Deadly Duel - Alternative View

Deadly Duel - Alternative View
Deadly Duel - Alternative View

Video: Deadly Duel - Alternative View

Video: Deadly Duel - Alternative View
Video: Dueling for Honor – Europe's Lethal Duels from the 16th to the 18th Century 2024, September

Today historians recognize the role of personality as one of the main factors determining the course of events. But at the same time, following tradition, they speak only of rulers and commanders. Meanwhile, in the past, an equally significant role was played by people endowed, as they say, with extrasensory abilities - magicians, sorcerers, holy fools.

Historical writings describe in detail the palace intrigues and conspiracies that preceded the accession to the throne of Peter I. Meanwhile, these were only decorations, behind which the deadly duel of the forces of evil and good in the person of an overseas witch and a Russian sensitive holy fool was hidden. Moreover, contemporaries did not even suspect what was happening behind the scenes on the then political stage.

It is believed that Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I, did not leave a noticeable mark in Russian history, although he ruled for more than thirty years - from 1645 to 1676. Therefore, he even received the nickname of the Quietest. In fact, many of the accomplishments of Peter I were based on the ideas and undertakings of Alexei Mikhailovich, a highly educated man of his time, who spared no effort to strengthen the Russian state, which had fallen into decay during the years of the Troubles. Moreover, by the will of providence, the father's actions later influenced the fate of his son in critical situations that could radically change the course of events.

… Once, during a country walk, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich found himself in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow. From a high hill above the bank of the Yauza River, he admired the beautiful panorama, when a foal sprinted across the dew meadow from the side of the Transfiguration Church. His appearance was so unusual that all the horses of the royal retinue froze, as if spellbound: he was white, and his mane was black!

- Isn't it a miracle of a sign, sir? - asked the tsar's favorite Artamon Matveyev.

Alexey Mikhailovich said nothing. I recalled a recent vision and a voice from the skies: “Where a black-maned white horse strikes the ground three times, build a new palace there! And there will be a transformation from that place all over Russia!.."

"Where will the white foal stay?" - thought the king. And then, as if hearing the thoughts of the king, the foal froze in the meadow and began to beat its hoof into the ground.

The "quietest" sovereign believed in signs. Therefore, on a hill near the Yauza River and the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow, a spacious wooden palace was erected in a few months, where Alexei Mikhailovich came with his entire family in the summer season. Here important government decisions were made, houses and dams were built, gardens and pharmaceutical gardens were planted, Russian and foreign craftsmen were invited here by the tsar.

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Historians noted that in those years not a single locality in Moscow, except for the Kremlin itself, was of such importance for our capital and state as a village with a symbolic name that foreshadowed transformation.

By order of Alexei Mikhailovich, the first theater in Russia was built in Preobrazhenskoye, called the "Comedy Horomina". And the plays for him were written by herself and translated by Princess Sofia Alekseevna Romanova, the Tsar's daughter from her first marriage.

One can often hear the opinion that Peter the Great was a supporter of progress, a reformer, and his elder half-sister, Princess Sophia, was a supporter of everything that was old Testament, backward. But those who claim this do not know or specifically keep silent about the fact that Princess Sophia knew Latin, German, Greek and French, collected books, wrote poetry, studied history and philosophy, astronomy and mathematics, was a worthy student of the enlightener and scientist Simeon Polotsk.

They say that history does not like the subjunctive mood. And yet it is not difficult to imagine what opportunities would open up for the development of Russia, if Peter and Sophia had not been at enmity, but united.

The breadth of knowledge, organizational skills, talent, unshakable desire to make Russia a prosperous country and much, much more. But the union of Peter and Sophia was not beneficial to many. Both in the homeland and abroad. It is very unprofitable!.. To forestall and prevent it, secret occult means of black magic were used.

Little Tsarevich Peter was present at all the performances. Once, during the play Catherine the Great Martyr, he suddenly asked: “Why does the actress look so much like my sister Sophia? Maybe he wants her life to suffer the fate of poor Catherine?.."

