"Some Force Pushed Me To Go Forward" - Alternative View

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"Some Force Pushed Me To Go Forward" - Alternative View
"Some Force Pushed Me To Go Forward" - Alternative View

Video: "Some Force Pushed Me To Go Forward" - Alternative View

Video: Pushing and Pulling - Force, Work and Energy 2024, September

As a result of the collision of a shuttle bus and a train at the crossing in the Sumy region, according to updated data, 12 people were killed, another 6 (including one child) were injured. The driver worked on the route for only a couple of days, and friends say: a bad fate was blowing over his family.

"Today" found out the preliminary testimony of a 27-year-old minibus driver, in which 12 people were killed after a collision with a train, and five more were seriously injured. As a source in the law enforcement department of Sumy told us, during the interrogation, the driver Bogdan Lopatka told the investigators that he did not react to the traffic light because the sun blinded him at the crossing. And his friends told us about the mysticism and the words of Bogdan at the time of the accident.

As a reminder, at the railway crossing near the villages of Belany and Vira, Belopolsky district, a minibus was torn into two parts after a collision with the Kharkov-Vorozhba train. “An investigative experiment is planned for this move on Thursday. The special commission must find out whether the minibus could have avoided the collision. According to our information, the driver works on the route for only a couple of days. We doubt that it was drawn up in accordance with all the rules,”a law enforcement officer who has access to the materials of the criminal proceedings told Segodnya.


In the Belopolsky district, journalists found the driver's friends. “My son managed to talk to Bogdan right after the accident. He confessed to him that at that moment at the crossing he understood: it was too late and dangerous to jump over the rails, but he added that some force pushed him to go forward, ” Olga Grigorievna, an employee of the Anno-Virovsky village council, told us. - I know that about two weeks ago Bogdan had his first child in his family. But before that, a misfortune happened: Bogdan's father, who worked as a minibus, hanged himself. Not even 40 days have passed since then”.


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Another friend of Bogdan's family told us that when the trials begin, he is going to come to support him with other friends: “We are afraid that his wife Tatyana will not lose milk, she is breastfeeding her daughter. Everyone blames Bogdan, but there was no barrier at the crossing, why is nobody talking about it? And Bogdan is a good person, he always helped others, from the age of 18 he was driving. If someone needed to be taken to the hospital, he responded immediately. It is a pity that his life is so crippled …”Bogdan's relatives removed their pages and the page of his wife Tatyana, on which there were wedding photos, from social networks …


“Seven of our teachers were traveling in this minibus, four of them died: Radish Tamara, Gritsak Elena, Tverezovskaya Yulia and Zolotarenko Evgenia. Zhenya was the youngest, she worked in our school for only 5 months. But Tamara was the only one of her mother's relatives, who is already well over 80 years old, - told us the teacher of the Belanovsk school Ekaterina Yunak. - Our student Andrey Gladenko also died. It was the leader of the leaders, the president of the School Republic, a very well-read, inquisitive boy, went in for sports - he went to trainings 40 km from the village."

As the friends and colleagues of the victims said, the road accident horrifies them not only by the scale, but also by the kind of respectable people who were on the fatal bus.

The barriers were never installed

The largest car accident during the years of Ukraine's independence - an accident at a railway crossing near Marganets in the Dnipropetrovsk region in October 2010 - then 45 people were killed in a minibus, which was also rammed by a train. A minibus driver was found guilty of a terrible accident, and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov ordered to equip railroad crossings with automatic barriers.


But, as Ukrzaliznytsia told us, the Sumy crossing, where the current accident took place, does not belong to the category where barriers were needed. “According to statistics, about 100 cars pass there per day, 4 of them are buses. This is not the intensity at which the crossings are equipped with a barrier,”said the speaker of Ukrzaliznytsia, Elena Lizunova.

The driver managed to jump out

Six surviving passengers remain in the hospital - five women and a ninth grader. “The fourth grade teacher Elena Nikolenko survived, Oksana Komissar, the teacher of the Ukrainian language and physical education, and Valentina Mironenko, the English teacher, survived,” the teachers of the school in the village of Belany, where these women work, told us. - The main thing is that they were born under a lucky star and survived. They are in the hospital with fractures of the collarbones and ribs, each with numerous bruises. " A relative of Elena Nikolenko, Victoria Nikolenko, "Today" said that Elena Grigorievna as of yesterday was still in intensive care. “Doctors are not yet letting her relatives in, only doctors come out and report her condition,” Victoria specified.

According to the security officials and friends of the driver, the driver Bogdan is the only person who practically did not get a scratch. The regional GAI clarifies that a moment before the collision, the guy jumped out of the cab and after a few hours was able to testify to the investigators.

From the comments to this article on the Today website:

Valery Skoda:

- There are cases that, from the point of view of common sense, are absolutely inexplicable. In the 80s in the Amur Region, soldiers were returning "from potatoes" to a GAZ-66, in the back of 25 people. This is also a crossing, which also prohibits the signal. The driver, a Georgian, is absolutely sane, not that he was trying to slip through, he, having stopped for a second in front of a traffic light, drove right between the sections of the locomotive. A total of 7 corpses, the driver was given 4 years.


- I thought so a little, but we can really what psychology, on ancient instincts, a protective mechanism works, such as numbness, like the victim at the sight of a predator, and here, the train "predator", the driver "prey". but this is all fantasy, but in fact - 13 human lives.
