Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View

Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View
Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View

Video: Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View

Video: Tragedies Of Submarines - Alternative View
Video: Submarine Accidents | Submarine Disasters from 2000 to 2021 2024, September

In the first half of the 20th century, submarine navigation was a very risky endeavor. Before the war in 1939, they were lost annually mainly due to oversight or design flaws, and even excluding those that went to the bottom obviously due to hostilities in World War II, at the same time more than a hundred of them disappeared. Over the past fifty years, however, technology has advanced far ahead, and as a result, since 1945, two dozen submarines have sunk. This is good news. And now the bad news: some of these disappearances, apparently, were associated with forces beyond the understanding of mankind - alien forces hiding deep in the ocean.

1968 gives us three of the clearest examples of this series. Launched in December 1959, the American submarine "Scorpion" was a 3000-ton leviathan of the depths, equipped with an atomic engine. The pride of the American Navy, the ship was immaculately her service and was considered one of the most reliable in the entire Navy. In February 1967, after eight years of work, the Scorpion was slightly patched up. Norfolk shipyard and after successfully completing a series of post-repair checks, was sent to the Mediterranean US flag group in March 1968.

She served honestly until May, when, along with the entire crew of ninety-nine, she suddenly disappeared on the way back to Norfolk. The route was simple and usual, and on the twenty-fifth of May, being two hundred and fifty miles from the Azores, the Scorpion transmitted standard traffic signals - and it turned out that this was the last contact with the submarine. In the following days, all attempts to establish radio communication with the submarine failed.

At first they decided that the whole thing was in some technical malfunction, no one believed that a misfortune had occurred, but time passed, and the "Scorpion" did not appear on the surface. He was officially declared not to appear at the port of destination on time and an intensive search began. Several weeks passed, no traces of the submarine were found. The ship was classified as lost, and at the end of June the search was abandoned.

After the official announcement of the loss of the ship among American newspapermen, rumors began to spread about the magnetic tapes in the hands of the Navy, on which radio conversations with the Scorpion were recorded, and from them it is alleged that, shortly before its disappearance, the submarine was pursuing some unusual target, moving at a speed exceeding its capabilities any ship of terrestrial production. The Navy refused to comment on these rumors and at the same time supported rumors about the possible participation of the Russians in the whole tragedy. When the search vessel Mizar announced in August 1966 that the crumpled Scorpion wreck had been photographed and identified, lying on a shelf at a depth of 10,000 feet, four hundred miles west of the Azores, the Navy refused to comment on this or even inform if they previously knew about the place of the ship's death.

Press excitement intensified when, at the trial that followed the investigation, some materials were classified and never disclosed, clearly indicating that the Pentagon did not want public participation in the case. At the end of the court hearings, no final decision was made, although the Navy itself was quite satisfied with the conclusion that the ship's death was the result of a tragic combination of human oversights and mechanical failure. All speculation about alien interference in this tragedy and speculation about the unusual object, which was mentioned in the last report from the submarine, was carefully suppressed.

If the last voyage of the Scorpion was the only one on the register of oddities in 1968, it still remained remarkable enough for history. But in reality, the American submarine was only the third of the missing under almost identical circumstances - the other two disappeared with an interval of two days at the beginning of the same year.

On the morning of January 26, the Israeli submarine "Dakkar" with a crew of sixty-five sailors contacted the port of registration and its destination, Haifa, informing that it was moving on schedule and would arrive on time. The vessel had only recently undergone a successful refit and refurbishment at the English Don of Portsmouth and was now returning to Israel via the Mediterranean. As it turned out, "Dakkar" never returned and this optimistic message was his last message. Searches with the participation of thirty ships and a dozen aircraft from five countries yielded nothing, and the Israeli maritime court could not make a conclusion on the reasons for the loss of the ship.

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However, exactly at midnight on January 26, a large luminous oval object was seen on a fishing boat from the Greek part of Cyprus, fishing forty miles northeast of the last location of the Dakkar, silently sliding under the nose from the starboard side. It is absolutely certain that it was not an ordinary submarine or some kind of huge sea animal, and the fishermen, having learned about the fate of the Israeli submarine, came to the conclusion that what they saw was somehow connected with its loss.

The disappearance of "Dakkar" with the entire team was only the first part of a double tragedy, which seems complete nonsense, if you do not take into account the version of the participation of aliens. At almost the same time, in the Mediterranean Sea, 1000 miles to the west, the French submarine Minerva disappeared during a military exercise.

The vessel was only forty feet deep when on January 27, radioed to a French plane circling over the exercise site that it was about to dive to find out what the strange object that appeared on the radar, apparently, has been chasing the submarine for several minutes. … At a depth of one hundred and ninety feet, the submarine suddenly fell silent. Together with a crew of fifty-nine, she was found lost, presumably sunken at a place where the depth reached eight thousand feet. Even less was said about the strange object.

The disappearance of two submarines for no clear reason and over a period of forty-eight hours - such a coincidence is beyond the bounds of probability. There must be a connection between these two misfortunes and the disappearance of the American Scorpion, and this thought is firmly embedded in the minds of many of the sailors. Given all the circumstances of the case, the idea of a connection seems completely logical - the only problem is that then something completely unpleasant will have to be recognized: the intervention of unknown forces, whose existence, at least officially, is still not recognized by any government in the world.

However, it should be noted that submarines of the USSR and Russia most often and most of all disappeared and died.