White Noise - Alternative View

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White Noise - Alternative View
White Noise - Alternative View

Video: White Noise - Alternative View

Video: White Noise - Alternative View
Video: 12 Hours of White Noise (Static) in Stereo. Favorite it for the future. Studying Sleep Tinnitus 2024, September

In the early June morning of 1959, the famous Swedish film director and producer Friedrich Jurgenson was strolling through one of the parks in Stockholm. A tape recorder hung on his shoulder, headphones were on his head, and in his hand he held a long pole with a microphone at the end …

The director was recording bird voices for his next documentary. Having filled two tapes with the necessary material, Jurgenson returned home and began to listen to the recordings. Suddenly, on one of the tapes, amid the chirping of birds, he distinctly heard a stranger male voice speaking in Norwegian. Jurgenson knew Norwegian well and understood that the voice was talking about the sounds made by various birds, and seemed to be commenting on the voice of each bird. The first thought that came to the director's mind was that his tape recorder somehow picked up the signal from one of the Norwegian radio stations. However, after making inquiries, he learned that none of them had broadcast a program about birds that day. Not to mention the fact that the tape recorder, in principle, is not capable of receiving a radio signal.

Electronic voices

Having become interested, Jurgenson continued to purposefully study the phenomenon that later received the name "the phenomenon of electronic voices." Soon, during one of his experiments, he received a message from his late mother, whose voice he immediately recognized. His mother, a German by birth, addressed him in German: “Friedel, my little Friedel, can you hear me? You are being looked after."

Over time, Jurgenson recorded many voices. It was possible to establish the affiliation of some of them - these were the voices of dead people. He demonstrated these recordings at an international conference, and in 1964 published the book "Voices of the Universe". His second book, Radio Contact with the Dead, was published in 1967. Since then, the phenomenon of electronic voices has been studied by many scientists and enthusiasts, however, until today, a rational explanation has not been found.

The famous Latvian scientist, writer, philosopher and psychologist Konstantin Rau-diva has devoted the last 10 years of his life to studying this phenomenon. In 1971, with the help of radio engineers, he made a number of recordings in a special soundproof booth, which also does not allow television and radio signals to pass through. For 15 minutes, Raudive spoke his questions on a magnetic tape. When the recording was reproduced, the researchers were amazed: they managed to count about 200 different voices on the tape that answered the scientist's questions.

Raudive carefully wrote down the research results and later presented them in his book "Discovery". It contains documented evidence of more than 27,000 such paranormal contacts. Raudive, like many other researchers, had no doubt that he was dealing with dead people, since they themselves called their names and claimed to be in a different dimension.

Promotional video:

On air - space

The phenomenon of electronic voices has not yet been studied and is still of particular interest to various kinds of researchers. The accumulated data suggest that electronic voices accompany the so-called white noise. Stationary noise is commonly called white noise in radio physics, the spectral components of which are evenly distributed over the entire range of frequencies involved. It is not difficult to hear it: it is enough to tune the radio receiver to any free frequency on which no radio station works. This noise can be compared to the sound of a nearby waterfall. Moreover, white noise can even be seen. To do this, instead of the radio, you need to set up the TV in the same way.

However, white noise is always present at the frequencies involved, it's just that its amplitude is much lower than the amplitude of the transmitted signal, so we usually do not pay attention to it.

The nature of white noise lies in cosmic radiation that continuously penetrates our planet and is perceived by radio and television receivers.

Electronic voices differ from ordinary human speech in pitch, timbre and special modulations that are not inherent in a living person. In some cases, in order to understand the meaning of what has been said, the recording must be accelerated or slowed down.

Voices can occur spontaneously or at the request of the operator. They can answer questions and take initiative in conversation. Sometimes you can hear two or more voices talking to each other. Electronic voices can sound in different languages, regardless of where the signal is received. In any case, we can conclude that these voices behave quite consciously and independently.

SMS messages from the other world

According to one hypothesis, the electronic voices contained in the cosmic radiation really belong to deceased people. Which, in turn, would prove the existence of life after death in one form or another, and with the preservation of the personality and memory of the deceased.

Another hypothesis, on the contrary, asserts that the effect of the electronic voice creates our own consciousness. In psychology, there is a definition for such experiences - apophenia, which means the ability of a person to see the structure or relationships in random meaningless data. The apophenic effect often occurs when people see figures of people and animals in the clouds. It is also typical for believers who are able to see the Mother of God and other religious symbols in a cut of a tree or a random spot.

Another hypothesis is based on the work of our subconscious. According to her, our brain sends a signal into space and receives in response the same, but already reflected signal.

There are many such hypotheses, but none of them can be considered proven or even convincing.

Today there are a huge number of observations of the phenomenon of electronic voices. With the development of technology, more and more devices are able to play and broadcast them. In the age of computers and mobile phones, any of us can face this phenomenon. I would like to believe that someday we will be able to establish a stable connection with the afterlife and, sooner or later, an SMS message from an untimely deceased loved one: “Don't worry about me. I’m fine”- will become commonplace.

Oleg Nechayanny