"Aliens Come To Earth On A Business Trip To Study Humanity" - Alternative View

"Aliens Come To Earth On A Business Trip To Study Humanity" - Alternative View
"Aliens Come To Earth On A Business Trip To Study Humanity" - Alternative View

Video: "Aliens Come To Earth On A Business Trip To Study Humanity" - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Blogger Gennady Ozerov says: “Once I had a chance to meet with one person who claimed that he was a citizen of one of the alien states, and was on a business trip on Earth to study us and our way of life. his mental illness did not appear, a slightly unusual color of his skin and eyes, and only if you look closely.

To my question about what interests him most in our life, he replied that there is only one phenomenon - the food chain. The fact is that on their planet, everything is quite similar to what is happening here. Everything is boring, ordinary, simple and understandable. They live the same way, states and people are similar, even customs and traditions are not much different. The only and striking difference from our earthly habitual way of living is that all creatures on the planet are of only one type.

All are reasonable, have their own rules and ways of living, nationality, skin color - but all without exception are vegetarians, and eat only one single product that grows in nature, called "vegetable". Although the plant flora is very rich on their planet and diverse, but the animal fauna consists of only one type of creature - two arms, two legs, and a head. Nothing special. Only they have no food chain, competition too.

There is enough for everyone, for many years. They live, are born and die naturally, or from disease. There are no gods or leaders either. All respect, love and trust each other. The state is a simple territorial aggregate of people who know each other well - according to cultural, linguistic and national characteristics. And they do not have enmity, because it has never arisen.

Then I asked about what he most incomprehensible in our earthly competitive relations, and our food chain. The answer stunned me. He replied that they, from the outside, understand everything, it is not clear why we ourselves do not understand this phenomenon. And the more intelligent beings on our planet, the less they understand it.

What a news! Then I asked him to state his thoughts in more detail. Then he began to speak:

“On your planet, the entire life system is built on the principle that all organisms, without exception, use other organisms as fuel to continue their vital activity and reproduction, directly using them as food, preliminarily killing them, or using them indirectly. This happens in a certain sequence and in a certain way, called the "food chain".

In fact, the food chain is a way that looks like pyramids, with certain steps, each of which represents one type of organism. Those types of organisms that feed are at a higher level than those that feed. In nature, there is always a balance of mass or population size, between the steps of the food pyramids, where the lower steps are always wider than the upper ones.

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People who are living organisms are no exception. They, too, are part of the general natural food pyramids, with their own hierarchical levels of their intraspecific pyramids. In other words, if interspecific natural food pyramids are, as it were, stationary created by nature, then inside the human species, there are pyramids of a dynamic type, since the subjects of the upper and lower steps of the pyramids are representatives of the same species, they can move from the lower steps of the pyramids, to the top and vice versa.

Due to distinctive biological changes (mutations) in the human species environment, there have been changes in function in the pyramids of the human species. The direct use by organisms of the upper stages, organisms of the lower stages, has been partially replaced by varieties of indirect use of organisms. But the principles have not changed from this, and the patterns of the pyramids have not changed.

The formed large hierarchical pyramids within the human species began to perform the functions of a natural food pyramid, because there are no other relationships in nature, except for “food” and reproduction, at all. If you take a good look at such well-known hierarchies within the human species. Such as powerful, financial, military, police, political, social, cultural, religious, industrial and social. Then all this resembles artificial varieties of natural food pyramids.

All actions ultimately come down to the domination of individuals of the upper stages over individuals of the lower stages, with the aim of ensuring vital activity and reproduction within the limits of the occupied stage in the hierarchies. That is, each species step of natural food pyramids roughly corresponds to the steps of intraspecific human hierarchical pyramids. And the behavior of individuals of various stages of the human species corresponds to the behavior of individuals of various natural species stages of the natural food pyramid.

