"Gipar" Is A System That Translates As The Magic Of Shadows - Alternative View

"Gipar" Is A System That Translates As The Magic Of Shadows - Alternative View
"Gipar" Is A System That Translates As The Magic Of Shadows - Alternative View

Video: "Gipar" Is A System That Translates As The Magic Of Shadows - Alternative View

Video: Electrostatic Lecture-7 2024, September

“The magician, as a true master who creates his own realities, does not suffer from criticism of other worldviews and a sense of his own significance. He, as a manifested facet of the Creator, continuously creates in space and time, because he understands that he is space and time, he is reality in all endless variants. On the day of the magician, every point of the universe is the infinity of the universe."

Our readers are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the author of the GIPAR system, Kosovich Yaroslav Yurievich.

- Yaroslav Yuryevich, please tell us about your system.

- The system on which the "Master" school is based is "GIPAR", which, in turn, is a facet of a wider system - "PIRSPARK" - a system that is translated as the magic of shadows. In fact, the magic of shadows means a purely scientific approach - this is work with different variants of states, with the forms of events. Magic is the science of knowing the laws of the universe. And since this is science, it cannot be either "black" or "white", it is just science, School "Master" has its own stable, formed, rather ancient worldview, what my ancestors passed on to me, what I saw and what I learned myself in this life. I have somewhat changed the approach to this worldview and adapted it, highlighted what people need now. This is the "HIPAR" system - the projection of the PIRSPARK system, one of the slices of the reality of the multidimensional PIRSPARK matrix. There are people who study the PIRSPARK system as it is - it is a rather complex philosophical worldview system with a pronounced mystical, magical thinking, where people think completely outside the box, solve their problems with non-standard methods.

- What does HIPAR mean?

- HIPAR is basically an architectural term. At one time, architects developed an interesting principle on the basis of which super-lightweight and super-stable structures were created.

This principle is based on the idea that nature creates the most aesthetic and perfect designs using the lines of force of space, i.e., its geometry. Material forms are actually physical evidence for the geometry of space. In other words, the geometry of space confirms, realizes itself through physical forms, "HIPAR" - the geometry of space.

Promotional video:

- Yaroslav Yuryevich, any integral system is based on philosophy. Tell me, what is the philosophy of the HIPAR system ?

- Philosophy is based on the concept that there is no other reality in the world than the reality of the space of consciousness, the space of the soul, the space of the eternally creative spirit, where there is no division into matter and consciousness, in fact, these are two facets of one reality, where everything is alive, active and absolutely conscious.

The whole world, manifesting itself in the most incredible, truly infinitely incomprehensible forms and phenomena, is a single and infinite consciousness, a single and infinite world soul, a single and infinite world spirit. Man is not alone or finite in this world and is not accidental in this reality. A person, his consciousness is a facet, not a part and not a cog of an endless stream of consciousness called Reality. This means that it is just as endless in this reality, and just as endlessly and continuously manifests itself in a variety of states, in a variety of options, in different worlds.

This philosophy is very practical. The whole worldview is a practical working system, in the curtain of idle reasoning like “let's talk about something” simply does not exist. When they passed on this system to me, my ancestors said: “There are no empty fantasies, there is only practice. Moreover, the practice is wonderful in its immense fantasy, which is always realized."

As far as each of us allows himself to include this philosophy in his space, the person becomes successful in various fields.

- Are there any moral and ethical standards at the Magister School?

- Yes, there are. The first principle, which is consistent with the laws of physics, is as follows: as it comes around, it will respond. Second: "I" is another "HE". And this is one of the most important principles. Each person, both in the Creator and in the world around him, always sees himself. He cannot, as a creator, harm himself.

- What does this system give to a person in practice?

- From the philistine point of view, a person by himself, on the scale of the Universe, practically does not represent anything, that is, His energy tends to “decrease”. But, on the other hand, a person has a unique ability to include certain patterns of the environment, to initiate them. And, knowing these patterns, studying them, having the ability to interact with these patterns, we can get the maximum effect in achieving the desired, practically without spending energy.

- How?

- One of the main tasks of the "GIPAR" system is to expand the worldview. An ordinary person is used to thinking linearly, perceiving himself as a reality separate from space, thereby opposing himself to the surrounding reality, to the world - this is the first principle of interaction with the world, the principle of struggle. And if a person builds his relationship with the world in this way, then the world treats a person in the same way. It cannot be otherwise, this is the law of conservation of energy. From the moment the systems begin to agree, cooperate, synchronize with each other, avoiding conflicts, we can talk about the second principle of interaction. This principle, like the first, is linear, i.e. energy-intensive. But already more effective and it is transitional to the next one.

The third principle of interaction is that a person does not perceive himself as a separate reality. He understands that he is not a part, but one of the manifested facets of the Global space of consciousness. That is, as the ancients said, HE is another I, and I is another HE. Here, synergy begins to manifest itself in full. It is on the basis of this philosophy that all technologies are built.

- Today there are already many systems and directions that offer a huge number of techniques. They allow you to improve your social position and correct your health.

- Most of these techniques work according to the first, maximum, the second type of interaction with space. This means that a person needs to spend a huge amount of time and energy to get what he wants. Applying the technologies and philosophy of the HIPAR system, a person interacts with reality in such a way that he can form the spaces of events he needs, changing the geometry of space. In other words, he will be in the right place, at the right time, and with the right people. In this state of consciousness, technologies are used that cannot be applied, being at the first, linear level of interaction with the world. Because, being at this level of reality, you interact with the laws of this very reality, and the laws, as you know, cannot be broken.

