The Mystery Of The 1980 Moscow UFO - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The 1980 Moscow UFO - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The 1980 Moscow UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The 1980 Moscow UFO - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The 1980 Moscow UFO - Alternative View
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Science and technology developed rapidly during the Soviet era. In 1961, our country was the first in the world to send a man into outer space. That is why both in the scientific community and in the mass consciousness there was growing interest in everything new and unknown, including what awaited a person outside the world he had mastered. From 14 to 15 June 1980, 56 eyewitnesses reported an unidentified flying object seen in the sky. A group of scientists was keenly interested in the information, and the results of the research were reported to the KGB.

Office of the New Age

The history of systematic investigation of reports of unknown flying objects dates back to the First World War. Then in Siberia, many people reported on other people's airplanes, lights in the sky and other unusual phenomena. The local authorities collected information, tried to verify it, but nothing was achieved. Then the Revolution and the Civil War made people forget about those strange events. There was no time for that in the country. The civil war, as is known, was naturally won by the Bolsheviks. After that, they created a special service called the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission), which solved a wide range of issues: from identifying spies and traitors to the activities of individual representatives of science. Gradually, a powerful, organized, disciplined structure emerged from the Cheka, which at the time of 1980 was already called the KGB.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the KGB supervised all key areas of Soviet science. And in the future, the KGB maintained a strong connection with the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and under its supervision many scientists were still working, engaged in especially important developments for the state. They also received information from all over the USSR about all kinds of anomalies and unusual phenomena, such as, for example, the appearance in the sky over the country of an object of unknown origin that happened in June 1980.

Bubble In Heaven

As far as it was possible to establish, the incident occurred on June 14, at about 21:00. Quiet and serene evening in the Moscow region. The life of a Soviet person was then calm and measured. But that evening, some residents of Moscow and the region saw something that violated the view of their usual landscape. According to information collected by ufologists who interviewed eyewitnesses of this event, suddenly a strange object appeared from the horizon, which calmly and

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moved smoothly across the sky.

People of that era were well-versed: astronomy was included in the list of compulsory subjects at school, many subscribed to popular science magazines. Therefore, most of the eyewitnesses immediately realized that what was happening was not like a meteor, or the movement of a satellite in orbit, or the flight of any known aircraft. In addition, it must be added that in the USSR, books by science fiction writers such as Georgy Martynov or the Strugatsky brothers were very popular, telling about the meetings of people with extraterrestrial intelligence. Is this really the very thing? !!

The flying object was described as a bubble, shaped like a whale. It was glowing, although it was not particularly bright compared to the glow of the magnificent plume that trailed behind the object. The movement of the glowing bubble, as the scientists later found out, was observed for 7 hours in various points of the European part of the USSR, and in general the testimony of eyewitnesses converged.

In the flight of an unidentified object, four phases could be distinguished. Phase one: the appearance of an object. Many eyewitnesses claimed that shortly before the appearance of the unusual phenomenon, a glow was observed in the sky that was completely different from the usual evening dawn. Then a mysterious bubble appeared from the horizon. It climbed at an incline of about 30-45 degrees until it reached the highest point and continued its smooth movement.

In the second phase of the flight, the bubble formed a trail around itself, and, according to some eyewitnesses, the trail was yellow, while others said that the color of the trail was purple-red or orange. Be that as it may, the miracle bubble in the frame of its bright "decoration" continued to move. Having flown a certain distance, he then emitted many rays, becoming for a short time like a shining hedgehog, sticking out its needles.

After that, it was the turn of the third phase: the shining needles disappeared, and the object separated from its magnificent "tail", which remained hanging in the air, and flew on. As the flight continued, the bubble, according to eyewitnesses, was already barely noticeable and almost did not glow. He began to descend to the horizon at an angle of 6-10 degrees and disappeared. However, its “tail” glowed in the sky for a long time, and a bright afterglow was observed in the direction of the disappearance of the object, which lasted for several hours.

