Bioenergy Strike - Alternative View

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Bioenergy Strike - Alternative View
Bioenergy Strike - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy Strike - Alternative View

Video: Bioenergy Strike - Alternative View
Video: A Torsional Pendulum that Detects Bioenergy | J. Norman Hansen 2024, September

Are there damage, evil eye, curse and other influences on a person that break life and lead to serious, incurable ailments? Society has not yet come to a consensus. Someone is convinced of the existence of magic, while others consider it fraud and quackery. But at the same time, almost everyone believes in a black cat and a horseshoe on the wall.

It should be admitted: no matter how "progressive society" avoids the topic of magical (energetic) violence, no matter how it turns a blind eye to cases of love spells and declares damage to be complete delirium and a fantasy of charlatans, these things, according to people studying them, are quite real and know about them is necessary.


According to experts in the field of bioenergy, any person can deliver an energy blow. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have magical abilities. An emotional impulse directed at the offender and accompanied by a word can open a hole in the energy field of almost anyone.


And, perhaps, there is no one in this world, no matter who was subjected to small energy-informational blows from others. Individually, such "scratches and abrasions" are unlikely to cause serious damage, but together they can make life very difficult. This is especially true for men.

It is known that women are more emotional, and it is this trait of an offended woman that can cause serious trouble for a man. An outburst of negativity can be a reaction to male rudeness or rudeness.

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Pushed, insulted a woman in a store or a bus - get a spontaneous emotional response, which, in fact, is an energy blow, a curse! And there is no need to talk about treason. A humiliated, deceived woman, as a rule, reacts extremely emotionally to betrayal. And in order to seriously "shake" the offender, she does not have to go to the sorcerers for help.

By the way, very often this blow is aimed at male dignity. The emotional message of an angry victim of adultery can be so strong that a man who has always prided himself on being successful with women suddenly begins to face problems in the intimate sphere. This, in turn, leads to an overestimation of one's own “I”, to uncertainty and fear of being untenable, and as a result to confusion, depression, illness and failure in work, business, and career.

Here is what bioenergetic Alexander Moroz says about this:

- In nine cases out of ten, the diagnosis of such problems indicates that male powerlessness is associated with minor curses. Such curses in a man's aura look like small dark spots that block the energy flows in the pelvic area. Accordingly, there are circulatory disorders with all the ensuing consequences.

The bioenergetic will easily remove these blocks and restore male potency, but only when the disease has not gone too far and the problem has not moved into the area of physiological changes. You can also help in this case, it just takes much more effort and time. Statistics show that 80% of diseases and health disorders are treatable with bioenergetic methods.

Of course, cleansing karma and removing such curses will not make a man a sexual giant overnight, but this problem will be stopped, the destructive influence will be eliminated, which means that the body will take the path of recovery. Circumstances will increasingly favor a man in all spheres - personal, production, emotional, psychophysiological.


There are frequent cases of deliberate, ordered damage. Such a blow can be compared to a knife stab. Such cases require much more effort and time both on the part of the bioenergetic and on the part of the victim.

After all, the human body is a unique system capable of self-renewal, self-regulation, self-healing. It contains all the "medicines" necessary for healing by nature.

“The art of bioenergy is to find and make these“drugs”work,” explains A. Moroz. - It removes energy congestion, opens floodgates, redirects flows and restores energy balance. If necessary, the bioenergetic replenishes the patient's energy deficit, destroys the energy of negative programs - damage, love spell, evil eye, curse - and thus eliminates the disease.

And once having tuned in to the wave of a particular person, you can already work at a distance. This is work with a phantom (a person's energy trace), and a healing effect from photography.


The concepts of "genus", "relatives", "family memory", that is, what we also call heredity, largely determine human destinies. There are also so-called generic curses, which can also apply to one or many areas of a person's life. By the way, on this, religion and medicine quite agree with each other.

The Old Testament says that the human race can be cursed up to the 3rd or 4th generation, as the darkest option - up to the 7th generation. And from the point of view of medicine, severe hereditary diseases are transmitted up to the 3-4th generation. These are schizophrenia, alcoholism, and some types of oncology. Serious genetic disorders are inherited up to the 7th generation.


Diseases of the kidneys and liver, cardiovascular system, organs of hearing and vision are also transmitted through generic karma. In addition, the fate of the victims of the ancestral curse is always very difficult, and sometimes tragic. And independently, without the help of a magician, it is impossible to remove the fate that leads to misfortune with all the efforts.

Even the multivariance of fate becomes one-sided: in the event of a generic curse, only negative ways of developing events are open to a person, that is, he always has to choose between two evils. As they say, both are worse.

What to do if a person has no enemies, but at the same time he is constantly pursued by failures?

“Only bioenergetics, magicians and clairvoyants can determine the presence of a generic curse,” says Alexander Moroz. - First, the very fact of the presence of a curse is established. Then, according to the family tree, they find the ancestor from which it began, find out the reasons for its occurrence.

And only after that the work on cleansing the ancestral karma begins. After performing this procedure, the human body receives a powerful healing impulse, life circumstances develop in a favorable way for a person, and annoying events go into oblivion. And - what is extremely important - the ancestral curse ceases to exist and will never affect subsequent generations.

So you should think about this seriously: even if because of a difficult fate due to the ancestral curse you cannot leave a large inheritance to your descendants, by cleaning your ancestral karma you are able to help children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren achieve what you did not succeed in.