Tsarskiye Vorota, Sverdlovsk Region - Alternative View

Tsarskiye Vorota, Sverdlovsk Region - Alternative View
Tsarskiye Vorota, Sverdlovsk Region - Alternative View

Video: Tsarskiye Vorota, Sverdlovsk Region - Alternative View

Video: Tsarskiye Vorota, Sverdlovsk Region - Alternative View
Video: Hotel "Razdolie" Kosulino, Sverdlovsk region _Full HD 2024, July

As if anticipating the destructive energy of the Golden Gate, nature hid the abnormal arches away from humans. Even today, when the entire inaccessible mountainous region of the northern part of the Sverdlovsk region is covered with tourist trails, few manage to get to the Golden Gate. At the same time, the search for the gate is associated with such difficulties and consequences that few dare to undertake such a campaign.

Who, when and for what purposes created these grandiose stone arches with through-hole diameters over 4 m on a rock near the shores of Vizhaya, today no one can say. Perhaps the arches, together with a couple of through caves located near them, constituted a ritual complex of the ancient Mansi people, who inhabited these lands since time immemorial, and perhaps the arches are a variant of the remnants formed as a result of the weathering of rocks by strong northern winds. But no matter what origin, natural or shamanic, they may be, according to local legends of the Northern Urals, the Golden (or Tsar's) gates are endowed with tremendous energetic power and are a kind of transitional bridge between two worlds: the living and the otherworldly, therefore the Mansi warn everyone who wants to go to the gate, from the desire to pass through them. According to local legends,for every daredevil who passed through the arches, the great god of the river Vizhay will turn all his crushing anger.


However, not everyone listens to the words of the representatives of the ancient people; and these are the events that unfold, according to eyewitnesses, after that. As soon as one person or group passes under the arches, a fine day is abruptly replaced by bad weather. According to the assurances of the participants in such events, who were fortunate enough to stay alive even after passing through the gates, 2 hours after overcoming them, the whole sky was covered with leaden clouds, a strong thunderstorm broke out with a tropical rainstorm.

Translated into Russian, the word "Mansi" means "people", but before the October Revolution, most Russians, following the Komi people, called the Mansi Voguls, which means "savages". In Soviet times, such a name was considered offensive and they were given the name by which this nation identifies itself - Mansi.


The calm river turned into a swift, sweeping stream, and the Vladimir rapids, located downstream, made evacuation from the flooded place almost impossible. Those who passed the gate managed to find a relatively high and safe place on one of the rocky and inaccessible banks of the Vizhay, otherwise they would have died, as many desperate daredevils perished: being on a mountain river in such weather is deadly. After waiting for several days until the river calms down, the expedition continued on its way, and as soon as people crossed the dangerous rapids, sunny and clear weather set in again, as if there had not been several days of rain. According to the testimony of the Mansi, such a sharp change in weather is not at all characteristic of their northern edge and the downpour was caused by the passage of the energy Golden Gate.

From the book: 'The Mysterious Places of Russia . Shnurovozova Tatiana

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