Esoterics: Photo Of A Ghost And "Binding" To The Deceased - Alternative View

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Esoterics: Photo Of A Ghost And "Binding" To The Deceased - Alternative View
Esoterics: Photo Of A Ghost And "Binding" To The Deceased - Alternative View

Video: Esoterics: Photo Of A Ghost And "Binding" To The Deceased - Alternative View

Video: Esoterics: Photo Of A Ghost And
Video: Video Lecture: Four Ages of Spirit Art 2024, September

In the classification of types of negative energy impact in this article, I want to highlight and disassemble such a category as "attachment to the deceased." Another version of this problem is called "sharing an astral dead man."

Sometimes you can hear such an expression - "the deceased took it."

What is the "astral dead"? Man, in essence, is the sum of the physical body and the spiritual body (subtle bodies). Read more in this article. After the death of a person, the spiritual body is separated from the physical body. The essence of the Orthodox tradition of commemorating a person on the 9th and 40th days is not understood by many - "this is how it should be, so it should be." In fact, on the 9th day the etheric body is destroyed, on the 40th - the astral body, and the soul departs to the subtle plane.

If … if nothing keeps the dead here and does not attract. Yes, sometimes something does not let the deceased leave the world of the living. And then the phenomena of ghosts, ghosts, poltergeists appear. For fun, watch The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe. The woman committed suicide, but vowed after death to take revenge on those who allowed the death of her child.

So the "astral dead man" is the "half dead dead man." A kind of zombie. The structures of the astral body are not completely destroyed, and attachments to the world of the living are not destroyed either.

What keeps the spirit of the dead, which in some cases can create the phenomenon of the "astral dead"?

Strong emotions - love, hatred, anger, revenge - can hold them back. Strong vampire connections that have kept humans in this world for years. Lack of repentance. The sin of suicide … Other sins. In fact, not all people leave this world after death.

Promotional video:

Esotericists say that evil spirits are the souls of people, disfigured by sins and hatred, for which there is no place either in heaven or in hell.

And mediums, in fact, cannot “reach” the soul of a person who has already completely left for another world, but only the “astral dead” who live in the human world. What happens next - how lucky.

In my practice, I have come across several examples of "sharing an astral dead", and therefore tried to classify them.

The first. Deliberate sharing of the "astral dead"

In black magic there is a category of "damage to death". The first assistant in this matter is the cemetery. Cemetery spoilage is one of the simplest and fastest ways to "send" a person to the next world, creating a strong necrotic bond - by sending something from the person to the grave, or by “delivering” any of the cemetery “gifts” to the person. And a strong sorcerer who works in close contact with the world of spirits and the world of the dead can "pierce" a person and bind a harmful energetic entity to him without visiting the cemetery.

And as a result, the astral field of death literally squeezes out strength and life from a person, like juice from a lemon. And against the background of a strong depletion of energy, when a person was weakened so much that he does not have the strength to resist anything, a dead astral entity can also simply "fit" into a person, which, with a strong level of protection, simply would not cope with the person and could not get inside his spiritual body.

Second. On the basis of emotions

Sometimes in families where there are feelings of such power - “to live without him (I cannot live without it)”, this happens literally - the death of one causes the death of the other. The husband died - the wife quickly withered and left after him. The child died - the mother left after him. Yes, there is a tremendous significance of psychological trauma from the loss of someone who was an extension of you, and often more important and significant than yourself.

Please remember that the dead need to be released, keeping a bright memory of them, thanks to them for living, and not bringing themselves to hysterics and psychosis that they died.

In those cases when "I cannot live without him" - a person not only does not want to put up with the loss and let the deceased go (who of you saw in the cemetery how relatives in hysterics climbed into the coffin of the deceased? Such cases are frequent), but also launches the program "I am with him, we are together, I cannot live without him." This establishes a necrotic bond between the living and the dead. And - either the living gives his strength and life because of excessive love, longing for the world of the dead (not the dead himself, but the world of the dead). Or the departed, not wanting to leave his object of love forever, “sucks” the strength from the living, thereby ensuring his being near.

But it is not only the attachment based on love that creates the necrotic bond. Most often this happens on the basis of hatred. It is not uncommon for an evil, hated granny (a real witch), or other hated creature, to burn so much with malice and hatred towards those relatives who stayed alive that when this “creature” is finally taken away by the devils, it harms with its established stock of hatred even after death. There was no peace in the family anyway from such a creature, and after his death everything continues and even worsens - illness, troubles, scandals, death …

This video shows a session of work with just such a case of the "astral dead man" sharing. The woman you see in this video had certain life circumstances that led to this hook-up. She lived in a hostel, 12 square meters room, with her husband and son. The husband is a tyrant, alcoholic, psychopath. For his deeds and his anger, in the end, he deserved a cancerous tumor. From which he died long and hard, losing his mind from pain and cursing everyone and everything.

And the woman was forced to sleep with him in the same bed. Until his death, saturated with his rotting, sweat, his anger, curses, his dying. And there was no other way out. There are no relatives, I can't even lie on the floor - there is simply no place on the floor … and after his death, two or three months later, she began to notice, in her words: “something cold is crawling over me and strangling me. I am losing strength, losing weight. Constant panic, thoughts of death and suicide. " During the session, these sensations became even stronger, which can be seen in the video by the convulsions that "twist" her body. And in this way, the husband was a parasite in life, and after death he "sucked" to the woman …

And now - about the case that gave the title to the article. "Photo of a ghost". And this case just goes in the context of the topic of sharing the "astral dead"

This summer, a friend of mine showed me a photograph that I took with a digital camera. It was her birthday. She drove out of town with her friends. They put up a tent, and on her birthday she took congratulations on the phone. At this moment this picture was taken. Above, from under the ceiling and directly into the phone, which the woman holds in her hand, a wide beam of light goes, and at the base of the beam there is an image of a human face. Children's. Swollen. Dead. When zoomed in, this face image is clearly visible.


But this case has its own background. A year before, her nephew, 12 years old, had died. He hanged himself. And of all the relatives, he loved only his aunt, because only with her did he find love for him.

After she showed me this photo, I asked if she had a sense of the presence of something outside the house. She replied that yes - there was a photo of her nephew, there were noises in the house, sharp currents of cold air. He began to dream of her often.

We cleaned the house with her. But I warned her that he would come again … She is the only person who loved him, and whom he loved.

Then we did not see her for a long time and did not call each other. After a while we met with her - she had a bad temperature, nausea, weakness, loss of appetite. For a while then she felt better. After 2 months, I found out that she had a brain tumor. Which has developed in 3 months. To the extent that doctors refused to operate on her.

She died in January 2013.

These photographs were in my laptop for a long time. I considered them for a long time, pondered - is this possible … After her death, I realized - perhaps.

"Took the dead man."

Stanislav Kucherenko, psychic-bioenergetic
