Riddles Of The Sun And The Earth - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Sun And The Earth - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Sun And The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Sun And The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Sun And The Earth - Alternative View
Video: What Will the Sun Look Like From Venus And Other Planets? 2024, September

Since ancient times, there has been a dispute between people about the internal structure of the Earth. In past centuries, our ancestors considered the Earth to be an unknown living creature, which was reflected in fairy tales. The earth was called mother, and the sun was called father.

The modern official hypothesis adheres to the point of view that inside the Earth there is a plasma temperature of many thousand degrees. Another attractive hypothesis suggests that the Earth has a solid crystalline structure with a power frame, where the Earth's core has a sub-core. This hypothesis of Nikolai Goncharov was published in the journal "Tekhnika-Molodyozhi" (in report No. 74, laboratory "INVERSOR") 20 years ago.

To find the truth in this issue, scientists of the USSR and the USA came to the conclusion that it was necessary to solve this issue by drilling the Earth with super-deep wells. In the USSR, such wells were installed on the Kola Peninsula and in the Urals. At the end of the XX century. a well was drilled on the Kola Peninsula to a depth of 12,230 m. It was assumed that at such a depth there should be basalt rocks, but they did not meet. There were significant shifts in depth and other terrestrial rocks in comparison with the forecast. An important discovery for geologists was the fact that with an increase in depth, the temperature inside the earth's crust about 11 kilometers stops growing, contrary to previous ideas. Therefore, the temperature characteristic in the underlying (intermediate) layers, in the core of the Earth, remains unknown. The structure of the nucleus, its density and composition also remain unknown. In the XX century.there have been numerous reports that the core is growing inside the Earth, increasing in size. It turns out that our planet is a living giant organism.

Our research allows us to express our views on the internal structure of the Earth. Let's start with a little-known kernel. The core and subnucleus are located inside a voluminous nutrient jacket with a funnel-shaped sleeve, which is connected to the surface of the crustal part of the Earth in the western part of the United States (Nevada, Rocky Mountains). Around the nutrient jacket are intermediate layers, each of which also adjoins the Earth's surface in the Rocky Mountains region. Above the intermediate layers is the three-layer crust of the Earth (basalt, granite and sedimentary layers). The results of instrumental studies known from the encyclopedia show that when sounding seismic waves pass from the intermediate shell into the core, the velocity of longitudinal waves drops sharply from 13.6 to 8.0 km / sec, which indicates a sharp difference in the properties of substances. Transverse waves were not found to pass through the core. Subsequent (ours) studies have shown that the density of matter inside the core is 2.2 g / cm³. The average density (g / cm³) of the intermediate layers of the Earth is less than 2, in the lower layer of the crust - 6, on average - 4.5, in the upper - 3.5. The temperature inside the nucleus, subnucleus and in the intermediate layers is about 300 ° C. To the surface of the crust, the temperature drops to several tens of degrees. In the upper layers of the earth's crust there are energy-cooling centers ("coolers") that form zones of cold, permafrost and ice (see Fig. 1). 40 thousand years ago, there was no ice on Earth. The moon and many planets are examples of this.in the lower layer of the bark - 6, on the average - 4.5, in the upper - 3.5. The temperature inside the nucleus, subnucleus and in the intermediate layers is about 300 ° C. To the surface of the crust, the temperature drops to several tens of degrees. In the upper layers of the earth's crust there are energy-cooling centers ("coolers") that form zones of cold, permafrost and ice (see Fig. 1). 40 thousand years ago, there was no ice on Earth. The moon and many planets are examples of this.in the lower layer of the bark - 6, on the average - 4.5, in the upper - 3.5. The temperature inside the nucleus, subnucleus and in the intermediate layers is about 300 ° C. To the surface of the crust, the temperature drops to several tens of degrees. In the upper layers of the earth's crust there are energy-cooling centers ("coolers") that form zones of cold, permafrost and ice (see Fig. 1). 40 thousand years ago, there was no ice on Earth. The moon and many planets are examples of this.

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The legends of the East report that the fourth Moon is ripening (growing) in the core of the planet, which in the future should separate from the Earth and become its companion, and the existing third Moon will go into a new orbit in the Solar System.

