Stepwell - A UFO Trap? - Alternative View

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Stepwell - A UFO Trap? - Alternative View
Stepwell - A UFO Trap? - Alternative View

Video: Stepwell - A UFO Trap? - Alternative View

Video: Stepwell - A UFO Trap? - Alternative View
Video: The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed - Full Movie 2024, July

The name "air defense object" is too broad a concept that includes a whole range of devices. We need to move on to more specific details, which will certainly help to characterize the subject of our research - step wells. And here you can see the construction of a narrower plan - a trap, a trap of an enemy flying object (UFO).

We have already encountered traps. Where the most common was cromlech, this menhir circle. Its construction (see photo) is simple: these are stone pillars partially dug into the ground. And here cromlech, which is one of the forms of forced energy movement, organizes its vortex rotation. But, this vortex will certainly also suck in additional energy, forming a kind of energy cone above the cromlech. Such as shown on the layout of the Chavin de Huantar (see next photo). But, since there is necessarily a drop in ether pressure on this cone, this device began to be used by the “gods” as a trap for flying vehicles. Where the ethereal-vortex aircraft, falling into the field of action of the funnel, was forcibly captured and with a decrease moved to the focus of the cone, to its apex, to the point of reduced aetheric pressure.


There are also differences: traps can be either passive or active. Those devices in which only the aircraft is captured are of the passive type. But if, after being captured, the device is destroyed in a trap by its fire means, then such structures are already classified as active.


And in the next 2 photographs, diagrams just show active traps from the Peruvian Moray, which is not far from Cusco. It is important that here the traps are stepwise, which also corresponds to the topic of our research. But, even more importantly, there were menhirs on the ring steps - these emitting energy stone “weapon barrels”. Now the enemy aircraft, at first drawn into the cone of the ethereal trap, will definitely be destroyed by the energetic “fire” of its menhirs.

And further. It would not be bad for us to deal with the question: what traps were most in demand in the Indian air defense system? Passive or active? After all, if the crew of the captured aircraft could get out of the passive trap only with feet, then after an active impact - both from the ship and its crew, it is unlikely that anything could remain intact or alive. Therefore, the aspiration of generals of all times is understandable: who needs this fuss with prisoners? - the enemy must be destroyed! And this unambiguously determines the search vector for defensive objects on the Indian Peninsula: the most likely type of UFO traps used here is active!

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The most important requirement for pyramidal objects is the need for their orientation along the Earth's magnetic field, along the magnetic cardinal points. In this case, as is known, the gradient of radiation power losses is ~ 2.8% / deg. For example, if the pyramid deviates from the required direction by only 10 degrees. the power of its radiation will drop by almost a third.

Stepped wells also have a pyramidal shape, but with the difference that this pyramid is buried in the ground. And at the beginning of the study of the issue, I just met wells oriented along the magnetic field. That only confirmed their belonging to the defensive means. But, here came one well with a free orientation of its pyramidal faces, then the second, the third … And my conviction that the functions of these megalithic structures correspond to the supposed ones, was seriously tested. When you had to choose one of two:

- either these wells were really not energy emitters, which means that they were not air defense objects either,

- or they could function as energy emitters, positioning themselves freely, without being tied to the Earth's magnetic field.


The absurdity of the first option - it has already been proven, you just have to re-read the previous 2 pages of this article. But the second, that the pyramidal shafts of wells do not require orientation by the magnetic field - this is already a matter of theory. Unknown theory. Which, apparently, was familiar only to the “gods”. We humans have very little research on the properties of megalithic forms. And one of the most significant is the work of O. Rysiev, presented in his book "The effect of the shape of the pyramids", St. Petersburg, ed. "Dilya", 2005 Where, after careful study, I still managed to find information on the tests of the hollow inverted pyramid. This is just one figure and a few lines, so I will give this material in full:

“As something stable at any position of the operator, the volumetric zones inside and along the edges of the hollow inverted pyramid, shown in Fig. a, b.

There are always negative zones at the corners of the pyramid, bounded by the vertical planes of the parent cube. In the center there are 2 ovoid positive zones, one of which is at the apex. Both with going beyond the boundaries of the pyramid (see Fig. A). If you look at the hollow pyramid from above (see Fig. B), then 4 positive zones are added in the middle part of each of the faces of the pyramid. But these zones change sign when moving from sector to sector, changing the operator's hands and when the pyramid turns around the axis”.

The text is rather stingy, and it also had to be analyzed. It turned out that the hollow inverted pyramid has 6 energy points, these egg-shaped zones-cavities. Where one is located - at the bottom of the pyramid, at its "top", the second - exactly along the axis above the first, half protruding above the cut of the "base" of the pyramid, and four more - at the corners. And finally, the sought question: the position of these 6 energy zones is stable and independent. And, most importantly, we received a theoretical tool for the study of our wells. When it became clear: ordinary pyramidal structures and pyramidal wells are completely different megalithic forms. Forms with fundamentally different properties.