The goal of the "HIPAR" system is to bring a person to the fourth principle of interaction with space, when a person begins to feel himself as the BORDER of the Global space of consciousness, the BORDER of the Creator. Here, a person's energy is spent only on thinking about what is desired at the right time.

- Many people doubt their abilities when it comes to magical abilities. Do you need any special talents to teach the GIPAR system? Some kind of base?

- Once again I want to remind you that man is the manifested facet of the Creator. Everything has already existed before us, exists and will continue to exist. A person cannot come up with anything new, he can only master new tools for himself, that is, technologies that will help him extract the knowledge inherent in each of us and bring them to a conscious level. The system has been tested and perfected by time, and therefore the techniques are available to any person.

- How can one start training in the GIPAR system? Where are the seminars held?

- Now an appointment for the first basic seminar is being held in Kiev. The fundamental, basic level is the first course. During this course, a person objectifies his energoinformational structure, understands the technologies of working with his consciousness (body, thoughts, emotions as a manifestation of the activity of consciousness), masters the basic technologies of working with space, touches the feeling of interaction according to the third principle, can understand and feel what a FLOW OF CONSCIOUSNESS is.

On this course, a person studies, theoretically and practically, what the geometry of the space of consciousness is, the geometry of the space of events, who is a person in essence.

Get acquainted with the different spaces of his consciousness. In the process of learning, it becomes clear what an infinite-dimensional, infinite-beginning reality is. And such a concept as the world of shadows, the world of projections will begin to gradually become a reality for a person, on the right * he will touch the philosophy of shadow magic - the "PIRSPARK-system", on the basis of which the GIPAR system is formed, having really felt and understood that our entire reality manifests itself and exists as an infinite-dimensional projection of a different, sometimes incomprehensible for us, reality of a higher, different order of complexity.

For further practical use of this real philosophy, the listener will in practice study his inner world, the world of subtle sensations,

A person will begin to study and master his most important territory - the energy-informational structure of the space of consciousness, his inner and outer world, He will get acquainted with the various spaces of his consciousness, This is necessary for personal development and self-realization in this world and further affective development of this system. Over the course of five days, a person will gradually turn on micro-acupuncture systems on the surface of his body in order to increase the efficiency of energy-informational sensitivity, improve his health and social efficiency. The state of microacupuncture systems reflects the state of the event space “here and now”. By modeling the state of microacupuncture systems, we create our own reality we need. In other words, this course masters the technologies of forming the space of events,programming space through microacupuncture systems.

The listener objectifies the space of consciousness of the Universe, finds a personal symbol and masters the technology of its inclusion.

Man will master his breathing at a different level as the breath of the universe. “IMSEG is an immunosensory training, it is the connection of breathing with the inner and outer space of consciousness and the energy-informational structure of a person, energy flows and the connection of breathing with one's emotional state and health.

All this philosophy, worldview and skills will help to effectively and really master any areas of this system.

The first basic level allows you to develop in any of 22 directions;

- geometry of space;

- neurodynamic programming of space;

- work with egregors;

- technologies for working with parallel worlds;

- health and healing;

- places of power;

- magic;

-working with symbols;

- lucid dreaming;

- work with Universum and much more.

In other words, technologies cover almost all areas of human interests - spiritual, social development, health, welfare. Not having mastered your world of subtle sensations, a progressive perception of the world and not objectifying your space of consciousness, it is unrealistic to move on effectively. Only by becoming an instrument of knowledge of the world, it is possible to effectively cognize it and the ability to shape one's own destiny.

- Yaroslav Yuryevich, is it possible to briefly tell what microaculuncture systems are and why you need to know it?

- Everyone knows that there is such a concept as the energy-informational structure of a person, which includes energy channels, a chakra structure, there is a certain field, acupuncture systems. Also, a person has a microacupuncture system, which is an integral part of the entire energy-information system of a person. There are seven microacupuncture systems; these are palms, feet, etc. For example, on the palms, and this is a well-known fact, there are projections of all organs and systems of the entire human body. These projections can be felt in the form of certain combinations of points, that is, if the organism, as a system, is in a certain state, then a certain combination of points on the palms will correspond to this state, But there is no game and one gate does not exist, … And if we, knowing certain patterns, we change this combination of points,then we can easily change the state of the organism.

Similarly, it is not possible to apply these technologies when interacting with space. That is, if I feel that I am an integral facet of space and I do not like some event, then this event will certainly affect my state, and this state will be reflected on the palms in the form of a combination of dots. This means that if we change the combination of points on the palms, then the event will unfold in a different way, namely, the way we need it, For example, a person does not have a relationship with someone, he can track the combination of points that occurs during this interaction … Then you need to imagine in the form of an image which version of the relationship suits him. Another state will appear, which will be reflected on the palms in the form of another combination of points. To obtain the desired result, you need to fix this combination, … But this, of course, is a tiny percentage ofwhere and how the skills of working with micro-acupuncture systems can be applied.

I hope that a person, having touched this system and studied it, will be able to speak about himself.

- I am the manifestation of the world - the manifestation of the Creator. I am not a part, but a facet of the Creator. I do not assert that the Universe is behind my back. I affirm that I am a projection, the manifested facet of the Universe, the facet of the Creator, and since I am the facet of the Creator, it means that I am the Creator in this unique, personified manifested version - personal invariant.

Interviewed by Galina DNEPROVSKAYA