Taking into account the principle of the postulate about the structure of the Universe, which says "what is above is so below, what is in the sky is so on Earth", information was also obtained about the internal structure of our star - the Sun (through noospheric information).

Until now, it is believed that the Sun is a high-temperature plasma formation. But in the 60s of the XX century. Soviet astronomers of the Crimean Observatory, based on their research, came to the conclusion that the Sun is a solid material body, and its high-temperature plasma is formed in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere, which is 40 thousand kilometers thick. Soon Academician V. A. Ambartsumyan and a number of foreign scientists. In this regard, I recall the message of ancient Chinese sources that before becoming a star, the Sun was a planet, and the former star - Jupiter - became a planet. It turns out that the time will come when the Sun will again become a planet, giving way to a new chosen one who will become a star.

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Many scientists of our planet are interested in the structure of the Sun. At the end of the XX century. In the United States, there was a program to study the near-solar space with the launch of space satellites to the Sun in order to identify the possibility of their landing on the surface of a star, as well as returning back to Earth.

About 20 years ago, Japanese astronomers managed to photograph the Sun with a large, spindle-shaped aircraft that had been near its surface for a short time. Other mysterious phenomena have also been observed at the Sun. So, for example, in early 1994, scientists recorded a large material body falling onto the surface of the Sun without any ejection of the solar soil. In the following months and years, similar falls of large material bodies were observed on Jupiter, Saturn, where there was also no ejection of soil, which surprised scientists.

Based on the results of many years of research, we have obtained some general ideas about the Sun and its internal structure.

The sun is a solid material body.

Its multi-layered atmosphere protects the sun's surface from this scorching temperature. Inside the Sun is a core and a sub-core.

Around the core are intermediate layers, which in turn are surrounded by a three-layer crust. The core of the Sun in its equatorial part is connected by an energy supply channel with the middle layer of the crust. The core temperature is around 300 ° C. (The distribution of temperature inside the layers of the Sun, see Fig. 2.) The temperature on the surface of the star is in the range of 70-350 ° C. However, in the middle and upper layers of the crust, there are about a dozen zones with low temperatures of about 20 ° C, including on the surface (mainly at the poles of the star).

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In the middle layer of the crust, in the region of low temperatures, there are voids where intelligent biological life is possible.

The average density of matter in the Sun (in g / cm³) is: in the core - 2.3; in intermediate layers - about 2; in the lower layer of the bark - 5, in the middle layer - 4, in the upper layer - 3.5. In each layer of the Sun there are individual elements that exceed the density of the main material (in the core - 2 times, and in the intermediate and cortical layers - 3 times).

The data obtained show that the Earth and the Sun have practically the same parameters in temperature and density.

Considering that the Sun was once a planet, and the planets (like the Moon) are born from the same planets as the Earth, Venus, it can be assumed that other planets and stars are similar (similar) in their internal and external structure. For everything in nature gives birth to its own kind.

Eastern teachings report that even a cell has an elementary memory (mind). It turns out that the planets and stars also have intelligence, moving in their orbits for millennia, like in ballroom dancing, without knocking each other down.

I have no doubt that people knew about the true structure of planets and stars in antiquity, someone knows in our time. But for some reason, instead of true knowledge, people are presented with a hypothesis directed along the wrong path of understanding the world in large and small.

Historical written sources report the existence in the past of ancient highly developed civilizations that had technically advanced land, water, air transport and much more.

During excavations of ancient tombs, built before the new era in Memphis (Egypt), Italy, England, archaeologists found small ("pocket") lamps in them, illuminating the room with gentle light. Somewhere these lamps lie forgotten in the storerooms of museums. The builders of the Cheops pyramid, for sure, used similar lamps when painting with colored paints in the underground rooms of the tombs. From these lamps came a superficial cold glow, and not an internal one (see the article "The eternal lamps of the Pharaohs").

Famous travelers of the 16th-20th centuries, who they saw on different continents of the planet, reported about amazing sources of light - lamps.

It is also known from historical literature that in Egypt, Tibet, Brazil there were cold discs and small balls in temples and settlements that shone like the sun in the night. Their light did not come from within, but from the surface of the lamps, just as the faint light of a halo and aura shines over the saints. What is the nature of these glow that people knew and used for good? The earth is a living organism. What do the external glow of lamps and the Sun have in common?
