Malaysian Boeing Passengers Were Abducted By Aliens - Alternative View

Malaysian Boeing Passengers Were Abducted By Aliens - Alternative View
Malaysian Boeing Passengers Were Abducted By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Malaysian Boeing Passengers Were Abducted By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Malaysian Boeing Passengers Were Abducted By Aliens - Alternative View
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According to the assumptions of ufologists, in 2014 the passengers of the Malaysia Airlines plane were abducted by aliens. Experts cite as evidence the story of one of the eyewitnesses of the events who managed to survive after the UFO attack. As the man said, he fell asleep on the plane in the chair at night. However, when he woke up, he found four mysterious creatures near him.

A participant in the events noted that two of them were tall - over two meters, while their legs and arms were unusually thin. While the heads were disproportionately large. In addition, the skin of the aliens was bright blue. The other two creatures were small, and their skin was light gray. At the same time, the heads of the aliens were large, and their hands were thin with thin fingers, but rather strong wrists. According to the narrator, he was surrounded by servants of larger beings.

An eyewitness admitted that he believes that aliens could transport all passengers to another dimension, where time passes in a completely different way, and not like on Earth. The man explained that he woke up only the next day at lunchtime. The witness specified that his fingers were healed of previously identified diseases. According to a participant in the events, the aliens could heal all the passengers of the plane from ailments using their unique technologies. Ufologists note that at present, scientists have not been able to find an explanation for the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane. As experts clarify, many facts were carefully hidden.