Scientists Have Declared The Reality Of Travel In The Times Of - Alternative View

Scientists Have Declared The Reality Of Travel In The Times Of - Alternative View
Scientists Have Declared The Reality Of Travel In The Times Of - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Declared The Reality Of Travel In The Times Of - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Declared The Reality Of Travel In The Times Of - Alternative View
Video: Chile, Israel and the problem with vaccinations | DW News 2024, September

Scientists claim that time travel is real when viewed from a technical perspective. Man cannot return to the past, but to fly to the future on Earth is a completely feasible task.

Ohio State University (USA) researcher Paul Sutter argues that humans can travel in time. However, this movement will still differ from the version proposed by science fiction writers. In order to see what will happen to earthlings in the future, you need to be prepared for the need to stay alive in that time, since there will be no way back to the past.

Sutter explained that in order to fly into the future, it is necessary to build a rocket with the ability to constantly increase the speed equal to Earth's gravity. Then a person will be able to fly to the center of the Milky Way and back, stopping along the way for a couple of hours, in 10 years.

It should be borne in mind that those decades spent in space will be equal to 40 thousand years on Earth. Therefore, after returning to Earth in 10 years, a person will find himself in the distant future. He will stay there to live, adapting to a new life without the opportunity to come back, since, in fact, time cannot be turned back. But, if you follow the proposed version of Sutter, you can still speed up the passage of time.

Vera Gromova