And then it makes sense to summarize all the characteristics we found that should have been stepped wells, being air defense objects. And this:

- megalithic nature of structures;

- massive coverage of almost the entire territory of the Indian Peninsula;

- water in a well is a mandatory and necessary attribute. Water, not intended either for drinking, as the name "well" would suggest, nor for religious ablutions;

- stepped wells were needed for something else, but not for storage and / or domestic use of water;

- it is expected that the main feature of the Indian air defense system will be the use of enemy aircraft as its own destructive energy;

- the sought air defense object must have the ability to re-emit energy;

- stepwell clearly claim the role of emitters of longitudinal wave energy, the possible role of air defense objects;

- the properties of a hollow inverted pyramid and an ordinary pyramid are radically different from each other;

- the most likely type of air defense systems used here should be expected to be active UFO traps;

- the well builders were not people.

Now, you need to superimpose these characteristics on the diagram of the stepped well in order to determine: how does it work to be a UFO trap?


As follows from the theory of the hollow inverted pyramid, the determining factor here is the energy flux emitted by the aircraft located above the well. It is he, and not the 4 fluxes of the planet's electromagnetic energy, acting from 4 sides on any body, that determines the independence of the position of the well from its orientation along the Earth's magnetic field. We also note that it is this aircraft flow that acts in the vertical direction on the elements of the megalithic trap, generating the appearance of 6 energy zones of the inverted pyramid. And this is exactly how a part of the presented circuit works in the mode of receiving energy.

First of all, we will be interested in the lowest point of energy collection, located at the bottom of the well. Flooded, for a reason, with his water.


The radiating elements of the well (see the article "Machu Picchu"), of course, are its steps. Either straight or pyramidal. Such as shown in the next 2 pictures. Where energy is radiated by the edges of the edges of these steps in the direction of the diagonals drawn between their horizontal and vertical surfaces. The configuration of the steps in each well is its own, unique, associated with its own energy spectrum.

It is clear that without the supply of energy under these steps, they cannot be emitters. But how to organize its transfer from the lower zone of the well? Maybe using the stone of the steps as a guide? But, this is not a very good option, it carries great energy losses! And here water comes to the rescue, the water of the well. And we will also use the knowledge gained during the research of construction technologies in Angkor (see the article "Angkor - the city of gods"). There, the builders of the defensive systems of the same empire of Rama used wet sand to transfer energy. Rather, a wet sandy layer on which the emitter stone was laid. And if the reader looks again at the diagram of the well, he will see an image of this layer in the form of 2 inclined gray-blue lines. Those lines that go under the steps from the water mirror to the daytime surface of the structure.

Wet sand under the steps is a very important structural element of a well. Allowing:

- transfer the energy accumulated in the lower zone to the radiating elements and, - through the modulation of this flux, form the energy cone of the trap.

Note that we have just described the functioning of the structure in terms of receiving energy from the aircraft. Having described the work of an active trap at the preparatory stage. Where, to turn it on (to create an ether-vortex cone and deliver damaging radiation), you already need to use the 2nd energy flow modulated by a low-frequency signal. Applying for this a special modulator (M). It should be noted that the same enemy aircraft is used here as the source of the input microwave flow. But the output flow of this modulator - it is supplied either to one or to several remaining energy zones of the hollow pyramid, or to one of its inclined faces (the diagram of the well shows a variant of supplying the energy of the modulator to the central upper zone). And now, when the aircraft tries to fly over the trap, the latter is immediately activated,forming a cone of capture and directing a stream of destructive energy impact on this apparatus.

But, there is one subtlety: the trap is designed only to defeat enemy aircraft, their own vehicles must remain unharmed. For this, the design of the trap must include a fuse. Allows you to manually transfer it into combat mode of use. When it is clear that after such an activation, the flights of their own aircraft are prohibited here. As an example of such fuses, one can cite the design of the North Caucasian dolmens. And there: if a stone plug is inserted into the body of the facade slab, the dolmen is turned off. But if it is removed from the hole of the slab, the dolmen is in combat mode.

Similar technical solutions are also used in step traps. And here, to turn off the combat mode, you can use the interruption of one of the 2 radiation fluxes - laminar or modulated. The first option is quite complicated in technical performance, but the second is much easier. In this connection, the 2nd variant of protection performance can be expected in practice. And on the well diagram, this switch is shown as a green cross, blocking the output flux of the modulator.

The presence of one more feature of this design should be expected in the interaction of 2 energy flows: a modulator and a stepped emitter. When it is clear that the effect of the modulator on the emitter is not only permissible, but also necessary. But the movement of energy in the opposite direction, when the modulated flow of a stepped emitter affects the modulator, should be strictly prohibited. Otherwise, it is necessary to expect the appearance of parasitic feedbacks and the self-generation of the “enraged” energy.

