Computer Demons - Alternative View

Computer Demons - Alternative View
Computer Demons - Alternative View

Video: Computer Demons - Alternative View

Video: Computer Demons - Alternative View
Video: Demons Control Your Computers (Barnabas Nagy) 2024, September

In the UK, they recently conducted an interesting survey and found out: about a third of enlightened and tech-savvy Britons believe that migrated evil spirits or, at least, aliens are to blame for the malfunctions of their home computers and mobile phones! Quite often virtual "drums" get so prim Englishmen that they beat their fingers on the keyboard with all their might. And it helps! We have not yet had such research, although new evil spirits are noticed more and more often. And they even give "techno-demons" certain names, like the once devil, banniks and kikimors! For example: a virtual succubus, keyboard gnomes, an internal creature, a tenacious mouse, etc., etc.

If you believe the statements of officials, the majority of the population has already acquired their own mobile phones, although doctors scare us that high-frequency radiation from the "tube" is harmful to health. Now, psychic magicians in white robes have joined the luminaries in white coats. They believe that when a person acquires a mobile phone, he begins to energetically feed his astral essence, throwing out emotions in conversations. All sorts of smirks, jokes, anger, sadness, idle verbiage, swearing, irritation - this is from what rubbish eventually grows a little demon called a moblik, invisible to the eye, but living inside a mobile phone.

Each of the mobliks, like little reels, has its own character. He sensitively listens to conversations and decides for himself whether he should help his master or, on the contrary, harm. If he has a kind soul, he will save money on the account, direct his finger only to the necessary buttons. And if it is evil, then it will steal conventional units from the account and confuse numbers. Finally, if the telephone imp does not at all agree with the owner of the mobile phone, then he will simply change it without hesitation. That is, it will break the phone or set it up to steal it.

In order not to bring other people's mobiles and other, not always healthy energy of strangers into your house, psychics advise you never to buy a used mobile phone. As, however, and any other similar thing. For the same reason, it is better not to steal other people's phones, no matter how sophisticated and seductive they may seem.

It's not just that an outside "troll" will cause some kind of damage or send a serious illness. The whimsical creature may not like the new owner so much that it again wants to return to the old owner. At the right time, it will send a signal with the code number of the phone to the police radar, the "people in gray" will quickly find the thief, put him in jail, and return the phone to the owner. It is best to buy a completely new cell phone - of course, the mobile phone will start up in it anyway, but there will be a guarantee that it is your own creation!

An even more complex device is a computer. Still, he possesses the rudiments of artificial intelligence, due to which, when working, he adapts to his master. However, there will never be full agreement between the user and the machine. Literally everyone complains of strange and sometimes inexplicable "glitches", frequent malfunctions of programs, the reasons for which cannot always be found by the most experienced techies.

Themselves as computer scientists - people no less superstitious than pilots and astronauts. They believe that the Internet is not just a new technology, but also a special habitat that has its own invisible mind. Indeed, the network is not only the exchange of information, but also the communication of people, which gives rise to astral werewolves in the tangled thickness of fiber-optic wires. Over the past fifteen years, their own signs and rituals have even appeared in order to bypass their intrigues.

For example, it used to be believed that accidentally meeting a priest on the street was unfortunate. Now, an accidental entry, for example, on the page of a religious site, threatens with trouble. And to ward off trouble, you must definitely return to the original page. Fans of shopping on the Internet know one more bad omen: if during the search for information you often come across blank pages, it is better not to look for the product that day, because there will be no benefit from it. So, one girl was looking for food for her sick dog and all the time came across empty fields. As a result, I found an advertised super food, from which the dog ordered to live long.

Promotional video:

But the most terrible consequences are promised by accidental communication with a webmaster or a system administrator - the same "bad person" who creates sites or tracks in the office the time spent by ordinary employees to browse sites. Go to the webmaster - by the arrival of the authorities. Talking to him - to a scandal in the family, and to quarrel with him - to death! A Moscow lady, herself a programmer in the past, founded a whole cosmoenergy center six years ago to help victims of "computer devils". By analogy with the brownie, she calls the main one Khomova - on the one hand, because of his boorish nature, and on the other, from the word "home" (Internet home page).

In traditional Russian culture, brownies are represented as hairy men. It's hard to say how they look in the virtual world of information networks, but judging by their behavior, if you treat a khomov badly or don't notice him for a long time, he starts to harm: spoil documents and pictures, rearrange links, collect all kinds of viruses. And in Internet search engines send to a different address. He can do the same with e-mail.

