The Randlesham Incident Mystery Solved - Alternative View

The Randlesham Incident Mystery Solved - Alternative View
The Randlesham Incident Mystery Solved - Alternative View

Andrew Pike, a British astrophysicist, writer and television presenter specializing in astronomical anomalies and the history of science, wrote The Rendlesham File, describing what could have happened in Randlesham Forest, Suffolk, UK, near the US Air Force base in December 1980 of the year.

UFO researchers around the world refer to the Randlesham incident as the British equivalent of Roswell, accusing the government of hiding an alien trail in the story.

Recall that in the early morning of December 26, 1980, three US officers reported that an unidentified triangular object had landed in the forest in front of their eyes, followed by a strange series of lights.

Military officials then refused to investigate the incident, and the case was archived.

Conspiracy theorists believe that this attitude of military officials to what happened was the result of collusion between the United States and Great Britain.

However, Pike disagrees with this version and in his book writes that the mysterious lights were just something like fireballs, and the triangular ship was a secret test of new technology.

In the final word of his book, Andrew Pike wrote that the secret of the incident in Randlesham Forest is connected only with the geophysical features of the region and secret experimental research of the military.