UFO Contacts In Brazil - Alternative View

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UFO Contacts In Brazil - Alternative View
UFO Contacts In Brazil - Alternative View

Video: UFO Contacts In Brazil - Alternative View

Video: UFO Contacts In Brazil - Alternative View
Video: Brazilian Alien Sighting | National Geographic 2024, September

Ufological situation

If you want to see aliens - go to Brazil. There are more unusual contacts per capita here than in any other country in the world, and the number of kidnappings is second only to the United States. One of the reasons for such high activity is the inexplicably ambiguous government policy towards UFOs. In 1969, the UFO phenomenon was declared a national security issue and placed under the control of the Sao Paulo Air Force. In 1969 the government issued a special directive in which all media outlets were strongly advised not to disclose UFO reports without prior censorship by the Brazilian Air Force. Nevertheless, both the BBC and the government have always willingly shared information and often allowed themselves open statements on this topic. As a result, a much larger number of observations, including those made by military personnel, were leaked to the press.than in countries like the US or UK. Of course, this freedom (albeit censored!) Led to the fact that, under the guise of facts, the most ridiculous stories were sometimes presented. The tabloid press loves UFO and alien stories without bothering to find out how true they are. The result is inevitably a wild mixture of evidence of a wide variety of qualities, ranging from the most plausible to the most incredible. One should also consider whether the colossal number of openly published reports in Brazil (there are hundreds of them a year) suggests that there is a conspiracy in other parts of the world to suppress such reports. The tabloid press loves UFO and alien stories without bothering to find out how true they are. The result is inevitably a wild mixture of evidence of a wide variety of qualities, ranging from the most plausible to the most incredible. One should also consider whether the colossal number of openly published reports in Brazil (there are hundreds of them a year) suggests that there is a conspiracy in other parts of the world to suppress such reports. The tabloid press loves UFO and alien stories without bothering to find out how true they are. The result is inevitably a wild mixture of evidence of the most varied qualities, ranging from the most plausible to the most incredible. You should also consider whether the colossal number of openly published reports in Brazil (there are hundreds of them a year) suggest that there is a conspiracy in other parts of the world to suppress such reports.does not the colossal number of openly published reports in Brazil (their number reaches a hundred per year) indicate that there is a conspiracy in other parts of the world to suppress such reports?does not the colossal number of openly published reports in Brazil (their number reaches a hundred per year) indicate that there is a conspiracy in other parts of the world to suppress such reports?


A disc-shaped UFO surrounded by a cloud of fog. The photographs were released by the Brazilian government in 1958 at the behest of the President himself after laboratory tests proved their authenticity.

It is not surprising that with such attention to the UFO phenomenon, the ufological community in Brazil is developing a vigorous activity: there are many research groups and popular magazines in the country, as well as television and radio programs dedicated to UFOs. Most of these materials are devoted to an extraterrestrial hypothesis, and their authors are trying to find evidence that aliens visit our Earth. There is also a craze for the legends and traditions of the ancient peoples of South America about their origin from the "heavenly people." This interest gave birth to the so-called theory of "ancient astronauts." This hypothesis, first voiced from the pages of the works of the Swiss researcher Erik von Deniken, says that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago and traces of their presence can be found by studying the monuments of ancient civilizations. Although they don't remember much now,similar ideas were expressed even before Deniken by ufologist Raymond Drake in books from the series "Gods and Astronauts".


In Brazil, cases are known that belong to all conceivable and inconceivable categories, and some types are not found in any other country in the world. It was in this country that the farmer Antonio Villas Boas disappeared in October 1957, after which the whole world became interested in the mystery of abductions. However, the first sightings of aliens in this country in the Bauru region date back to July 1947. The most significant physical evidence came from the traces of an exploded UFO - fragments of chemically pure magnesium scattered across the beach at Ubatuba in 1957. The samples were subjected to extensive analysis, revealing their unusual properties. One of the most reliable photographic evidence includes a series of images of a daytime disk circling over the island of Trinidad. The photographs were taken from a Brazilian military court participating in a scientific experiment. Furthermore,it is from Brazil that a significant part of the most reliable UFO reports came.

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At the other extreme are completely incredible cases that are not found anywhere else in the world. One of them was the miraculous rescue of a young woman in Petropolis. The daughter of a wealthy businessman suffered from stomach cancer and, despite the best efforts of the doctors, was declared terminally ill. On October 25, 1957, when the patient's relatives believed that she had only a few hours left to live, the patient's room was flooded with a blinding light that seemed to come from a disk floating outside the window. A short, fair-haired creature appeared in front of the patient and the relatives gathered at her bedside, which announced that it had flown from Mars and intended to confirm the benevolence of its race to earthlings by the fact of saving the patient. The words were immediately backed up by deeds, and the operation was performed in a way that seemed absolutely incomprehensible in those years,however, it seems to make sense these days. A blue beam illuminated the patient's body, illuminating her insides as in an X-ray. A concentrated beam of energy was directed at the girl (perhaps a laser beam, which had not yet been invented on Earth), and after the operation, the patient was given some tiny capsules. Relatives were ordered to remain silent about this story (they did so, and the miraculous healing became known from other sources). The girl quickly recovered. Relatives were ordered to remain silent about this story (they did so, and the miraculous healing became known from other sources). The girl quickly recovered. Relatives were ordered to remain silent about this story (they did so, and the miraculous healing became known from other sources). The girl quickly recovered.

