The Wheel Of Death - Alternative View

The Wheel Of Death - Alternative View
The Wheel Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Wheel Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Wheel Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Skyrim: Alternate Start-Live Another Life: Death Alternative Alternate Start Add On (Mod Showcase) 2024, September

The wheel of death is spinning. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Finally, its rotation is so accelerated that it loses its shape, becomes a whirlwind, touching the edges of which creates the sensation of a cut. This vortex becomes emptiness itself. A certain glow appears in the void, at first a dull white. The emptiness becomes radiant and begins to expand. The familiar world falls apart into fragments, the emptiness absorbs it entirely. There is nothing else but a dim light in an endless void. This dim light grows, colors change, clouds of fog appear, glowing with a cold blue. Then the space of emptiness becomes a deep and sucking, boundless cold blue sky, which irresistibly attracts, a sky without stars, a moon or anything else. There is no more rotation, there is a hard blue radiation. In this light, memory and knowledge are manifested. All unnecessary disappears. Thin ringing sound in the ears.

Faces arise from nothingness. These are past incarnations. Blue radiation destroys their isolation and they are attracted to the center, reviving to become a single whole. This center is not the person who was born this time. This center is a spirit that is beyond the limits of personalities and it absorbs everything into itself. The process is accelerating. The immersion in emptiness stops and there is a feeling of dissolution, disappearance, impersonality, combustion.

There are no more personalities. Only the light of awareness, which is the radiating emptiness. And this light of awareness becomes the door. Awareness reveals itself and steps over the edge, into death. Nothing is defined. The blue glow is now increased to white. Red and green flashes appear in white. This removes the plugs in the annahata, the main of which is false ego, and kundalini is activated. Energy circulates more freely, distortions are removed.

Walking towards the blinding light, you go beyond the threshold. When the energy distortions are removed, the infinity of the worlds of death beyond the bounds is revealed. Pictures emerge from the red-white flash. Unknown deserts, scorched earth, gray plains, mountains with razor-sharp edges, still very strange spaces.

These are consequences. The cause and source of the Power are still out of reach.


But now you can see the border, which was previously considered an insurmountable wall, but now it is like a thin shell of a soap bubble. The world is the field of action of death, now this truth is becoming an attribute of perception. A gigantic cycle of incomprehensible power at the right time engages thousands of thousands of souls, for which the time has come to leave.

Death is part of a certain plan, and now this plan becomes an energetic fact. And also a strange aspect of this force is felt, which is turned against itself. More precisely, not against it, but is a deeper aspect of it, and like the nucleus of an atom, this aspect is charged opposite to the shell of electrons. Action in the human world is only a distant orbital, incomparable in the density of forces with the core. And the core is the center, the cause and the goal. The core is being itself, free from models and forms.

Promotional video:

The energy of death is deadly only because a person cannot walk with it. And yet it is possible. Death begins from the very birth and by the time of "natural" death it simply accelerates in us, and our consciousness does not keep pace with the maturation of death. If you become death itself, merge with your own death, then awareness receives a reactive acceleration in development. This is one of the stimulation options.

Anything that precedes death can be called charge accumulation. Clouds float across the sky, accumulating electricity, until finally dielectric breakdown occurs and lightning strikes.

There is something in our body that accumulates death. In my subjective opinion, this is not a weakness or a disease, not just an error in the work of body systems, it is a special charge, a charge of death, only we do not know how to use it. It is important to take this energy and change, transform, and then death, as the enemy ceases to be and becomes an ally, making it possible to penetrate into incredible worlds and return to the spirit with trophies.