This remark could have gone unnoticed, but the enemies did not doze. The words of the future emperor were conveyed to Sophia, and she was outright angry. And the informer was her close associate, nicknamed "Portuguese Donna Luna".

Why did the mysterious Donna appear in Russia and what is her real name, they said different things in Moscow. They agreed only on one thing: she belonged to a noble Portuguese family and owned the ancient secrets of Druidic witchcraft. Why Sophia noticed her and brought her closer to her remains a mystery.

Donna Luna almost never appeared in Moscow or Preobrazhenskoye in daylight and was always under a veil, rare for that time in Russia. For the first time on the Russian stage, she performed in February 1682, when the comedy "Baba Yaga - Bone Leg" was staged in Preobrazhensky. This was after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich. His eldest son, twenty-year-old Tsar Fyodor

Alekseevich married a second time. After the wedding, he decided to please his wife Martha Apraksina with a new theatrical performance.

Donna Luna had a very small, but somehow incomprehensible and sinister role. Just one phrase: “Look at me steadily and do whatever I command you with my thought…” Moreover, she appeared on the stage in a black dress in a strange mask made of small mirror fragments.

The next day after the performance, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich suddenly fell ill and soon died …

Neither in Moscow nor in Preobrazhensky did anyone connect his death with a theatrical performance. And only the ever-drunk fool, the foolish Petrukha, suspecting something, pestered the young prince:

“You are Petruha and I am Petruha,” he whispered. “You are now the tsar of Russia, and I am the tsar of fools. Therefore, I will open my eyes to you. A demoness flew in from across the sea under a black rag and brought with her in a chest "the dancing flame of the Biperboreans." The darling demoness-moon-worshiper confused the soul of Princess Sofyushka and hated the princess and her brother, Tsar Fyodor, and his first wife Agafya, and yourself, Petrusha. Sofyushka was proud, she herself conceived to rule Russia …

And in "Comedy Horomino" the demoness looked at Queen Agafya in a special way, moved her hands in a special way - and Agafya died after giving birth. The moon-worshiper sparkled with her mirrors, - and Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich died, - the drunken fool bent his own. - And nobody noticed the tricks of the demoness. One I notice everything … And she will soon get to you. Your hope and protection in the stable is a black-maned white stallion, whose progenitor indicated to Alexei Mikhailovich where to locate Preobrazhenskoye. Take care of him. He will take out … And don't forget me, poor man. In the royal chambers, every rumor - even with an inch, but I will still catch it, I will tear off my wings and give it to you …

Then the ten-year-old Peter dismissed the drunken fool, but eventually became thoughtful. He even asked if there was a black-maned white stallion in the royal stable. And the young tsar also got used to the heart of the Preobrazhensky near Moscow, where he gathered a funny army - children from boyar families and small noblemen, or even completely rootless.

At first, the hobbies of brother Peter did not bother Sophia: let him indulge and play amusing battles. If only he didn't poke his nose into public affairs. But the years passed, and the guys from the amusing Preobrazhensky army grew up. Their teachings, assaults, and campaigns of children's amusements began to resemble little more.

The black sorceress Donna Luna whispered to the princess more and more often: “Petrov's wolf cubs will be impudent. Every day they start a fight with the archers, they start a scandal, and there is no control over their antics. None of them decree, except for Peter himself. But the main thing is that the young tsar demands more and more money from the treasury for his amusing army, and he listens to you, the princess, and the noble boyars less and less … Do not miss, sovereign, the right day and hour … Say the word, and I will help you. Otherwise it will be too late. New winds will blow from the Preobrazhensky - and sweep away everything in its path. And you will not be spared … Yours, your royal throne, - the overseas devil persuaded. - Only you can rule Russia. And your brother will drink the country on drink and sell it to nemchura …"

Sophia did not dare. Still, her brother Peter …

In the summer of 1689, a Portuguese donna brought Sophia a small book. The princess took the book, leafed through it and was very surprised:

- But nothing is written in it, nothing is printed!

