Where Is Tartary? - Alternative View

Where Is Tartary? - Alternative View
Where Is Tartary? - Alternative View

Video: Where Is Tartary? - Alternative View

Video: Where Is Tartary? - Alternative View
Video: The Tartars (Preview Clip) 2024, July

In the previous article, I already mentioned that when the word "Aryans", "Tartaria" or "Mughals" pops up in the imagination of the average person, it is completely different and not at all where it was and when it was, and undoubtedly, this is not even so much the notorious "English", how many are our compatriots.

Actually, I have already told about the Aryans, the turn of the "Mughals" will come a little later, and here the most interesting thing is that for a completely different people (not only culturally, but even racially and genetically), goes to the peaceful, primitive and harmless people of the Kalkassians, who that they "Mongols" began to recognize only in the penultimate decade of the 19th century from the Caucasian Russian scientists, whose surnames for some reason sharply differed from the surnames that were recognized as Russians in the 20th century. Moreover, the current "Mongols" with a "brotherly people" are genetically nevertheless clearly closer to the Tungus tribes, rather than to the legitimate bearers of this name, who were artificially included in the composition of another current people, and hung on it the name of not even the people, but the destroyed in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, an estate that faithfully served the motherland.

Now it is customary to call them "Buryats", in spite of the fact that the one-rooted Buruts (the name Kara-Kirgis or Stone Kirghiz is translated as traitors or defectors) and Burtases (it is customary to consider them Mordovians, but in fact, the sides-sy are disgruntled or even rebels, that is, absolutely without any national reference, and in one dictionary I even met the interpretation ("from behind the side"), that is, representing to which region the label "Burtas" is attached, I believe that these are just free gangs of Volga Cossacks, which were not only famous for eternal dissatisfaction and sheer transnationality, but also for the fact that they usually preferred to land just from behind the side of the floating craft (ushkuy, etc.), in general ushkuynichki …) have nothing to do with them. In this part, we will talk about the Tartars and Tartaria, about who they are after all, how they are related to thosewho is now customary to be called "Tatars", and what did they generally have to do with such a stupid myth, widespread and indisputable in the twentieth century, as the "Tatar-Mongol and-yoke-go" …

Yes, it was possible, of course, to be secret and, as in a detective novel, to name the real carriers of this name at the end, but I'm not playing with spillikins, my task is to return the honest name to the people from whom it was taken away, and to give as much information as possible in compressed volume, so no time for prosaic tricks … Yes, I am aware that by doing this I lose readers who need intrigue, that I can scare away those for whom this sounds unusual, and they, it turns out, were taught differently at school that most "Wikipedophiles" (for whom Wikipedia is the ultimate truth) will scream that I am insane, that I distort the facts, they will refer me to their favorite Wikipedia posts … I DO NOT care! It is not written for them. In mathematical terms, this is expressed by the formula 100 x 10 NOT EQUAL TO 10 x 100, so, for me,let it be better to be 10 to 100 … For quite a long time I realized for myself that what I am writing about can not get either fame or wealth … It's a shame, of course, when my conclusions and developments are attributed to others or presented by someone as their own, but, on the other hand, I distribute so much information free of charge that, purely technically, for the five-year period that I am already writing to the public, sowing reasonable, kind, eternal, undoubtedly, the crops should have sprung up and taken root so much that they began to be accepted for their own …the crops had to sprout and take root so much that they began to be taken for their own …the crops had to sprout and take root so much that they began to be taken for their own …

In general, the real Tartary is located where the "navel of the earth" is really located, now these lands belong to a country with an alien name "China", or "China", although the self-name of this country is much more prosaic and immediately indicates its origin - "Han". Perhaps the most active role in ensuring that the lands of real Tartary belong to the Chinese were first played by the actions of the imperial departments of Russia, and then the USSR … One can say a lot about the history of China, like that of India or Japan, but in 60% it will be a lie, in 30% it will be a wrong interpretation and dating of events, and only in 10% it will be a pure truth, useless to anyone and lying on the surface; if possible, I will add three full-fledged articles "Country with a false name", "A country with a foreign history" and "A country with a painted sun", but for now about Tartary …