What was it?

After collecting information and checking the adequacy of eyewitnesses, all of whom seemed to be quite sane, the ufologists moved on to the next stage. The polls were just the beginning of the hard and hard work of the research team. Based on the testimony of witnesses, they began to take measurements, trying to accurately determine the trajectory of the object. The researchers requested information from meteorologists, finding out what the weather was that evening at various points where they reported the observation of the object, as well as what was the density of the atmosphere that June evening.

It turned out that in most cases the weather was quite favorable for observing the firmament. Scientists also tried to get information if anything unusual was happening in military garrisons, at military airfields and in closed research facilities. Alas, they were not allowed to enter classified objects, the soldiers of the garrisons confirmed that they had observed unusual phenomena in the sky that evening, but believed that a new type of weapon was being tested. Also, ufologists still managed to obtain information that an experiment was taking place that evening at one of the classified objects, the details of which were not disclosed. One of the miraculous findings of scientists was a footprint on the ground, presumably left by an unknown object. Of course, they studied it with all the equipment available at that time and found something. It turned outthat when exposed to a UV lamp, a green fluorescent glow was visible. But it was not possible to detect any other changes in the soil, radiation background, burst of electromagnetic fields.

However, this is not all that ufologists managed to find out. It turns out that that evening, two people were able to fix an unusual object on the camera. Six pictures fell into the hands of scientists. The photographs were, of course, not of very good quality, especially since the device produced only black and white images for one of the photographers. But what lifted the scientists' spirits was that all the pictures were taken during the second phase and made it possible to understand what the mysterious bubble looked like at the moment of the formation of the “tail”. And, of course, the very fact that it was possible to obtain material evidence of an unusual phenomenon set one up for optimism.

Clash with the Unknown

The real find was the statement of Karjakin, a resident of a city near Moscow, who said that he had observed the landed object close. In the evening, returning home, he heard a strange sound like a buzzing. Deciding that it was coming from a transformer box, Karjakin came up and put his ear to it. It was quiet inside, and the sound, as it turned out, came from a completely different direction.

After running a hundred meters and going around the fence that interfered with him, the eyewitness experienced a real shock. Not far from it was an ellipse-shaped object. Illuminated by a street lamp, the object did not move and only continued to emit a hum. Karjakin suddenly felt a strange resistance that prevented him from coming closer to the mechanism, so unlike anything he had seen before. Suddenly the hum turned into a loud whistle, the object emitted a white glow and began to rise. Having gained height, he began to slowly move towards the forest and suddenly disappeared instantly, as if he had never existed. At the insistence of scientists, Karjakin underwent a full examination. However, doctors failed to identify any vision problems: not a hint of a mental disorder. Testing with specific equipment turned out to be useless, no deviations, even a changed radiation background. Only a biochemical blood test revealed an increased level of leukocytes, which, however, was explained by the fact that Karjakin had a cold.

What is the bottom line?

The attitude towards the newcomers among the inhabitants of the USSR was different than in the West. A man brought up in the Soviet spirit in the early 80s believed that all reasonable forms of life should sooner or later come to communism and high humanistic ideals, and therefore inevitably turn out to be friends and assistants to humanity. Nevertheless, the reports of ufologists in the KGB were accepted with all due attention, and they became part of a gigantic array of information about everything mysterious that the powerful department painstakingly collected. It is not known what conclusions and decisions the KGB came to, although they have always taken everything seriously and, perhaps, even prepared for contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Alas, we will never know this, because after 10 years the USSR collapsed, and many projects and documents were irretrievably lost, although over time something may be discovered. And cases of UFO sightings continue to this day, and it is not known what this will lead to. Probably really to contact with an extraterrestrial civilization.

But how will aliens who own immeasurably more powerful technologies react to their smaller brothers? After all, belief in future humanism has already evaporated in humanity itself. What if we are just a curious experiment or a possible resource for colonization? But in any case, we must prepare for various turns of fate.