Alien Freaks - Alternative View

Alien Freaks - Alternative View
Alien Freaks - Alternative View

Video: Alien Freaks - Alternative View

Video: Alien Freaks - Alternative View
Video: “Aliens & Freaks” official animated lyric video by Social Strife 2024, September

Despite the fact that the presence of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth has not been proven, faith in them is gradually becoming a part of our life. So, recently a 32-year-old resident of Krasnodar rammed six cars, allegedly being late for a meeting with aliens. In any case, he gave such an explanation to the police officers who detained him.

Surveillance cameras of a nearby shopping center recorded how BMW first nearly knocked down a young woman, and then crashed into a group of cars parked in the parking lot. Immediately after that, the driver and two other men who were in the BMW made an attempt to escape from the accident scene, but were detained by the guards of the shopping center.

When the police officers arrived, the driver who committed the accident broke the glass of his own car and tried to open his veins. But he didn't have time: the police stopped him and called an ambulance. Even seeing the ambulance doctors, the man tried to flee again. He shouted that in half an hour he had … a meeting with space aliens! I had to send the "contactee" for a psychiatric examination. Presumably, he could use drugs, which became the reason for the obsession with aliens.

But a resident of St. Petersburg, on the contrary, sought to escape from his "brothers in mind." To this end, he climbed through the drainpipe into the window of the Bonch-Bruevich St. Having broken the glass, the man entered the room. Since he was making a lot of noise, passers-by called the police and the bully was detained. He was drunk and convinced the police that aliens were trying to kidnap him …


However, not only drug addicts and alcoholics suffering from delirium tremens are preparing to meet with UFO-navts. Back in the early 90s, the famous singer Mile Jackson planned to build a UFO landing site in the Nevada desert. American Tom Weber was trying to raise $ 50 million for the construction of a "saucer track" in Elmwood, Wisconsin. In the middle of the same 90s, the authorities of the Brazilian city of Barra dos Garzas allocated a plot of 5 hectares for the construction of an alien cosmodrome. And in 2000, it was planned to build a similar facility on the top of Mount Bonghwa in Gyeongsangbuk-do province (South Korea).

Now the Zaporozhye ufologist Alfred Teplov is obsessed with the idea of building a site for receiving "flying saucers". He proposes to build such a site on the territory of his native Ukraine. Although, according to Teplov, more than 90 percent of information about UFOs is not associated with real aircraft, aliens still exist (Teplov calls them "suintsy" - creatures of another civilization). Therefore, just in case, it does not interfere with preparing for their reception.

“Even the process of preparation itself, and even more so the existence of such a base (or zone), can bring many interesting and useful discoveries and inventions for our state,” the researcher believes. "And the doctrine itself will play an important role for Ukraine." It is recommended to place a research facility, which Teplov proposes to call "Zone-14", in the Kherson region, 20-50 kilometers north of the Askania Nova reserve.

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“Askania Nova is a unique place for the goals and objectives of Zone-14,” Teplov believes. - Within a radius of several tens of kilometers there are no forests, city buildings, and a wonderful, necessary climate: there are no natural disasters, such as annual floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, that would distract from work. Frosts in winter are rare and not strong, and most importantly, there are about 300 sunny days a year in this area. There are tons of other features and benefits. I have no doubt that this idea would find support in Ukraine among many specialists and scientists with non-standard thinking."

The researcher has already sketched sketches of the ground portion of the proposed Site-14. These include a pyramid, pictograms representing landing sites similar to the mysterious "crop circles", a signaling system for establishing contact with aliens, and various structures and devices designed for research purposes. The matter is small: for the implementation of this "national scale" project will require about 12 hectares of land, as well as finances and participation of local authorities.

Margarita Troitsyna