Summing up some intermediate result, it should be noted that we have defined both the theoretical image of the sought-for Indian UFO trap, as well as its partial projection onto the construction of the local stepped wells. And it is understandable: the final conclusion that all these stepped wells, erected on the lands of ancient India, were created as means of air defense of the empire, as a multiple set of active traps - this conclusion can be drawn only after the theoretical image is superimposed on practical implementations, and their mutual correspondence is checked.

Surya Kunda Well

This pyramidal stepped well of the Temple of the Sun in Modhera is already known to us. We met him in the first lines of this article. And from the presented photographic material it can be seen that its water basin has a rectangular shape, and the edges of the well are characterized by the absence of any structures on them, introducing disharmony into the shape of this regular “antipyramid”. When this shape and size of these faces completely determine the parameters of the pyramidal cone of the ether-vortex trap.


The same figured turrets inside, and the steps of the well themselves - they, as it turned out, determine the harmonic spectrum of the radiated energy, unique, inimitable. A mandatory bath attribute is water. Used to recharge the sandy layer, on which the stepped stone is laid.


There are 2 more structures of this "temple" next to the water pool: Sabha mandap and Guda mandap. The first building, Sabha mandap, looks like a stone gazebo with an 8-sided roof. And this structure acts as a modulator that emits a rotating stream of energy. Further, in the depths of the complex, there is the 2nd structure, but already having a built-in dolmen inside.

Now, when the well is irradiated with the energy of the aircraft, each of its structures will perform its intended constructive function. In the water basin, the received energy will be supplied through the sandy layer under each step and each tower of the well. The energy generated by the modulator will be sent to the central area above the top edge of the bath. As a final result, an energy cone of the trap will immediately be formed, holding the aircraft in its field of influence, and a stream of damaging energy will be directed to the air object.

Note that the Guda mandap dolmen has not yet participated in this process: its outlet channel directed towards Sabha mandap was drowned out. Now, if it was necessary to turn off the trap, this was done by removing the mentioned stub. And then the dolmen irradiated by the aircraft began to emit a directed flow of energy, which, like a stick in a wheel, stopped the rotation of the Sabha mandap energy and, thereby, stopped the operation of the modulator.

It should also be noted that in the design of the complex under consideration, there are no visible measures to prevent parasitic autogeneration. Although this is not the case: the Sabha mandap octagonal modulation generator was installed on a special colonnade and at some distance from the water basin, which provided it with the required protection.

Chand Baori Well

This famous well from the state of Rajasthan, from the entire family of step wells, is perhaps the only one known to the wide Internet community in Russia, including tourists. The title of this article is also dedicated to him.


Chand Baori also belongs to the pyramidal type. But, its configuration, in contrast to Surya Kunda, is characterized by the replacement of one stepped face with a stone multi-storey structure, introducing some disharmony into the expected correct form. If we compare the emitters of these 2 complexes, then each of them has its own pattern, its own format of steps. Which, of course, is due to the condition of the uniqueness of the spectra of the emitted energy.

And here there are no fundamental differences in the design of a water basin visible to the eye or a sandy layer hidden under the stone jacket of the emitter. Differences should be expected only in the part of the configuration of the volumetric cone of the trap, which is due to the absence of radiating steps on the 4th face of the well.


In Chand Baori there are as many as 6 modulators: four 8-angle towers installed at the corners of the bath, and two dolmens, stepped along the height of the 4th face of the well. The octagonal modulators are located exactly above the 4 angular energy zones of the inverted pyramid and, during operation, directly send their modulated energy flows into the well. The launch of these modulators is also carried out by the energy flow of an enemy aircraft located above the well. The stone gallery connecting all 4 modulators provides frequency-phase synchronization of the radiation of these generators. Switching off 4 modulators is carried out with the help of plugs of special dolmen chambers. Cameras located here in the gallery.

The other 2 modulators are huge dolmens with equally impressive resonator chambers. Both dolmens are displaced both in height and in the horizon. What defines this measure as the desire to make these modulators independent of each other, with complete decoupling of their energy flows. The work of these modulators, like the work of 4 others, begins from the moment the dolmens are irradiated with an external energy source. And here the output streams of 2 modulators are directed to the opposite stepped edge of the well, activating, together with 4 others, the appearance of a capturing cone of the trap and the beginning of a force energy impact on the enemy vehicle. Switching off these 2 modulators is done with the help of stone plugs-plugs installed in the front slabs of the dolmens.

Prevention of parasitic autogeneration of 2 dolmen modulators is carried out by a special stone colonnade surrounding their structure. The other 4 modulators are outside the coverage area of the emitting cone and therefore do not require special protection measures.

