as a whole is a kind of mini-model of the Universe, a "map of the cosmos", a magic diagram.


The mandala principle was originally used in temple architecture in India. All the shrines of Hinduism were erected according to the same plan, which was called Vastu-purus a-man d ala, or "Vastu-purusha-mandala." In this case, "vastu" is translated as "place" or "container", "purusha" is "cosmic man", "universal Being", and "mandala" is interpreted as a "scheme". Thus, we get a kind of plan of the Cosmos, a sacred space marked by a divine presence.

Before the construction of the temple, the mandala was drawn on the ground. First, a square was drawn, the top side of which always faced east. Sometimes the figure of Purusha itself was inscribed in this figure, with his head occupying the northeast corner, and his legs in the southwest. The square was split into smaller pieces, eight on the side. Each of them was dedicated to some god, whose name was inscribed on this part of the mandala.


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The eastern side of the temple was considered sacred, therefore it was here that the main entrance to the temple was located. It is also curious that the mandala determined not only the structure of the building itself, but also the behavior of believers in the temple, a certain order of performing rituals. At the very beginning, worshipers should have worshiped the deities at the eastern doors, and then at the southern, western and northern doors - in strict sequence.

Despite its oriental origin, the mandala principle in architecture turned out to be so universal that it is also present in the temple architecture of Islam and Christianity. In medieval cathedrals in Europe, this symbol is often presented near the entrance. The stained-glass Gothic "rosette" is a vivid example of this.


Buddhism, in turn, borrowed the Indian sacred symbol and rethought it in its own way. It is in Buddhism that the mandala becomes the most important element of spiritual practice - meditation. During contemplation, the believer merges with the image of the deity in the center, after which the highest stage begins - union with the cosmic Absolute.

Sand Tibetan mandalas real art


Moreover, Buddhists were the first to start drawing the mandala. The production of the first such work is attributed to Guru Padmasambhava, a teacher of Buddhist tantra in the 8th century. But unlike the Hindu tradition, the Tibetan mandala is oriented to the west, not to the east, but this does not change the key layout of the Buddhas.

These days, the practice of contemplation and mandala creation helps to learn to focus and direct attention. Followers of many spiritual teachings resort to them. These practices are especially developed in Vajrayana, the tantric direction of Buddhism. In it, the sacred circle of the mandala of multi-colored sand symbolizes the structure of the world, and the path to Buddha's nature, and the frailty of earthly existence.


The famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung pioneered the mandala motif in the Western European cultural tradition in the 20th century. He saw in this symbol an excellent tool for the inner transformation of a person. The psychotherapist was sure that in difficult life periods our subconscious mind encourages us to draw something that looks like a mandala, or to see it in a dream.


Of course, visually it will differ from what we see in the religious and philosophical tradition. The clarity of lines and the rigor of proportions are no longer important here. The symbol is born spontaneously in free conditions and is an expression of the inner state of a person, his desires, aspirations, forces.

Eastern traditions have long been a trend in Western society. That is why such a trend as "mandalotherapy" is flourishing in modern psychology. In this case, the symbol acts as an energy matrix, drawing and contemplating which a person is healed, gets rid of his problems, achieves harmony and peace of mind.

“All that has accumulated in the recesses of the soul, all emotions and experiences are reflected in the drawing of the mandala,” notes the astrologer and soothsayer, Everywhere Bogdanov. - The subconscious mind will choose the pattern itself, reflecting in the drawing those symbols, shapes and colors that involuntarily arise in the process of drawing. It is important to focus a person's attention on the fact that he should start creating his mandala, being in a calm positive mood, with a peaceful and harmonious state of mind."


Any materials are suitable for creating a mandala. You can use whatever you want: pencils, paints, pastels. Draw a large circle. Place a dot in the center of this circle. In any mandala, she is the personification of the Creator and the life-giving energy of the Universe, and also acts as an energy center.


Now close your eyes and concentrate on what you are creating the symbol for. Pay attention to what colors, images, and sensations appear in your mind's eye. While in a contemplative state, let your subconscious mind move your hand.

Mandalas can be created as a talisman or for some special purpose. For example, for healing, attracting money or love, fulfilling desires. But in this case, it is necessary to put a powerful emotional message into the creative process, and then destroy your work. Thus, you will notify the Universe of your plans, and the complexity of the drawing and its subsequent destruction will declare the seriousness of intentions.

Article author: Valeria Mukhoedova