Cause Of Death From Vaping And E-cigarettes Found In The USA - Alternative View

Cause Of Death From Vaping And E-cigarettes Found In The USA - Alternative View
Cause Of Death From Vaping And E-cigarettes Found In The USA - Alternative View

Doctors have finally found the cause of a lung disease that was potentially caused by smoking e-cigarettes and vaping with marijuana oil.

In early August this year, it became known that 94 cases of lung disease were recorded in 14 US states, which are believed to be associated with smoking electronic cigarettes and vaping. Almost all of the sick are young people who smoke vapes, marijuana and electronic cigarettes. At the end of August, the first death of a person from this strange disease was recorded.

Now scientists have found the cause of these obscure conditions and the deaths from them. It turned out to be the oily form of vitamin E. This substance was found in cannabis used by patients, as well as in vaping liquids and in the bodies of patients themselves. This is the first substance found in all patients and in the products they consumed. But, despite this, doctors are in no hurry to conclude that it was this oil that caused the fatal lung disease. They are doing more research to make sure of this.

Vitamin E is found in some foods such as canola oil, olive oil, and almonds. The oil derived from this substance is commonly sold in stores and is used to rejuvenate the skin. It is not known to be harmful when taken internally as a vitamin supplement or applied to the skin. But if inhaled, the oily form of vitamin E can be dangerous. Its oil-like properties can cause respiratory symptoms, which have been reported by many patients, including coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

State health departments report new cases weekly. As of August 27, 25 states have reported 215 possible patients admitted with the condition. Also on September 4, Oregon authorities announced a second presumed death from this strange disease. The patient was a middle-aged man who recently bought an e-cigarette with marijuana oil from a legal store.

The federal lab's findings appear to support the findings of New York State doctors. Late last week, their lab found "very high levels of vitamin E acetate" in nearly all cannabis samples tested. More than a dozen tests were checked, and as a result, doctors found that at least one product containing vitamin E acetate was found in the organisms of each patient who provided material for the study.

Nikita Shevtsov