I will please a little "tartarophiles": real tartars are really, so to speak, of "Aryan bloods" … basically … and, technically, they are the real relatives of the Aryan Tajiks (Herat and Khorasans), and in fact, apart from religion, with the Tatars we are used to are not connected in any way, however, purely outwardly, the Tartars and the Aryans have long lost both monotony and general self-awareness. The fact is that the Tartar civilization is, first of all, the commercial and industrial civilization of cities and oasis farmers, which are characterized by very free behavior of women and very tolerant inter-tribal ties in urban centers. The indigenous lands of Tartary, sandwiched between the Tien Shan (which, roughly speaking, the separator between Tartaria and Mogul) and Kun-Lun, by and large, do not represent a single whole,although under the Mughals they were probably aware of their community and interacted very actively with each other, providing mutual assistance.

Real tartars now have no less names than real arias, but the main ones are Sarts, Uighurs (or khuikhurs) and Ferghans (or, as they used to be called before, Andijan or Kakans). True, polis or territorial self-names (according to yurts) are more common and used by the Tartar peoples themselves, Promotional video:



such as: Kashkarlyk (another name for "Belogorsk" or, as our historians like to invent, - Karluks, although Grum-Grzhimailo believed that they were Korlinians from the Kurlya oasis), Turpanlyk (or Turfans, it was their language that became the basis of the famous in official circles historians of the “Chagatai language” or “Turkic” language, which was simply called “Turks”), қumulluhi (or Komults (Hami oasis), whom we previously strove to call Kalmuks or even Kalmyks, and note that the city is located in the same area … China, so when the sources wrote that silk was brought from China, it was brought not from the wild country that now bears this name, but from the ancient silk-breeding center on the "Great Silk Road", from the city of China, not only located nearby in another the oasis of Urumqi is stupid … Rome, in general, more about this later somehow …),endijon (the population of the Ferghana Valley, shamelessly recorded en masse in the "Uzbeks", despite the fact that there are excellent statistical data, where, by the way, the current "Kazakhs" were directly called Kyrgyz, and the current "Kyrgyz" went under the heading "Other Turks", at the same time, the Sart-tartars were clearly separated from the Tajiks), Yarkandlik ("Montenegrins" or Yarkands), Khotenlik (a tribe that inhabited the Khotan oasis), taranchi (another name for the Ili or Kuldzhins, moreover, their better known name is … the Moguls), Aksuy (they are the "belovodtsy", the very ones whom Roerich unsuccessfully sought and whom the Old Believers aspired to, dreaming of rivers of milk with jelly banks (just imagine how much you need to move your mind in order to look for a country where waters that are muddy to a milky state wash swampy shores …)) and others. And if we approach completely biased, there were also Tartars tribes called Bodokshon in general (Badakhshans or Pamiris who do not consider themselves Tajiks and regularly provided military assistance to the rulers of Kashgar), some of the Thar desert tribes, such as the Jats (derived from the Chinese name Yarkand - Shache), who, along with the Mervari (natives of the Merv oasis), challenge the primacy among the Rajput tribes of Rajasthan …

Chagatai Khanate 1860
Chagatai Khanate 1860

Chagatai Khanate 1860.

Here's what Wikipedia says about it:

Honestly, after reading the transcriptions of the word "Uyghur", I was left at a loss of what nonsense are written in the official versions, although everything lies on the surface and if "dick-huy" (Dungans) are just Muslims, then dick-hur are free Muslims. The etymology of the word Tartary turned out to be even simpler: "tar" is "millet", and "tara" or "tar" is a farmer, that is, TARTARIA IS A LAND OF FARMERS PLANTING PROSO, and tartars are farmers planting millet … it is useful, thirty years later, to reread the works of Przhevalsky and Grum-Grzhimailo with a fresh mind, and, unlike Novochronologschina, you don’t have to pick anything out of your nose, you just need to read, well, and, who is not lazy, write out or copy interesting moments.