Much less fortunate were the victims of other contacts, who found a terrible death in the jungle in northern Brazil in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Only skeletons remained of them, and some witnesses claim that this is the result of an "attack" of rays of light, from which the bodies literally melt. After visiting a remote and dangerous area of the tragedy, Dr. Jacques Vallee discovered some signs indicating that the tragedy did occur, but opinions differed as to what caused it. The presence of bright balls of light was confirmed by many local residents. Some, however, said that the dead were victims of predators.

Brazil also has a long tradition of aggressive attacks not found elsewhere in the world. On November 4, 1957, two guards were stationed at Fort Itaipu when they saw a "supernova explosion." A star fell from the sky, turning into an orange sphere, making a loud roaring noise, like the sound of an electric generator, after which the military base plunged into darkness due to a complete power outage. Heat waves emanated from the object, and two sentries fainted. When shocked colleagues brought the victims to consciousness, the soldiers discovered burns all over their bodies, which caused them serious illnesses and left scars for life. The cause of the incident was never established.

Brazil is rife with abduction cases and regression hypnosis is used to solve them. These stories go as far as reports of alleged alien attempts to reproduce with local residents. These stories began with the kidnapping of Villas Boas in 1957, when no one else had heard of such cases.

The victim of one of the most sensational abductions was the famous classical music performer Luli Oswald, who was abducted from the car along with the young man who drove her home. The aliens subjected him to a medical examination and took semen samples, after which they made it clear that the young man was suitable for their purposes. Luli herself, who had already reached an age not usually considered childbearing, was informed that she was not suitable for aliens, after which she spent several agonizing hours in complete obscurity, and then she and her companion were returned to the car. Such cases, which have come to be called "alien rejection," are strikingly common in Brazil. All known incidents have involved women approaching fifty; kidnapped men were also unable to bear children, in particularone of them underwent a vasectomy. This curious connection with the alleged goals of medical experiments (aliens tried to create offspring by combining human and humanoid DNA) is difficult to explain by pure chance.

On May 19, 1986, a major incident took place in Sao Paulo, as a result of which the Brazilian government was forced to demonstrate its attitude to UFO topics. Several planes observed lights in the sky, which were registered by both civilian and military radars. Soon the air corridor for flights was cleared, and F-5 and Mirage fighters were raised from the nearest military base to intercept the object. Brazilian "Mirages" were equipped with sidewinder homing missiles. The crew of one of the fighters, which were guided to the target by ground and aircraft radars, noticed a spot of shining light, which the plane could not catch up, despite all efforts. Another plane, the Mirage, was even surrounded by aircraft, which, according to radar readings, were making sharp turns at speeds inconceivable for conventional aircraft. The objects disappeared over the sea before the fighters could open fire.

Immediately after the incident, the report was leaked to the press, which is quite typical in Brazil. The Air Force Minister sent a report to the President and then held a press conference outlining the content of the document. It was rumored that the publicity of the events was authorized by the president himself. Minister Otavio Lima unleashed a stream of criticism on the participants in the investigation of radar-visual contacts. He stated that UFOs were material objects of unknown nature, about which scientists "did not give any answers or formal explanations." After reading the materials of this part of the book devoted to other countries, you will see that such a convincing confirmation of the reality of UFOs from a high-ranking official is no exception. Thus, the public comments of the Ministers of the Air Forces of France, Spain and Italy are known, made on cases when, to intercept objectsdetected by radars, combat fighters were raised. These statements confirmed the reality of UFOs. One might think that equally high-ranking officials in the United States and Great Britain were aware of equally impressive cases of this kind. It was just that these officials were not allowed to publicly express their confidence in the existence of UFOs!

Waves and special zones

From September 1957 to January 1958, there were many startling incidents in Brazil (the events in Fort Itaipu, Petropolis, Ubatuba, on the island of Trinidad, the case of Villas Boas and many others). This wave became one of the largest in the entire world, although outbreaks of increased UFO activity were also observed in Europe and North America during this period.

There are other waves known in Brazil - one of them in 1965 - although in scale they cannot be compared with the first. There are also special zones in this country: for example, the jungle around Guarapiranga is known as a zone of concentration of deadly balls of light. A real special zone, the legends about which go back centuries, surrounds San Jose to Rio Preto: strange lights have been seen in this area, most likely representing some form of NAL. Locals nicknamed them "the mother of gold", and legend says that UFOs once pointed out deposits of gold ore here.

From the book: “UFO. Sensational eyewitness accounts”. By Randles Jenny
