Fight Against Darkness - Alternative View

Fight Against Darkness - Alternative View
Fight Against Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Fight Against Darkness - Alternative View

Video: Fight Against Darkness - Alternative View
Video: Alternate Future of Dark Europe The Movie: Awakening of a Nightmare 2024, July

Let's refer to the research of scientists: November is a time of exacerbation of all kinds of depressions. There are many reasons, and one of the main ones is an insufficient amount of light.

November is the darkest month of the year. In Moscow, at the beginning of November, the duration of the bright part of the day is 9 hours, and at the end - only 7.5 hours. And it would be time to get used to it, but it does not work out - for social reasons, in November, both children and adults see the "white light" very little or do not see at all, as they are in institutions. What to do?

The same thing that the inhabitants of the northern countries have done for a long time - to play with fire!

Reasonable, of course.

Fireplaces, candles, torches, lamps, illumination - all this can support not only the objective physiological tone of a person, but also balance, harmonize his energy, and simplify the road to the winter solstice. Any light sources provide an inflow of yang energy, the energy of light, which is so lacking in late autumn - against the backdrop of a majestic excess of yin, the energy of dusk, dampness, coolness and silence.

The usual advice from a Feng Shui master for November is to check the wiring. Assess whether your child's workplace and the nursery as a whole are well lit, whether there is enough light inside the apartment, whether there is lighting in all critical corners. Get creative with today's energy-efficient lighting technologies, LED strip lighting and many more “make yourself light” options. If in summer the insufficient illumination of the home gets away with, then November quickly shows all the "dark zones". And they, of course, need to be eliminated.

The hallway should be very brightly lit. Moreover, here you need a muted "standby" lighting and a bright lamp, ceiling or wall lamp, which allows you to easily find keys, a glove or a dropped ticket.

In the nursery, the main stream of light should come from the ceiling and be sufficient to read without difficulty in the farthest corner of the room. It is considered favorable that there are five light sources in the nursery. Ceiling and desktop work plus a funny night light - three of them, and two more, make up yourself!

Promotional video:

In the bedroom, sufficient light is welcome, but not too bright. For both sleepers, lamps of the same power, design and located at the same height should be arranged. This rule allows you to maintain peace and harmony in the family.

In a long corridor, it is imperative to arrange an LED or long spot ceiling lamp, which according to Feng Shui is called the "path of light". Such lighting contributes to the normal energy in housing and the harmonization of space, as well as the growth of well-being.

The good illumination of the aquarium saturates the house with inner light and positive energy.

The magnificent mascot of the month is the lighthouse. A sculpture or a painting - of your choice, just remember - the image of a lighthouse will support the energy of any home in the dark.

Well, of course, we don't forget the candles - we just use them in compliance with all fire safety rules!

Natalie Luo Yang