Well, to complete the "Mughal-Tatar" theme, I would also like to say that the Mongols called our Russian emperor by the name of Chingi-khan or Tsagan-khan (Mongolian means "white king"), and for example, Yarym-padishah in Central Asia, they called Adjutant General Kaufman (translated from German as "merchant"), so I would like to curtsey towards academician-mathematician Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko, in one thing he was right, "Genghis Khan" is the Russian tsar … the current pronunciation of "Uyghur" and "Uyghur" as applied to the language of the population of East Turkestan appeared only after 1921, when a congress (kurultai) of representatives of the Uyghur intelligentsia was held in Tashkent, at which, at the suggestion of Professor Malov, the name "Uygur" was adopted as ethnonym of the settled "Turkic-speaking" population of East Turkestan … Everything,the cards are revealed, you can continue to work calmly on.

Tartary 1860
Tartary 1860

Tartary 1860.

Tartaria has two extremely important appendixes in its history - the Fergana Valley and the eastern Indus valley with the Thar Desert (the first was the heart of the most powerful Central Asian state - the Kokand Khanate, the second was a permanent supplier of military contingents to anyone wishing to fight (and to be absolutely precise - East India Company)), so it is likely that in the new territory the old name changed the meaning, it happens from time and distance … The capital, if you can call that city, which is considered the most important for the territory, is Kashgar, but politically it is the capital no more than, for example, Saratov is the capital of the Volga region, Yekaterinburg is the Urals, and Vladivostok is the Far East … The inaccessibility of Tartary has led to the fact that the word Tartary is used to call something so vague and distant,and they began to call this word to anyone, despite the fact that the word has a specific binding … It even got to the point that in the mythology invented for the “ancient Greeks” under the first “Greek king” Otto, the name of Tartaria was used as a designation the afterlife, in the form of "Tartarus".

My pen pal Alexander Peremyshlin published a landmark article, where the etymology of this word is considered, a very competent and fascinating guide for those who want to understand. Another friend of mine and, I'm not afraid of this word, one of the TEACHERS, although, from a purely technical point of view, he does not even know how I look, and I saw him only on the monitor screen (but now, in order to LEARN, direct contact does not seem to is needed, and now people are often virtually closer than with visual-tactile communication), Igor Yuryevich Shkurin, better known as Igor Greek or apxiv, the creator and developer of the theory of the logistic development of civilization, generated an ingenious formulation that that any product of civilization, be it a city, capital or cult center, up to state education,arises where it is logistically and economically advantageous, and as soon as the logistics and economic hub ceases to be relevant, it dies, and "antique" or "medieval" ruins remain of it.

Tartary from this point of view is a product of the "Great Silk Road", and as soon as the "mistress of the seas" Great Britain closed the Asian trade routes to more profitable and unlike more profitable sea trade in the 60-80s of the XIX century, and from the north and from the east they began to crush it with technical superiority and not bothering with quantity - Tartary, having arranged a farewell "concert", died, becoming, as before Poland, components of more modern predators, a confederation of small vassal principalities of Rajputana, the Fergana region and the "New Border" …

The Great Silk Road
The Great Silk Road

The Great Silk Road.

I understand that now many will be furiously spitting at the monitor, inarticulately yelling and throwing tablets, telling about Asia, familiar as six fingers, which has been traveled for thousands of years along and across, waving the most accurate maps of the furry centuries, and especially the most absurd forgery, clumsily painted with gouache on whatman paper Remezov's card "and lament:" I have all the moves written down !!! ", I will continue to tell you measuredly, based on facts.


Well, for starters, about the well-known along and across Asia. To be honest, it's funny to look at maps dated before the 70s of the XIX century, where Central Asia is painted in colors and details under Khokhloma, especially after reading the statements of really great travelers and scouts such as A. N. Kuropatkin, N. M. Przhevalsky, N. A. Severtsov, G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo, A. K. Gaines or N. A. Grodekov, whose works I read literally avidly. THEY FIRST DISCOVERED ASIA, before them there was no reliable information about Asia, and even more so there were NO maps AT ALL !!! Describing the state of knowledge then, I will cite excerpts from their works so that my words sound more intelligible and reasonable.