“It’s not written now, but it will soon be,” the donna smiled.

- Who will do it?

- You, mother, the lawful queen!..

- What should I write in this little book? - Sophia asked thoughtfully.

Donna looked directly into the princess's eyes:

- It will be a play about the rising moon or … the tragedy of an extinct moon.

Sophia shuddered and put the book on the table. She said quietly but firmly:

- Let's say I write a tragedy, but what is your role in a future play?

- My role, as always, is the smallest, but … the most important, - Donna hesitated. - The magic of words, magic of gesture, magic of color, magic of unspoken thought … I will weave all this into a single wreath and send it to the audience. - And, seeing that the princess does not understand, she explained: - A special combination of words, gestures, colors of clothes and decorations, my thought - will fascinate them. They will not be able to move from their place until …

- Well, speak! - Sophia ordered impatiently.

- Until the flames engulf the Comedy Horomina. In the play, you will write the phrase: “Even a cold moon trapped in a trap can create a great fire …” It will be a magic phrase … I will utter it and, as if inadvertently, knock over the candle on the stage. But so that it will not go out. The candle fire will be at the right point, reflected in the Hyperborean mirror, and the "Comedy Horomina" will light up in six places at once. The audience will not be able to recover immediately. Well, the fire will be a signal for your archers in Moscow to perform.

- Where is this Hyperborean mirror?

Donna Luna smiled.

- In my mirror mask.

- But how can you save yourself?

“I’ll be in time,” the donna waved her hand. - The backstage door will be open, and then make sure, mother, that a carriage with a reliable coachman is waiting for me. Yes, the carriage is inside so that everything is covered in soft pillows and furs: you have to be careful with a Hyperborean mirror. Maybe, upon impact, you will get out of submission - and then the trouble …

Sophia frowned.

- Well, who will be the audience?

Donna threw up her hands.

- Those whom you invite, mother-empress … And do not go to Preobrazhenskoe anymore.

The fatal August night of 1689 came. Not having time to sleep, Peter suddenly jumped out of bed. Outside the windows, screams, neighing horses, lights.

"Here it is!.. Here it is!.." - the heart pounded anxiously. Without hesitation, in one nightgown, Peter jumped out of the window. He fell down, but immediately jumped to his feet. Before him, like a mushroom out of the ground, appeared the foolish jester Petrukha. As always drunk, barely standing on his feet, but tenaciously holding the black-maned white horse by the bridle. The black-maned hoof beats in alarm, bulging purple eyes goggles, and lights are reflected in them. But Petruha's mouth broke into a smile, and he shouted as if he had brought the good news:

- Eh, tsar-sovereign! Anticipated you! Not clever people, but fools should be listened to … Sister raised the Strelets army! Sigay into the saddle, big cockroach mustache, and ride to the laurel!

The king's arms and legs shook as soon as he climbed on the horse:

- Hey, Petruha, what kind of fire, what kind of shouts by the road?

The drunken fool laughed so hard that the horse reared:

- And this, sir, a woman, a Portuguese moon-worshiper, was burnt in the carriage. She rushed to play a comedy tomorrow, but a black-maned horse broke out of the stall. Yes, cut across her troika! The carriage overturned, and in its trunk it jerked like a barrel of gunpowder!

He thrust his fingers into Petrukh's mouth and whistled like a robber. And the white horse pulled away into the night, into the disturbing, unknown. What lies ahead in the darkness? Death?.. Glory?.. Shame?.. But the white horse's hooves are swift and firm. As if he senses in which direction the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is and that his faithful amusing regiments are waiting there for the tsar.

Meanwhile, in her room, Sophia sadly looked away from the charmed water. She covered the silver ladle with a black handkerchief and put out the candle.

- All … The white horse is already free, - whispered the princess. - So, now the monastery


Her fear was justified: at the behest of Tsar Peter I, she was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent …

Vadim BURLAK, Corresponding Member of the Russian Ecological Academy