Magic Household Utensils - Alternative View

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Magic Household Utensils - Alternative View
Magic Household Utensils - Alternative View

Video: Magic Household Utensils - Alternative View

Video: Magic Household Utensils - Alternative View
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Every day in his life, a person uses a wide variety of objects that help him in everyday life. Even the most ordinary, at first glance, things can have magical properties. Sometimes they help, and sometimes they can hurt.

Since ancient times, our ancestors knew about the magical power of household utensils and used them. Everything related to living conditions was chosen very carefully. But unfortunately, to date, much of the knowledge of the ancestors has been lost, however, some information has survived to this day in the oral stories of grandparents.


A good housewife would never bring a bad broom into the house. Everyone knows that a broom should be on the handle so that happiness does not flow away from home. In addition, the broom was often used to ward off trouble and get rid of the "black" line. To do this, you just need to think about what you would like to get rid of and what to avoid. Next, sweep the room, but do it towards the front door, as if "driving out" everything bad.

Even in ancient Russia, the attitude to the broom was ambiguous: on the one hand, this object had to do with evil spirits, on the other hand, it protected from such. With the help of a broom, sorcerers could damage animals, send illness to a family, or take away happiness from lovers. However, with the help of a broom, one could also protect oneself from evil spirits. For example, he was specially placed at the front door, like a guard, so that he would not let a dashing person who had malicious intent or envy through. And a sick family member or a pet was swept with a broom to sweep away all damage or evil eye. This item was part of many ancient Russian ceremonies and rituals. Even today, in the Russian hinterlands, people respect the broom.

The magic power of the bed

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As you know, every person on Earth spends a third of his life in a dream. However, not everyone thought about the role of the object that satisfies our sleep - the bed. As it turned out, such a banal home interior item has mystical properties, so you shouldn't put it on public display and show it to strangers. After all, this is a place where a person rests alone with his emotions, thoughts, hopes and plans. It is very important to know that prying eyes in the bedroom can negatively affect the marital relationship and lead to discord in the sexual life of the spouses.

It is also worth noting that it is very important to observe one more main rule - the bed should always touch the wall with its headboard. So, connecting with the house, the protective energy of the dwelling protects the sleeping place along with its owners. Therefore, the well-known saying becomes clear to all: "Houses and walls heal."

The design of beds has changed a lot over time. Round beds have become popular today. However, such a bed does not have contact with the wall, so there will be no good energy from it. With its round shape, such a bed closes the magical flow of energy in itself, preventing the spread of positive charges to the sleeping person. Such beds are very unfavorable for conceiving and carrying a child. The material from which the bed is made is also of great importance. For example, an iron object improves sleep quality, but decreases sexual desire. Plastic - leads to nightmares and insomnia, but opens up new creative powers in a person and promotes self-education.

The fabric from which the sheets are made also occupies an important place in human life. All your thoughts and events that have accumulated during the day remain on the sheet. And when a person gets up in the morning, peculiar drawings of the past appear on his bed. There is a belief that this drawing was created on an energetic level, and for each individual person it is individual. Depending on the name, date of birth and the name of the planet that patronizes a given personality, one can guess about future events.

It is worth noting that our bed is like a charger with which we charge our mobile phone. Something like this a person is charged with the energy that surrounds him when he sleeps. However, it also happens that a person slept soundly and sweetly, but got up completely broken and exhausted. Here the answer is clear and understandable: we do not know how to correctly and reasonably distribute the energy received from sleep, as well as to use it correctly in the future.

The magical properties of the bed are simply obvious. Vanity, fatigue, haste, troubles - all this is absorbed by a person and accumulates as a charge. And if a person does not get enough sleep, this does not mean that he does not have enough time to sleep. The example of Margaret Thatcher perfectly shows this: the politician slept for only three and a half hours, but so many correct and ingenious decisions were made and implemented by her. Skillfully using the energy received from the bed, everyone can achieve this status of an "iron lady"!


Surely everyone is accustomed to such an ordinary and unremarkable piece of clothing as a button. However, this is not at all an easy thing. The first buttons appeared more than 5 thousand years ago, and to this day they are an integral part of clothing. Although modern buttons are completely different from their ancestors, their purpose remains the same - convenience and comfort in wearing outfits. But few people know that even in antiquity, buttons served as amulets and had protective magical properties. The very name "button" tells about the ability of this object to disperse and scare away evil forces.

In ancient Russia, buttons were made in the form of a round bell with a pebble inside. In addition, various magical designs have always been applied to such an attribute of clothing. The people believed that it was possible to bewitch a man to oneself by sewing buttons to his clothes. It was believed that if she soon came off, then the feelings of love weakened, and if she held on securely, then love was strong.

One way or another, the most ordinary and simple objects that we use every day in everyday life have unusual magical properties. Each of them has its own energy force. And depending on how a person relates to a particular subject, his energy can change. If you dislike household things, then they can reciprocate.