Well of Adalaj Vav

The Adalaj Vav linear stepped well is located in Ahmadabad, Gujarat state.

The design of this cruciform structure is rather complicated, but we will try to deal with it and with all the features of the operation of this well. Indeed, in fact, in its volume, 2 separate stepped wells are articulated, where each has its own set of mandatory elements.


The first well is part of the overall structure shown in the diagram on the left. It includes a radiator (Step. Iz. 1), containing 3 stone stepped spans, directed in 3 directions at right angles. The well is served by its own modulator (Mod. 1), and it has its own work switch (Off 1)

The second well occupies the rest of the overall structure and has its own 5-span stepped radiator (Std. Nd.2). It also has its own modulator (Mod. 2) and its own switch (Off 2).

But, the water supply for the entire structure is common, and it is stored at the lowest point of the pool, in a stone tank under the modulator Mod.2. And here is how the cruciform tape of the sandy substrate will be laid here in order to ensure its mandatory and constant humidity, and therefore the transfer of the energy received from the aircraft to all 8-stage emitters - I leave these reflections to the reader.

The operation of the first well is activated by starting the modulator Mod. 1. Which is an 8-gon, made of horizontally lying stone beams. Having received a portion of energy from an aircraft flying over the well, this stone figure becomes a megalithic generator, rotating a modulated output energy flow in the horizon. Then everything happens in a standard way: the emitter is activated, a trap cone is formed (here - 3-petal), and 3 sections of the emitter send striking energy flows in the direction of the normals to their surfaces.


The 2nd well is also activated at the same time, but already after starting its modulator (Mod. 2). This modulator is designed as a 4-storey modulator, where all its 4 generator octa-gons emit modulated energy flows in their horizontal layers. Note that the transfer of this energy between floors is provided by vertical columns supporting all octagonal rings of the modulator. And then - on each floor, their own emitter forms: both its own part of the general linear-broken cone of the trap, and its own particular flow of damaging energy.

The overall configuration of the trap created by both wells is rather exotic. The general configuration of the total flow of damaging energy looks just as bizarre. Which, of course, only contributes to misleading the enemy.

But the shutdown of both wells is carried out according to the standard scheme - by stopping the supply of modulated flows. Although there is a peculiarity: both there and there - this is done using round stepped wells. But let's look at the reality.

It is interesting that the round well - this switch of the 1st modulator is at a decent distance from it - on the rightmost console of the entire structure. That is, to stop the rotation of the energy of the modulator, it is necessary to supply it with the energy flow of a round well through the entire total length of the complex. The switching on of this modulator is performed by the opposite action - by closing the outlet damper of the round well.


The on-off elements of the second half of the complex are duplicated, which was done, apparently, in order to ensure the safety of flights of their aircraft. And here, as switching devices, we see 2 new round step wells installed on the sides of the Mod.2 modulator. In the figures above, you can see not only their location, but also the configuration of the step-screw tract of the wells, as well as the path of their energy flows under all 4 modulator rings. And it is understandable: the exit doors of these round wells are open - the 2nd half of the complex is turned off, and closed - the combat mode is on.


The next 3 photographs show: 4 rings of the 2nd modulator and 2 colonnades, ensuring the prevention of parasitic autogeneration. The first colonnade is a structural element of the Adalaj Vav, which is represented here with great weight: a spatial structure of stone beams and columns filled the entire volume of the stepped well. This structure, which resembles the frame of a multi-storey building with no wall, floor or ceiling panels installed, protects the 2nd modulator The 3rd photo shows a similar colonnade, but located in the Preah Khan temple in Angkor. Similar stone filter plugs used to prevent the appearance of the so-called. "Enraged energy" are built into structures (see the article "Angkor - the city of gods") and other temples: Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdey, etc. The generator ring of the 1st modulator also has a similar protection:its octagon is surrounded by a rim of superstructures and is installed on its colonnade.

So, we looked at 3 different-type stepped wells as examples. Considered to test their functional and constructive compliance with theoretical assumptions. Those that were defined a little earlier. And, most importantly, no contradictions were revealed here. When the main conclusion can be drawn: "India's stairwells are UFO traps!"

But, now this article is finished, which tells about a new vision of the air defense system of the Rama empire. Now covering the entire territory of ancient India. Moreover, similar systems were erected by other incivilizations on Earth: the Sumerians - in Europe and South America, the Indian "gods" - first on the lands of Central China, and then - in Cambodia and the Indian Peninsula, the Hathors - in Central America.

Ask why?

Everything is simple: the "gods" were afraid of each other, did not trust. But, more often than not, they fought among themselves. And this aggressiveness, these militant obscurantism and rabies, unfortunately, were inherited by the people they created.

Can we end our wars? I doubt. And you?

Go for it, Alexander Makhov