My Friends From Sirius - Alternative View

My Friends From Sirius - Alternative View
My Friends From Sirius - Alternative View

Video: My Friends From Sirius - Alternative View

Video: My Friends From Sirius - Alternative View
Video: Rudolph Steiner The Spiritual Significance Of Atlantis And Egypt 2024, September

Since 2003, after my divorce from my wife, I lived alone in a two-room apartment. About a year ago, when I came home after a shift (I work as a miner in a coal mine), I lay down on the bed in my clothes to rest. I closed my eyes. And suddenly I had the feeling that there was someone else in the room besides me.

It was definitely not a dream. I wanted to get up and look around, but I couldn't. It was as if some force had chained me to the bed. Moreover, I did not feel my own body at all. Despite this, I did not feel fear, but on the contrary, I felt an unprecedented lightness.

I managed to turn my head, and I saw two strange, vaguely human-like creatures of small stature with incredibly large eyes near the bed.

- Who are you? - With difficulty turning my tongue, I asked.

“Do not be afraid, we will not harm you,” one of them replied. He spoke without opening his little mouth. Apparently he did it telepathically. - We are on a friendly visit from the planet Sirius.

After that, they called me with them, or even ordered me to follow them, only very politely. I did not understand exactly where I was offered to go, but I had to agree. And the next second I found myself in a spacious room. It was dimly lit, but I didn't notice the source of the light. There was an ordinary-looking medical couch in the room, and next to it were some glass vessels with a transparent liquid. I was asked to lie down. I was surprised to find that I was already undressed.

- What do you want to do with me?

In response, I heard that something would be inserted into my head, but it wouldn't hurt. I felt uneasy. I flatly refused - why should this go into my head? Let them return me home! I don’t know what happened next. I only remember that I woke up in my room, while the lightness disappeared - I felt the whole weight of my own body. I tried to remember and analyze everything that happened to me, but it didn’t work - my thoughts were confused. And then I suddenly fell asleep soundly.

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Returning home from work the next day, I suddenly exclaimed in my mind:

- Greetings, my friends from Sirius!

And to my surprise I heard a return greeting. Since then, it has become commonplace: I greeted them every day, we talked, and then I even began to turn to them for help. For example, I can't find any thing at home, I ask my friends from Sirius, and they send a picture to my head where it lies. At the same time, the aliens themselves never asked me for anything.

Our communication lasted quite a long time. And then one day I decided to tell my mother about everything. She, of course, did not believe me. She said that it was all because of loneliness and that it was time for me to marry again, enough to live alone. After this conversation, my friends from Sirius suddenly stopped communicating.

Perhaps they didn't like what I told my mother about them. Last summer I got married, but still every day I tried to get in touch with them. However, friends from Sirius never showed up.

Recently, my wife and I have started to have severe pain in the lower back. I decided to turn to my friends from Sirius again: I mentally asked them to take us to their place and cure us. The day after that, my wife and I nearly died.

While driving a railroad crossing by car, we almost got hit by a train: I noticed it in the last seconds and managed to react. I do not know if this event is related to the aliens from Sirius, but since then I am afraid to contact them.

Alexey Alexandrovich EREMKIN, Novy Gorodok, Kemerovo region

"Secrets of the XX century" 2013 June