The only feature is that individuals of the levels of human hierarchies constantly claim to occupy status at higher levels of human hierarchies, or slide down in the competitive struggle to lower levels. But they are fighting for survival at the stage at which they are at a particular moment in time. At the same time, the struggle for survival occurs simultaneously with the struggle to change the status to a higher one. After the transition of a human individual to a higher level of the hierarchy, the lower level, the one at which the person was, is used by him as the lower level of the natural food chain. All this happens in much the same way as in nature.

Examples of this can be cited indefinitely. When an airplane pilot presses the bomb hatch opening button, he instinctively feels responsibility only to those persons who are at his level of the human hierarchy and to those who are higher, for example, his colleagues and commanders. And those who are from below are no more than representatives of the lower level of the hierarchy, their survival is of little concern to him at the moment.

The same happens with the police who disperse a peaceful demonstration, with the military who are fighting even on the territory of their own state, with the owners of slaves or serfs, with the owners of enterprises and businesses, with politicians and officials, leaders and leaders of nations, with actors and even by public transport drivers.

For example, people of any human hierarchy are absolutely indifferent to the suffering of people in remote areas or in other countries. The suffering of rather not distant, but unfamiliar neighbors, worries people no more than the suffering of an animal that was consumed by them.

This is how nature is arranged, and this is how a person is arranged, who is fighting for the survival of only that place or level of the hierarchy where he is at a given time. He is only concerned about his responsibility to a narrow circle of people close to him and well known to him. The rest for him is either a lower rung that can be used, or a higher rung to beware of.

Some patterns can be distinguished from the characteristics of human hierarchical relationships.

If people of one level of the hierarchy have entrusted power over themselves to representatives of another level of the hierarchy, they deliberately go to self-deception. You can trust in this world only close, proven trust, people who are well known and connected with you by close ties of communication. With the rest of the people there should be only a contractual relationship with the specified measures of responsibility and terms of reference. Otherwise, people will be deceived and used as the bottom rung of the food pyramid.

The same will happen if the confidant is a person close to you, but after the change in status, he will still not justify your trust, he will fight for the survival of him and his colleagues, already at a new level of the hierarchy. And his previous step will be used by him as the lower step of the food pyramid. That is, when advancing a leader to a higher level of the hierarchy, use only contractual responsible relations and control functions, because, moving to a higher level, a person changes, and your level uses.

Any revolutionary action of some levels of human hierarchies directed against other levels of hierarchies leads to changes in the status of a certain number of individuals, and their transition to other levels of hierarchies. But there will be no fundamental changes in the relationship between the steps. Because a revolution is only an outbreak of the united efforts of various estates or levels of hierarchy. And we need constant forces between layers of society, similar to the magnetic resistance of two opposite charges.

The stability and well-being of hierarchies depends on certain values of the ratios between their levels. The numerical or quantitative value of individuals at different levels of the hierarchy should resemble a pyramid, where the lower levels are always broader than the higher ones. The lower step of the pyramids must always offer resistance in strength greater than the total impact of all the highest steps of the pyramids. In all other cases, human hierarchies and natural pyramids lose stability and quickly collapse.

The lower rungs of human hierarchies must be organized into forces capable of providing constant opposition to the forces of all upper levels in aggregate. Then the worlds of people will gain stability for a long time.

There are no options, regardless of technological progress, or the fruits of reason. If, for example, one or more grain growers use modern technology to feed the rest of the planet, this is ruin. All other people lose their natural purpose, and turn into useless breeding mutants, dependent on several people. If only one or several power plants provide energy to the entire planet, this is also a collapse, only energy.

One flash in the sun or a malfunction is enough, and everything is over. There must be a huge number of small autonomous power plants, a huge number of people conducting independent activities for the autonomous survival of themselves or their small communities. Any kind of globalization is a collapse. Any pyramid of irregular non-natural shape will also collapse.

The principle of hierarchy and pyramids should be in everything, in all spheres of human activity. You need to look closely at nature, take examples from it."

Then the man turned and left, and I looked after him for a long time."
