The Man Lived A Year With Aliens In The Himalayas - Alternative View

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The Man Lived A Year With Aliens In The Himalayas - Alternative View
The Man Lived A Year With Aliens In The Himalayas - Alternative View

Video: The Man Lived A Year With Aliens In The Himalayas - Alternative View

Video: The Man Lived A Year With Aliens In The Himalayas - Alternative View
Video: Juice WRLD - Righteous (Official Video) 2024, September

Colin Andrews on his official website tells the story of a Frenchman who lived in a secret extraterrestrial base in the Himalayas for a year.

Forty years of silence was established after the man returned to his home in France. The silence is currently broken.

For a month, a farm in southern France was worried about the lights. Balls of light appeared in the evening and surrounded the home of 20-year-old Robert L., who lived with his parents and grandmother.

Large balls of light moved along the ground, as if extinguished and re-lit, in the end, united in a giant vertical bullet-shaped form. They appeared to be smart. Over the course of two years, Robert received numerous nocturnal visits to his bedroom at night. Extraterrestrials passed through the walls and surrounded his bed. Robert was paralyzed.

The visitors were tall, fair, and had long, thin arms. They wore tight-fitting jumpsuits, open at the neck and wrists, with a metallic sheen and a wide belt. They introduced themselves as scientists from another galaxy. They took blood samples and told him they were interested in his genetic makeup.

Over the next two years, Robert was mentally and physically prepared through these visits and taught yoga-like exercises. The man who was doing it, positioned himself as a "Guide" and had the name "Roro" ("Roro"). They were part of the Galactic Confederation in charge of maintaining life on planets inhabited like Earth.

At the end of two years of overnight training, he was invited to accompany them back to their base on Earth and as a donor of genetic material for use in colonizing a distant planet. He was assured that he would be constantly cared for and that he would not need anything.

A spaceship came to pick him up in a field next to his farm. It was a large, flat vessel 65 feet long with a dome. It was red as red-hot iron, surrounded by a yellow-orange cloud. He landed without touching the ground. The door opened and the Guide greeted him. The ship took off without detecting movement. Robert was worried. The "guide" showed him the wall, which suddenly became transparent, and Robert saw the city. It seemed to him that it was Marcel.

Promotional video:

They were at an altitude of 40,000 meters. The journey lasted less than an hour, and they arrived at

underground base in the Himalayas. After a night in the rounded bedroom, Robert was served coffee, which, when he tasted it, felt like his mother had made it. He donned an outfit that resembled a soft, form-fitting material. This was to change it and regenerate it in case of danger of magnetic radiation.

Two women introduced themselves: "Biologist" and "Ethnologist". The bedroom had an eye-shaped device that was a kind of 3-D television where he could see and hear everything that was going on in his house and listen to his parents' conversations.


They took him on a tour of the cave, which was actually a multi-story base built over 3,000 feet underground.

The base was surrounded by a triple magnetic belt that isolated and protected it from earthquakes. There were a lot of rooms at the base. The elevator doors opened onto a platform in the open air, where he could go in the evening, although he was accompanied. The area was rugged with high snowy mountains.

The "guide" demonstrated how he could disintegrate a tree using the ball-like devices he carried with him at all times. The spacecraft flew into the base through a winding tunnel with a funnel-shaped entrance located below in the valley. The tunnel ended with huge hangars where ships and personnel were located. Robert saw ships approaching from 90 meters.

He was allowed to enter the premises inside the base, with the exception of certain areas.

Once he was forced to enter rooms containing nuclear materials, magnetic and electric fields. However, an invisible wall pushed him out.

Everyday life at the base

Robert was cared for by a "biologist" who explained to him in a pleasant way what was expected of him: regular sperm donation. This operation, designed to fill a new planet with life, took place every two days.

There were conversations between the "Guide" and the "ethnologist" about the civilization of our Earth.

Of particular interest was our behavior and how we treated the planet. They gave him a lot of advice for maintaining physical and mental health. He received regular yoga instruction.

Despite their policies of goodwill, non-interference and respect for "free will," caution was adopted with regard to the nuclear threat. In the event of a nuclear conflict, intervention was possible.

Robert observed the atmosphere of peace and harmony at the base. The inhabitants seemed to have mastered life well in the present and in the future. Everything was planned down to the smallest detail.

Order and discipline seemed to be the watchword. They said that aliens appeared here 20,000 years before our civilization. They explained to him the structure of the universe, as well as interstellar communication.

Meeting of the Galactic Federation

One day the "biologist" invited Robert to observe the meeting. He was ordered to remain completely calm and just watch.

There was a large oval table in the room, and he watched in amazement as one by one the guests of different races began to materialize around the table.

The creatures entering 3-D had conversations with guests about the sun and the movement of spacecraft between planets. The Guide also gave Robert information about time and space and the magnetic energy needed to travel. The guide said that he was able to live for 4 or 5 hundred years before replacing the body, and that death does not exist.

The only thing that is considered eternal is the evolution of the soul. The body was just a container.

During his stay in the Himalayas, Robert was invited on an excursion to France aboard a spacecraft. Seven people were on board: "guide", "biologist", "ethnographer", captain and two pilots. It was a conventional flying fighter, 90 feet in diameter.

One day, a Mirage III, a French military aircraft, appeared on the screen of the ship's inner wall.


The spacecraft deviated and stood under and next to the French plane, and Robert could see the pilot in his cockpit, who turned his head and looked towards the ship.

A supersonic fighter developed by Dassault Aviation in the mid-1950s. Robert could also see the pilot and his dashboard on the screen, and see the registration number on the jet engine: FB.

Aircraft dashboard Mirage III


Later research, starting in 2005, confirmed the presence of the Mirage III at a designated military base in Dijon.

They wanted to keep the pilot's name for possible indications, but he was not found.

October 2005, revelations at the European UFO conference

At the first European UFO conference in Châlonsen, Champagne, France in October 2005, Robert told his story. The "guide" told him to keep everything secret for 40 years.

Robert believes he has an external implant in his back.

During the conference, another paranormal contactee examined him and found that something was moving under Robert's skin. The implant emitted an electric charge into the hands of the "therapist" at the moment the camera flashed, followed by intense vibration in the back.

Robert doesn't want the implant removed.

“After we have made enough progress to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond, we must go with an open mind, with no desire to win. The guide told me that we would be under surveillance. If aggressive ideas "germinate" in the minds of astronauts, they will not be able to carry out their plan.

You must come into the world with sincerity, honesty, and humility. If not, we will stop you."

All the conversations we had at the base come back to me. We have a long road ahead of us before we can free ourselves from enslavement, big or small. Of course, we must not reject everything, we must keep what seems good to us. We don't want to change our way of thinking too quickly, which is often selfish and egocentric."


UFO research is a good thing. The general mentality and opinions on this matter are changing rapidly.

Secrets and secrets begin to be revealed gradually. Better to walk slowly and go far. “When most of the planet is ready, there is an opportunity for a meeting,” said the “Guide”.

Colin Andrews' official website -

Colin Andrews is one of the most famous crop circle and UFO explorers. Deals with these problems since 1984.