Here is an introduction from A. N. Kuropatkin, 1876 (immediately appreciate the title of the work and the style of presentation, this is not a blunder of "Hertsyn", this is a report on the reconnaissance expedition of the General Staff of the Russian Empire):

UNDERSTAND ?! Only in 1859 did the first relatively European person get inside Asia and return from there, and the first Briton only in 1865 !!! After that, the bitter complaints of G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo become especially understandable:

And after all this, how seriously can you read all the nonsense that they wrote to us in unlimited quantities throughout the last century about what was allegedly going on in Asia, with detailed maps, dates and explanations ?! It would seem that a very recent event is the Uighur-Dungan uprising allegedly against the "Chinese" "empire" "Qing", which took place already when the capital of the "ulus Juchi" Tashkent was taken. I'll make a small digression, to be honest, I don't understand who needed to pull the Chuchi ulus (according to the same principle as Dzhagatay-Chagatay) on the "ancient Russia", here everything is read in plain text, Chachkent-Tashkent is the capital of Chacha-Shash, and the real the capital of the Great Horde was right here, and the overwhelming population were Kyrgyz nomads, so when you read about the notorious "Golden Horde" again next time, understand,where is all this located and what is it about, and for example, the notorious Maverannahr with its capital in Samarkand, that is, real Uzbekistan, was completely covered by the Samarkand region of the Russian Empire, and the famous Mogolia (which was renamed Mongolia from the second third of the 20th century) occupied lands in later became the Semirechye region and Dzungaria (it is also Hungary-Hungaria, it is also the Hunnic kingdom of Leiba Gumilev with the sonorous name Yuèbān, it is Mongolia, it is, as indicated on the map, Ili region, Dzungaria and Uyguristan) with the capital in Kul., and not in some kind of paper "karakorum" …later became the Semirechye region and Dzungaria (it is also Hungary-Hungaria, it is the Hunnic kingdom of Leiba Gumilev with the sonorous name Yuèbān), it is Mongolia, it is, as indicated on the map, the Ili region, Dzungaria and Uyguristan) with the capital in Ghulja, and not in some kind of paper "karakorum" …later became the Semirechye region and Dzungaria (it is also Hungary-Hungaria, it is the Hunnic kingdom of Leiba Gumilev with the sonorous name Yuèbān), it is Mongolia, it is, as indicated on the map, the Ili region, Dzungaria and Uyguristan) with the capital in Ghulja, and not in some kind of paper "karakorum" …

Capture of Tartary
Capture of Tartary

Capture of Tartary.

By the way, pay attention, there are indicated the years of the REAL entry of the territories into the so-called. "The Qing empires", while Turpan and Kumul remained virtually independent until the 30s of the twentieth century … Yes, one can argue, how can this be? After all, they were a part of the empire for a long time, they just rebelled a little, but then they were returned home, but of course it was, everyone is talking about this … Well, I can only object: “Aha, two times! There was no more “uprising” than in the “uprising of the sepoys,” it was direct intervention and division! " Yes, in fact, there was no "empire", I think, I will tell you more about this when I dissect the so-called. "China", but for now I will say that our "history of China" is not even second-hand, but even third-hand, that is, a translation from a British translation, now I will specially insert a piece from the English-language map. So what does it say?


Empire of de Great King? "Empire of the Great King?" No, no matter how it is, it is translated "Empire of the Qing Dynasty"! Something like this, it's not for nothing that even such a rogue as Semyonov - "Shianshanskiy" or, as Herzen called him on behalf of Venyukov allegedly, "a sweet-spoken official, like Peter de Semenov, the current" head of geography "and director of the statistical committee, which He writes almost nothing except flattery to the powers that be, to his friends and to himself …”even in 1856 (!) he wrote:

Yes, and pay attention to the emperor, here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Isn't that quite a delusional explanation, and the full name of this person "Aisingero Minning", of course, may be misleading me, but it says "I am the son of Minin's hero" … Well, and? What do you think about the history of "China" and "dynasty the Great Qing" now ?!

Well, and to close the topic of the article, a few extracts about the so-called. "Uighur-Dungan Uprising of 1864-77":

In general, comments are superfluous, neither who, nor where, nor when all this happened is unknown, but at the same time the real witnesses of the events and the researchers who interviewed them were sure that all the destruction and extermination of the population were committed precisely during the so-called. "Dungan uprising", and only in response to direct aggression was created such a despotic centralized state as Yettishaar …

Continuation: "Tatars are not from Tartarus".

Author: SKUNK69