"Obsession" - Alternative View

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"Obsession" - Alternative View
"Obsession" - Alternative View

Video: "Obsession" - Alternative View

Video: OBSESSION 2024, July

What is “obsession” really? Who is to direct a person's actions when he falls into a frenzied state, speaks in someone else's voice, shouts curses, rolls on the floor and performs other inappropriate actions? What is this - the second "I"? Splitting of the personality or, indeed, an evil spirit infiltrates a person. From the point of view of psychiatry, such people are potential clients of the "house with yellow" walls. Most often, psychiatrists say, such breakdowns are characteristic of impressionable, exalted people, who have the so-called "schizoid personality type." Such people are “Jesus and the Mother of God”, they see various “signs” and hear “the singing of angels”. People with an unsettled personal life and a mobile psyche easily fall under the influence of others, become parishioners of a church or fall into totalitarian sects.

Taisiya worked for many years in an institution that was called a "mailbox" in Soviet times. A modest draftswoman with no special talents and a failed personal life. There was little work. Out of boredom, the employees of the "box" entertained themselves with knitting, and copied various fortune-telling, horoscopes and dream books by hand. At the end of the era of "developed socialism", the fascination with mysticism and occult sciences was widespread. Taisiya was no exception. She diligently copied the interpretations of dreams in a notebook and redrew pictures for fortune-telling using tracing paper. Each time, laying out homemade cards, she hoped that a moment would come and she would get rid of her alcoholic husband, move to a new apartment, and something would change in her life.

The son did not cause much trouble, but he grew up as an unsociable boy, it was hard to get along with his peers. The only joy is that in high school I started going to the gym to “pump up”. Perestroika burst out and the "mailbox" was closed. Taisiya was left without work. The son went to the army. But she no longer worried about him: from a weak, flimsy teenager, thanks to his hobby, he turned into a strong and pumped-up guy, fortunately, God did not offend his height. Only no personal happiness did not appear, and there was no more work. And it was still far from retirement. The only joy was that my husband was able to move to a room in a communal apartment.

Taisiya continued to maintain relationships with former colleagues. Now that the work was gone, they were able to devote all their free time to the study of occult sciences. In the evenings, the former employees of the "box" gathered at Taisiya's.

One day one of the women suggested invoking the "spirits." The ladies made an impromptu "board for summoning the spirits" and proceeded to divination. The women liked the new hobby so much that they began to gather for spiritualistic séances in Taisia's house almost every evening. She also took part in this project, but every time she felt very uncomfortable after her friends left. It began to seem to her that there was always someone in the apartment. That the summoned spirits do not leave after they are “released”, but remain with her. Increasingly, she heard their voices.

Maxim soon returned from the army. The mother told her son what was happening to her and warned her son not to be scared if he saw something strange. At first, Maxim did not believe his mother. But one day he himself witnessed strange events. So, one evening they quietly dined, and talked about some trifles. Suddenly, the mother froze. Her face became lifeless, her eyes glassy. As if under hypnosis, she spoke in a completely alien, unfamiliar voice. The worst thing was that the voice was coming from inside a woman, and the vocal cords did not participate in its reproduction. Her lips hardly moved. The son was frightened. The voice spoke unrelated words that made no sense. Everything seemed like some kind of nonsense.

Less than three minutes later, the mother's face turned pink, her gaze became meaningful. The son told her what he saw. Taisiya began to cry: the spirit that had possessed her began to appear more often, and even the presence of his son did not bother him.

For advice, the son suggested turning to an old woman who lived in a neighboring house. Taisia's mother was once friends with her. An old woman, secretly from her daughter, went to church with her friend. The old woman listened to the woman and invited her to go into the room to the icons. Taisiya entered the stuffy room, with the curtains tightly closed. All around was the smell of wax, incense and something else unfamiliar and sweet. The woman suddenly felt ill. But before fainting, she again fell into a deranged state: in a strange voice she shouted different words, fought in hysterics. The old woman authoritatively declared that a demon had possessed Taisia.

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Thus began the long-term ordeals of Taisia and her son in distant parishes, where the priests expelled the "demon" from her. They read prayers, sprinkled them with holy water. The priests explained that this happened because of the woman's passion for fortune-telling and summoning "spirits." That one of the demons did not leave, but remained in the body of a woman.

Taisiya became very devout. She truly believed that this was the only way to get rid of voices in her head and strange seizures. The son fully supported the mother. They became parishioners of the church, observed fasts and "atoned for" sins. The young man from a stately, pumped-up guy turned into a puny "prayer". He grew a beard, and instead of a good job in his specialty he got a job as a bell ringer in a church. But after a lot of "lectures" the perfume no longer bothers the woman …

Channel to a bright future

The restless and not inveterate souls of people return to the world of the living, say esotericists. The unfortunate, whose bodies are not committed to the earth according to any of the religious rites, are doomed to eternal suffering. And it doesn't matter that during their lifetime these people could be atheists, and generally never thought about such a concept as a soul.

Everyone knows about the famous Northern River Station, sung in the film "Volga-Volga". Older people remember not only the beautiful views of this station, but also the bravura lines from the song:

Under a happy Soviet star

It's good to work and live"

But not everyone was “good at working and living,” and not everyone was happy with the Soviet star. The canal was built in record time for a not too high-tech time frame. The cost is thousands of human lives that no one counted. But who would consider them, "enemies and traitors to the homeland." Only labor for the benefit of society can wash away all sins from them.

When Olga was a teenager, her parents bought a cooperative apartment in a new district of Moscow. The windows offered a stunning view of the Moskva River Canal and the Northern River Port on the other side. The girl did not like the new apartment. She recalled with nostalgia the quiet streets of the old center. The working-class suburbs were not her hometown. One night Olga woke up with a strange feeling. It seemed to her that there was someone in her room. The girl saw with horror that a man was standing right in front of her. His clothes were like a long cloak. The hood was pulled low over the eyes, and the faces were impossible to see. Water flowed from the cloak. Olga was paralyzed by terror. The ghost moved slowly out of the room. He walked through the wall and disappeared.

The next morning Olga told her mother and stepfather about her nightmares. The adults only laughed at the girl and said that she was just having a dream.

The ghost regularly appeared in Olga's room for several years in a row, and then disappeared. But when he showed up, the girl already knew that the appearance of a night guest did not bode well. Every time he came, there was trouble in the house. After the first visit, over which the parents laughed at the story, the stepfather announced to his mother that he was leaving the family. Moreover, he started a lawsuit with the division of the apartment, and only through the court was it possible to settle the case in favor of Olga's mother. After the second and third appearance of the strange man, Olga's beloved grandfather and grandmother died very quickly. When the ghost returned once again, Olga was already an adult woman. After his appearance, she became seriously ill and was hospitalized. She began to carefully ask her acquaintances living in the same area if there were any strange "visions" in their lives. It turned outthat very many people, and not only in her house, saw strange strangers in long cloaks from which water flows.

The young woman turned to an acquaintance who was studying occult sciences. He explained to her that this area of Moscow is not that good. The bones of hundreds of "enemies of the people" are walled up in the foundation of the "canal to a bright future", and their names are already lost forever. This means that it is impossible to rest their souls. So they walk, restless and embittered. Eternal prisoners of the "bright future", they never waited for human burial.

But over time, ghosts began to appear less and less. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a small chapel was erected on the bank of the canal. Now, among those who are remembered at funeral services, the names and builders of the channel are heard. They say that God does not need to know the patronymic, he knows everyone by name. This means that there is hope that all restless souls will soon find peace.
