Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View

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Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View
Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Rugen Island And Its Secrets - Alternative View
Video: Rügen - the Baltic Treasure Island | DW English 2024, September

Rugen Island is an ominous place, praised by Pushkin himself, aka Buyan Island. Why sinister? For several centuries, scientists and local residents have observed various anomalous phenomena on its territory. What are they connected with? It's worth looking into.

The arms race and the role of Rugen Island in it

As you know, Germany and America have been fighting in the arms industry since the thirties of the last century. "Arms race", this name was given to the scientific rivalry of these powers in the last century. But why should these already powerful powers fight for military primacy?

As you know, Hitler was a fan of the theory of the superiority of the Aryan race over other races, so he sought to bring Germany to the forefront in the field of military equipment and weapons in general. By proving by this the inviolability of the German nation and its traditions. Back in the thirties of the last century, he launched a large-scale campaign to modernize the country's military potential and spent huge sums of money on research and development in this area.

But how did Hitler decide to make his state the leader in armaments among the other powers? As you know, Germany has been looking for a method of creating an alternative weapon for many years, the power of which could not be found anywhere else in the world. It had to be something unexplored, untested, so that competitors would not be able to create an analogue of this weapon for many years.

In order to test new scientific developments in the arms industry, Germany used territories far from the mainland. These were scientific and military training grounds, one of which was the island of Rugen. Since the early thirties of the last century, dozens of German military bases were deployed on its territory at different times, each of which had its own scientific task.

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Scientific experiments on the island of Rügen

It should be noted that all scientific experiments conducted by Germany were kept in strict secrecy. This was logical, since industrial espionage was already flourishing in those years. Rivals in the arms race tried in every possible way to find out what the research institutes in Germany were actually doing.

Until today, most of the developments of that time remain secret. Only one thing is known - after an extraordinary experiment, the island has changed significantly. All signs of life disappeared from a huge part of it, buildings were destroyed to pieces. But what led to such large-scale consequences? A series of explosions, air attacks? No - just one explosion that caused such large-scale cataclysms.

According to unofficial reports, we are talking about a German military experiment on the island of Rügen in the early thirties of the last century. As eyewitnesses describe, an explosion sounded in the depths of the island and a pillar of fire appeared in the sky, which then acquired the shape of a mushroom. The explosion radius was several kilometers. After the shock wave swept across the island under its influence, buildings were destroyed, animals and plants were burned to the ground, although eyewitnesses did not observe the fire itself.

Such descriptions are characteristic of nuclear explosions. Among other things, those who were within a radius of ten kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion felt severely unwell. They had bleeding, blood pressure rose sharply, and complaints of body aches and vomiting were also reported. Everything pointed to the chemical poisoning suffered by the inhabitants of the island.

The worst thing was that after the explosion, the victims were not given assistance as they were struck by nuclear weapons, but symptomatic assistance was provided. Because in those years, scientists did not see the point in talking about atomic weapons, since even in laboratory conditions they had not yet been able to split an atom.

Today, scientists who have examined the meager reports of that very explosion on the island of Rügen come to the conclusion that this was the first conscious attempt by Hitler Germany to create a powerful and all terrifying weapon. The only thing that the German scientists indignantly pointed out was the insignificant radius of the explosion. As conceived by the Germans, it was supposed to cover a radius of several tens, or even hundreds of kilometers. The Germans did not manage to achieve such a large-scale effect immediately. The reason for this could have been the active surveillance of the military activities of Germany by the American special services.

Already in those years it was becoming clear that Hitler was preparing for a large-scale attack on his enemy. But none of the neighboring countries of Germany could have imagined that they would be drawn into a world war, which the aggressor Adolf Hitler would start. Although the country has always been distinguished by developed patriotic and social values, suddenly it was on the verge of a grand opening in the arms industry. Something was clearly wrong here. And the intelligence services of the USSR and America, suspecting an impending world conflict, began to more actively conduct their research in the atomic energy industry, study the experience of other states in this industry.

It is worth noting that after that incident on the island of Rügen, Germany no longer conducted any tests with the atom. The island has remained almost completely abandoned. Today, scientists, studying its ecosystem, come to the conclusion that the mutation of genes of plants and animals on its territory does not stop to this day. What does this mean? This confirms the hypothesis of scientists about a possible atomic explosion on the island. But what is so surprising to scientists in the fact that an atomic explosion took place here?

They are surprised that Germany was able to overtake America in nuclear development for a whole decade. But why, after the experiment on the island of Rügen, Germany did not test its atomic weapons anywhere else? Perhaps this is just a prejudice, and in fact the experiments were carried out under the heading "secret". Today, scientists do not have accurate data confirming this hypothesis. One can only guess how the course of the Second World War would end if Germany began to use atomic weapons in it. Then the atom could not be called "peaceful".
