"Humanity Coexists With The Suprahumanoid Form Of The Other Mind" - Alternative View

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"Humanity Coexists With The Suprahumanoid Form Of The Other Mind" - Alternative View
"Humanity Coexists With The Suprahumanoid Form Of The Other Mind" - Alternative View

Video: "Humanity Coexists With The Suprahumanoid Form Of The Other Mind" - Alternative View

Video: Bigger, Faster, Smarter (Part3): Human-Cyborg Relations (In Search of Civilization) 2024, September

In his new book “UFO. Comprehension of the Mystery”Vladimir Azhazha, a famous ufologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, puts forward a sensational doctrine: humanity coexists with the suprahumanoid form of the Other Mind. And "flying saucers" are not piloted by the inhabitants of other planets, as previously thought. Then by whom?

Vladimir Azhazha: - To deny the facts of UFO sightings is simply stupid. These objects were seen by thousands of mentally healthy people who could not agree. Man is unable to explain 25% of all cases of observation of unidentified objects.


Intelligence agencies of all developed countries have UFO data. The US National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI have their own dossiers on this topic. Moreover, the NSA dossier contains information about a separate agreement between the US government and a race of supposedly alien beings.

Dmitry Vladimirov, "AiF": What evidence is there that UFOs exist?

- A lot of information has been accumulated from military sailors and pilots. They identified 140 UFO bases in hard-to-reach places and tunnels. About 90 of them are on land, the rest are under water. For example, in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, in Lake Ladoga, in Lake Baikal. We managed to make a filming of a UFO that was moving under the surface of the Black Sea in the area of Ayu-Dag Mountain (Bear Mountain in Crimea).

Today we do not know where they came from and for what purpose, whether they arrived at all or have been living next to us for a long time. It is important that we now know that we are not alone in the universe.

What about the SETI project (search for signals of extraterrestrial intelligence)? After all, he has not given any results for more than half a century

Promotional video:

- What I'm talking about! I am not suggesting that we are dealing with aliens. The sought alien intelligence has not yet been discovered, although according to Drake's formula (the American astronomer, the first to create a radio telescope in order to find extraterrestrial life. - Ed.), There should be an abundance of highly developed civilizations in the Universe.

Ufologists, contrary to popular belief, do not search for aliens. They study the features of the manifestation of various forms of the Other Mind on Earth and in space and their impact on people, nature and technology. For nearly four decades of ufological activity, I myself, going through searches, trials, errors, have proposed many hypotheses. And in the end came to a new doctrine. Now I am patenting it as a discovery.


And what is the point?

- The fact that the Other Mind is not some "green men", but a gigantic thinking system, a living space like Solaris described by Stanislav Lem. Something like the global Internet that permeates everything around.

And humanity is a part of it, we coexist with this form of mind. Our "I", these billions of neurons that make up the brain of each of us, are included in its network structure, forming a single whole with it. In this context, the Other Mind is the scientific foundation of God.

Then what is a UFO? I believe these are technical devices for the implementation of the programs of the Other Mind. Figuratively speaking, its OMON, active residents on Earth. They use hidden bases, and are controlled by cyborgs - soulless products of genetic engineering that have neither hearing, nor nervous, nor digestive systems.

What reasons do you have to speak about the Other Mind?

- We were taught for 75 years that consciousness is the highest form of reflection of reality peculiar only to man. That is, exclusively a property of the human brain. But over the years, many original and fruitful scientific ideas have been put forward.

It turned out that the phenomenon of consciousness does not require binding to the human brain. It can act as an abstract operator. For example, machine intelligence has all the functions of consciousness except for the intuitive acquisition of information. Elementary particles "are able" to receive information from the outside, store it and transmit it outside.

And recent studies show that they are capable of performing logical operations with it! It turns out that not only all living things, but even any objects of the material world possess some or other elements of consciousness. In other words, consciousness can be not only individual in nature. There is one step from here to the unified planetary or cosmic consciousness. For example, do you know that a vacuum can be a thinking person?

Like this?

- Mathematician V. Nalimov used this approach as the basis of his theory. This is not just about emptiness, but about a physical vacuum, a complex quantum-mechanical object. It turns out that he can carry semantic information and operate with it. It is known from centuries of experience that a person is able to connect to it. Most often this happens in the so-called altered states of consciousness - in a trance, during meditation, prayer.

Is that why you call the Other Mind the scientific foundation of God?

- Not only because of this. The Abode of God has already fallen into the lens of the Hubble orbiting telescope. On December 26, 1994, Hubble transmitted photographs to Earth showing a city floating in space - a gigantic structure stretching for billions of kilometers and shining with a bright unearthly light. NASA immediately classified the images, but they managed to download them from the server.

And they shook the whole world. The floating city was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God can be located. Many experts, scientists, representatives of the same NASA said so.

It was rumored that Pope John Paul II asked for these photographs to be sent to him. The Vatican has neither confirmed nor denied this information.



Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha (November 7, 1927, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian ufologist, specialty - submariner, acoustic engineer. Began to study ufology in 1976; since 1980 is the head of the Moscow UFO Commission; since 1990 - the head of the UFO Center, vice-president of the All-Union Ufological Association.

Since 1994 - President of the Ufological Association of the CIS; since 1995 - honorary member of the Bulgarian Association "Phenomenon". Founder of the UFO school "Basis", head of the UFO section of the International Academy of Informatization. In 1999 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Author of many books on ufological topics. “Beware: Flying Saucers !: UFO Safety” - (2008), “Chronicle of the Flying Saucers” - (2007), “UFO Chase” - (2007), “Meet: UFO!” - (1990) and others.