True, as in real life, you can appease a khomovoy by giving him a gift. In the old days, brownies put a crouton behind the stove or even put a glass of liqueur. The computer prankster accepts virtual gifts in the form of beautiful pictures that everyone likes. These can be types of nature, cityscapes, but by no means photo-toads, porno or photofunctions - a homosexual has a specific sense of humor, he may not understand this. The picture must be named ggg.html. Then the homova will admire her, and in gratitude will cure simple viruses and even increase the site traffic!

It should be noted that at their leisure, computer "evil spirits" are not averse to walking on the networks themselves, looking at some official pages and playing pranks there with all their hearts. Therefore, be sure to check through your friends whether your name is on the network. It often happens that it is very present! And not only the name, but also the phone number, home address - for example, on the pages of telephone companies and telephone directories. And this, I must say, is the best tip for evil spirits - not only virtual homovs, but also real sorcerers who know how to damage through the network.

But a computer can bring problems into the house not only because of the appearance of a home.

“As you know, our ordinary brownie is an essence that is naturally non-aggressive and in most cases does not cause any harm to people,” says one of the masters of the Studio of Esotericism OV Muzyleva. “But he is often suspicious of all modern innovations. Computer possesses a powerful energy field, so the brownie sees in him not just a car, but a rival, creating his own aura and claiming to be the main place in the house. In the first days after the acquisition, the computer plays the main role in the family, after which the brownie decides that this may threaten his existence. Then he starts to take offense at the owners, who, as he believes, are thus ousting him."

Having lived in a family for a long time, brownies sometimes adopt something from their owners. Sometimes they whimsically mix separate character traits of different family members. And the further development of events depends on how the tenants "brought up" their brownie. A calmer, prudent brownie will not make hasty decisions, but will simply look closely at the suddenly appeared rival. And he will notice that after a month the owners stop devoting all their free time to the computer, using it as needed. Then the brownie decides that this strange thing should be treated as another quirk that people came up with to make their life easier, for example, like a TV or a vacuum cleaner.

But the purchase of a computer is not always so peaceful and quiet. Sometimes the brownie immediately becomes ferocious and begins to actively spoil people's lives. He can do it in a classic way: rattle dishes at night, lean on sleeping people and choke, slam doors. But it can also direct its anger directly to the "offender", and then the computer will periodically "freeze" for no apparent reason, it is difficult to open disks, the printer will start to junk - in a word, problems will fall down one after another. In general, such a brownie will do everything to make life hard for the owner.

And yet, why did the brownie choose the computer? The explanation is as follows: this is a warm place and, moreover, attractive and desirable for all family members. Isn't it more logical then to assume that the brownie simply changed the stove to a monitor? Here, apparently, everyone has their own logic. More precisely, your family way of life. For many, after all, the computer has already replaced the TV.

Another question may arise: how does a brownie, although he is a spirit, invisible to a person most of the time, penetrates a computer, monitor, printer (not to mention a laptop), and settles there? For those who are able to enter the looking glass, the computer screen is not an obstacle. Has your computer crashed? Having problems with your website? Isn't the brownie playing with the khomov? Or are they taking revenge on you in a childish way for some minor sins and insults? These entities do not like when the computer is turned on or off at midnight. And swearing, bad words - and it makes no difference whether they sound in front of the monitor or are typed on the keyboard, sent or received by e-mail - they also don't like it.

It is known that all brownies have a weakness for cats. It even happens to take their guise. The spirit that has settled in the computer will be grateful if you give him a cat - to decorate the desktop with its image. Some experts assure: it is better if there are three cats, and even those should be changed from time to time for new ones.

In addition, knowledgeable people advise not to keep sharp objects on the computer table. Do not put keys next to the computer: this can weaken the protection of the computer and its permanent user from the evil eye. It is not known whether the cactus is a favorite brownie plant, but many experts in the occult sciences are convinced that it is capable of absorbing negative energy of any origin. So for this reason, it is also recommended to place it side by side. If conditions allow, the cactus can be replaced with begonia: it also has a reputation for being an effective absorber of negative energy.

There is another option: to put a round aquarium near the computer, and best of all, a pyramid, placing it behind the monitor. This is for the user who forgets everything in the world in front of the monitor screen - the most suitable means of protection against the evil eye. It is especially relevant for office workers. After all, a variety of energies are walking there, and a computer can have different users.

But the main thing is to attract positive energy into the house. More often invite good and kind people to visit, hang on the walls such "positive magnets" as icons and sacred images, peaceful landscapes and still lifes. Sometimes it is advised to mentally draw fiery crosses on the walls and ceiling. Although, of course, this is not the only point. The most important thing is that love, understanding and self-confidence reign in the house - then no evil spirits, including computer ones, will penetrate into it.

Pernatiev Yuri Sergeevich. Brownies, mermaids and other mysterious creatures